iTunes help

gb-locks Posts: 62
edited January 2009 in The bottom bracket
I've just updated to a new version of iTunes , which for some reason has left my library empty, is there a way I can transfer the music from my ipod into my iTunes library? If I just sync my ipod I'll lose all the music. Any ideas??
It's not the size of dog in the fight but the size of fight in the dog.


  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    Is it because your old library was not in the default location? You can specify (or browse for) your library in one of the menus (can't remember which one). I have to redo the location each time I upgrade. Most likely your library is there somewhere, the upgrade won't have deleted it.

    There are various freeware that will import from your iPod, but I think your issue is the above.

    Whatever, don't connect your iPod with iTunes running if it is set to synchronise automatically, until you have checked the above.
  • google for expod, if you're on a mac. it's free and will copy your music from your ipod to your hard drive. i use it to keep a backup at work.
    riding on my bicycle, i saw a motorcrash…
  • Harp
    Harp Posts: 79
    Does anyone know why my IPOD lists two albums about 5 times each and how I sort it ?
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    There may be duplicates, in which case you can remove them, File, Show Duplicates, then select and delete them.

    More likely, there may be some tracks for the Album that have incorrect information. Right click on the track, Get Info, see if some have different details, such as Artist Name, Album, Genre etc, and correct them so they all read the same. Small details matter - so for example, you may have some tracks with the artist "Prodigy" or "The Prodigy" or "Prodigy, The" - they would all appear separately depending on the view you are looking at.
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    alfablue wrote:
    Is it because your old library was not in the default location? You can specify (or browse for) your library in one of the menus (can't remember which one). I have to redo the location each time I upgrade. Most likely your library is there somewhere, the upgrade won't have deleted it.

    To do this, go to Edit, Preferences, then look here:


    Select change and find your iTunes library folder.
  • Harp
    Harp Posts: 79
    Thanks Alphablue
    There were some irregularities in the listing of the tracks in the albums, can't understand why Itunes recognises them as single albums on my laptop but bungs 5 copies of each onto my Ipod though ?
    Next time I sync I'll see if it has resoved the issue.

    You appear to be the resident Itunes Guru !

    Ta :D
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    I think the difference may be because you might have them sorted by Album/Artist in iTunes, but the iPod shows them by Album...or something like that. Maybe with only some of the tracks showing for each album entry. I think the problem starts when the Album info is imported, particularly if you have imported the mp3's from elsewhere. iTunes will not let you get new album info if the track was not imported directly into iTunes. To fix this (if there are too many to fix manually) I use Musicbrainz Picard tag editor.

    It often takes a few tweaks to get my cover display showing correctly on the iPod.

    Well, I am a very junior Guru, having resisted the dreaded iPod / iTunes for years, I finally caved in 6 months ago. Mainly because of the way it handles podcasts, and because my Onkyo CD/Receiver in the bedroom had a nice iPod dock. So I sold out!

    I am sure there will be much more expert users on this forum!
  • The only thing I managed to salvage were my purchased songs, so I'm just going to download all my CD's again unless I can find a way of transferring my music from my ipod to my iTunes. Cheers Alfablue I know now to back up before upgrade.
    It's not the size of dog in the fight but the size of fight in the dog.
    COVEC Posts: 213

    If you are using a windows based pc then


    I have used it before and it works a treat. I am no computer geek by any stretch of the imagination, so it's dead easy to use