best durable tyres

volvine Posts: 409
edited March 2009 in Road beginners
i have been trawling through old post's and am struggling to find what is regarded as the best puncture resistant road tyre i remember a thread roughly 6 months ago mentioning one brand and also remember there was a massive shortage of them can anyone remember??? :?


  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    Michelin krylion carbons, as recommended by willhub
    I like bikes...

  • Schwalbe Marathon Plus, if you don't mind the weight. Very fat anti-puncture strip in these:- ... s-atb.html
  • yup 2nd the marthon pluses they are last word in anti fairy tires, fairly hard work though. but very dependable.
  • I'll second the Krylions.
    They are nice and light, handle well in the wet, and mine have never punctured after 2000 miles on London roads.
    Good luck finding them unless Michelin have finished their ‘Pro 3 Race’ run and they're back in production.

    Here's some reviews.
  • ademort
    ademort Posts: 1,924
    +1 for the Michelin Krylion carbons, they are the best IMHO.
    Ademort :wink:
    Chinarello, record and Mavic Cosmic Sl
    Gazelle Vuelta , veloce
    Giant Defy 4
    Mirage Columbus SL
    Batavus Ventura
  • volvine
    volvine Posts: 409
    thanks for the reply's guys and gals will have to see if i can hunt down a set of the mich's not been successful so far though. :(
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    They had them in Decathlon in Stockport a few weeks ago...
    I like bikes...

  • shane515
    shane515 Posts: 139
    +1 for the Michelin Krylion also, but they are VERY VERY hard to find, as posted above last time I found some was in Decathlon Thurrock. Gave up in the end and went for PR3 but knowing my luck the Krylion will come back in stock now :?

  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    If you want absolute puncture resistance, then it has to be Swalbe Marathons. If you want a fast road tyre that is pretty resistant, the the Krylions are the ones to have. You can pick two from speed, comfort or durability but you generally can't have all three!
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • volvine
    volvine Posts: 409
    don't think the speed of the tyres will come into it tbh i dont go fast enough lol :lol::lol::lol:
  • passout
    passout Posts: 4,425
    edited February 2009
    Swalbe Marathon Plus (£19 from Spa Cycles which is a bargain) are the most durable but not exactly light. Continental Contact Sports are a similar product - a bit lighter but a little less robust (see Planet X for keen prices). The new Contact Sports come with a 1 year no puncture guarantee. Contintental Gator Skins are pretty tough and a popular winter tyre - fairly light too (see Ribble, Planet X and Wiggle do a good deal if you buy two).

    All are widely available.

    You need to think about width too - what will fit your bike? 23,25,28, 32 or 35mm? For most road stuff 25mm are good or maybe 28mm if speed isn't your first priority and you have the clearance. For me it's 23mm in summer and 25mm in winter on my road bike and 32mm on my cross/commuter bike. I like the Gators as a winter tyre for my racer and marathon plus for commuting.
    'Happiness serves hardly any other purpose than to make unhappiness possible' Marcel Proust.
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    Krylions may be good, but what use is a tyre if nobody can get hold of it..?

    Conti GP 4 seasons are my personal favourite - and it is actually possible to buy them for real money...
  • Folding Rubino Pros (1 puncture in 12+ months). Now on the Winter hack. I'm light (10" 10" ish) so I don't know what they are like for heavier riders. Always put in 100 psi. They are just staritng to show signs of cuts but I'll run them until Spring and I get the good bike out.
  • simon_e
    simon_e Posts: 1,707
    Bontrager Race Lite Hardcase 28mm holding up well here. Last time I looked they could be found as cheap as £10 on t'web (All Terrain Cycles IIRC).
    Aspire not to have more, but to be more.
  • Aguila
    Aguila Posts: 622
    Conti ultra gatorskins. roll v fast and great grip. I've done over 3000 miles on mine over mixed road/cycle lanes and had only one puncture, I wouldnt change them for anything else.

    I've also heard people recommend specialized armadillos.
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    I use Specialized All Conditions Pro's - never punctured in about 10k miles on two sets.
  • volvine
    volvine Posts: 409
    looked at the Swalbe Marathon Plus and thought they where a little too touring type i would prefere them a little slicker tbh are the gator skins the same tread or that bit more slick???
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    edited February 2009
    Marathon Plus weigh a lot (700g?) and don't puncture, Spesh All Cond Pro's weigh 225g and don't puncture, Gatorskins (for some people) wear quick, cut readily and puncture often. I would go Hard Cases (for cheap), Spesh All Conds for general road riding, and Marathon (regular) for touring. Marathon Pluses if you really are having severe puncture probs, though they will add about 1kg to your combined wheel weight. What may help me is that I am very diligent on tyre pressures, and run 115psi and check regularly (weekly).
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    Websters currently have Spesh AC pros for £35 a pair either in black or Quick Step team red.
  • paul_or
    paul_or Posts: 156
    Steve Kish wrote:
    Schwalbe Marathon Plus, if you don't mind the weight. Very fat anti-puncture strip in these:- ... s-atb.html

    I second that, had a pair for most of last year and not one puncture even through the tractor-driven hedge butchering season!!
    visit my blog for more excitement
  • I'd go for Conti Gatorskins. They're on offer at Wiggle at the moment. I've switched from Marathon Pluses, which I found sluggish and difficult to remove when punctures occured.
  • I'm with paul_or ( & also in Suffolk ). I even had p******e problems with regular kevlar
    protected Marathons. Since switching to Marathon Plus' so far not one p******e in about 1000 miles on crappy pot-holed/half arsed repaired roads. Yes they are heavy but once you get them up to speed they roll adequatley ( for commuting anyway ) If it's any help I run them at 100psi.
  • Elganesh
    Elganesh Posts: 143
    +1 for Conti Gatorskins, 2100 miles and still going strong. I'm looking to try out GP 4seasonS next.
    FCN = 4.5 Roadie, hairy legs, half a beard (say goateeeeee!)
  • passout
    passout Posts: 4,425
    Remember though, tyre width and PSI are important too.

    I'm suprised that nobody has mentioned the Conti. Sport Contact - with the 1 year no puncture guarantee. They got excellent reviews.

    As mentioned previously I just bought a pair of Marathon Plus Tyres for £19 each from Spa Cycles in Harrogate. Significantly cheaper than Wiggle and the other usual on-line sources. For a narrow tyre I'd say Gators.
    'Happiness serves hardly any other purpose than to make unhappiness possible' Marcel Proust.
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    I'll mention the Conti Sport Contact, I tried them on my commuter, impressed by the guarantee, thinking "wow, they must be sure of their product to offer that!" In reality the guarantee is worthless - I got frequent punctures and within 4 months the rear tyre had worn so that it had corners! Loads of cuts too. To claim you have to take the tyre and tube to the bike shop, they then replace it - fine, except when I get a puncture I need to fix it and keep on riding not take time out to travel to a bike shop (or post tyre and tube to an online retailer) before I ride again. Of course I could keep a spare tyre for such eventualities but that is a hassle. Their guarantee means nothing in terms of puncture resistance of their product, they are made of a very soft compound that cuts and punctures easily. I would prefer a tyre that actually functioned well rather than one that offered a guarantee that few will bother to claim on.

    Went back to all conditions pro's after my brief folly with conti. No punctures on them, ever - guarantee not offered nor required! Same experience with gatorskins on my road bike.
  • passout
    passout Posts: 4,425
    Alfablue - that's interesting. I'm glad that I didn't buy the Conti Sports then! I haven't had problems with the Gators on my road bike but it's early days yet I guess.
    'Happiness serves hardly any other purpose than to make unhappiness possible' Marcel Proust.
  • +however many it is for Gators.
  • sloxam
    sloxam Posts: 861
    ordered some krylions from wiggle on monday who state they have none in stock, got an email to say they would be delayed and they came this morning! £20 each, much cheaper than bike24! i'll put em on and go for a spin at lunchtime. i got them on recommendatons from this forum and they're to replace some armadillos that never puncture, but are soooo heavy.
    i hate hills (cos i'm fat)
  • Andy140
    Andy140 Posts: 130
    Marathon plus for commuting on my old hack - heavy but very good & conti 4 season on the best bike, had them for couple of months with no compliants and seen the wear very well.
  • dg74
    dg74 Posts: 656
    currently looking at the Schwalbe Blizzard Sport.

    Anyone used them/know of anyone who's used them?