what disc brake pads?

stev0 Posts: 131
edited February 2009 in MTB buying advice
hi guys im after some new pads for my formula oro discs brakes, just wanna know what brake pads to go for, i want some pads which are long lasting and good in particulary wet and muddy conditions.


  • mfin
    mfin Posts: 6,729
    I asked the same question a couple of weeks ago, didn't get any opinions. I had read some comments on poor fitting with fibrax, and in the end went with Goodridge sintered (g star). They're fine performance wise, pads only just went in but they did), I've found they don't honk in the wet quite as much as the Oro OEM Sintered ones I had been using. No idea on wear yet. Cheap non sintered ones you could try are Imperial ones from mtbdirect? I wanted to stick with sintered, Swisstop are supposed to be good but I couldn't find them in stock anywhere.
  • llamafarmer
    llamafarmer Posts: 1,848
    I'll be interested in the answer to this, I've got the original organic ones in mine at the moment, but can't imagine they'll last all that long so I need some sintered spares.
  • mfin
    mfin Posts: 6,729
    llamaf... take it your brakes are on a cube from the logo and cubes widespread speccing of them... which cube have you got then and what do you think of it?
  • dave_hill
    dave_hill Posts: 3,877
    +1 for Goodridge G-Stars. Won't have anything else now.
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  • Yup, goodrige g* sintered, longest lasting pads I've had on any brake, bite well too.
    That's what I use in all me brakes, oro, juicy, xt.
    Once bedded in well I've had 5 months out of a set in dark peak winter.