Vibrating Pedels

mcflyss Posts: 257
edited February 2009 in MTB beginners
Hi all.

Sorry if this is a noob Q but I need to ask for help.

I was about to give my old Kracken to my brother after upgrading to a Rockhopper, any way, i was adjusting the brakes on the bike and when i went up into the high gears the pedels would vibrate and make a funny noise.

Is this the bearings going?.... and sorry, I am lame at my terminology.. the bearings going in the bit where the pedels join the bike.. the crank?

If this is the case, how easy is it to replace them?
Can any one point me in the direction of a very good 'How 2'
and even better if some one is able to tell me exactly what I would need to complete the job and maybe even show me where to find the tools etc!

One last thing, I really want to try and do this myself, BUT if all else fails how much would a normal LBS charge to do a job like this?

Thank you in advance, im sure I will get lots of help!!


  • stumpyjon
    stumpyjon Posts: 4,069
    Bearing replacement will depend on the pedal. Some are loose bearings with cones (which may be loose hence the vibration).

    To be honest you may just be better off with some new pedals.

    There are links to the Park Tools website in the tech section which should give you some pointers.

    If you could tell us what pedals you've got (or a photo) we may be able to some may specific advice.
    It's easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission.

    I've bought a new bike....ouch - result
    Can I buy a new bike?...No - no result
  • mcflyss
    mcflyss Posts: 257
    I can indeed put some photo's up, but is that the pedel end of the arm or is it not the bit where the arm joins the bike. Sorry i am new to trying to fix bikes and am unsure on what every thing is called.
  • mcflyss
    mcflyss Posts: 257
    I can indeed put some photo's up, but is that the pedel end of the arm or is it not the bit where the arm joins the bike. Sorry i am new to trying to fix bikes and am unsure on what every thing is called.
  • Hi, maybe this might help you a little...

  • stumpyjon
    stumpyjon Posts: 4,069
    Ah right, I understand a bit more now. There are bearings in the pedal itself which can fail and there are bearings where the cranks (the arms) go through the frame. The bearings inside the frame are called the bottom bracket (no idea why). I think if I were you I'd pop down to my local bikeshop and get them to have a look. Replacing a bottom bracket isn't difficult but you do need the right tools, know which type of bottom bracket you've got and if you don't line it up properly with the threads in the frame you can cross thread it which trashes the frame (which isn't good :roll: ).
    It's easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission.

    I've bought a new bike....ouch - result
    Can I buy a new bike?...No - no result
  • mcflyss
    mcflyss Posts: 257
    Oh i see.
    Any one have a clue how much that might cost?]

    Thanks for the help so far!
  • how much what might cost, replacing the BB?

    no more than £25-£30 for a cheap one,including fitting, then anything up to £100's for the very best.
  • mcflyss
    mcflyss Posts: 257
    mcflyss wrote:
    Oh i see.
    Any one have a clue how much that might cost?]

    Thanks for the help so far!
    Sorry i did niot make that clear, i meant if i was to take to a LBS to get it fixed.

    How do I work out what bits to buy any one?

    It is a Carrea Kracken and is 4yrs old, Here are some pics if that helps??





  • stumpyjon
    stumpyjon Posts: 4,069
    Take the bike to your LBS, let them work out what bottom bracket you need. Whole lot including fitting shouldn't be more than £35, if you're lucky they'll do it there and then (10 minute job).

    Also worth getting them to look at it in case it isn't the bottom bracket.
    It's easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission.

    I've bought a new bike....ouch - result
    Can I buy a new bike?...No - no result
  • mcflyss
    mcflyss Posts: 257
    Cheers Stumpy, might just do that.