Powertap Elite+ Wheel - any good?

ob Posts: 36
edited January 2009 in Workshop
Hi all

I'm looknig at getting a Powertap Elite+ and am undecided as to whether I should go for the hub only or the wheel. The full wheel is 125quid more than the hub, but it doesn't look particularly aero from the pictures on the CyclePowerMeters website. Does anyone have experience with these wheels, and would they recommend for or against them?



  • ob wrote:
    Hi all

    I'm looknig at getting a Powertap Elite+ and am undecided as to whether I should go for the hub only or the wheel. The full wheel is 125quid more than the hub, but it doesn't look particularly aero from the pictures on the CyclePowerMeters website. Does anyone have experience with these wheels, and would they recommend for or against them?


    The website doesn't say who manufactures the wheel. I have never heard a bad work said about the company though.
    I don't think you can get live data on the road with the Elite + though....I think the Saris site said it was download only and doesn't allow HRM.

    Do you have a Garmin or similar ANT + unit if you are not getting the computer thingy?
    17 Stone down to 12.5 now raring to get back on the bike!
  • ob
    ob Posts: 36
    Thanks for the reply. I've got the Garmin 705, which'll do everything I'm after :)

    I'll probably go for the pre-built wheel option, I've heard good things about the company was well.
  • ob wrote:
    Thanks for the reply. I've got the Garmin 705, which'll do everything I'm after :)

    Including not average the power output correctly!
  • ob
    ob Posts: 36
    Fingers crossed for a firmware update!
  • ob
    ob Posts: 36
    Change History
    Changes made from version 2.50 to 2.60:

    * Fixed occasional issue with Edge shutting down when scrolling through Saved Rides.
    * Fixed occasional issue with Edge shutting down when Mode button was pressed while following a Course.
    * Fixed issue where user could not change vertical zoom scale for a Course profile.
    * Fixed a problem where indoor rides in History could slow down access to Where To? menu.
    * Fixed issue with Advanced Workouts not showing up under Today when the workout is scheduled for the current day.
    * Fixed issue where sometimes the most recent History would not be written out to XML until disconnecting and reconnecting USB.
    * Corrected the Average Power value shown for Entire Ride in History.
    * Removed filtering from power data stored in History files.
    * Made some corrections to the Polish and Portuguese languages.

    : :D:D:D
  • That might be what it says, but it ain't what it does....

    http://forums.motionbased.com/smf/index ... ic=10916.0

    and according to my own meter.

    Try again Garmin.
  • 58585
    58585 Posts: 207
    If you are after something more aero you should be able to get a CXP33 rim built with decent spokes for £120.
  • ob, have you phoned cyclepowermeters about this? Suggest you do - they are very helpful, not particularly "hard sell" oriented and are more concerned that you get the right product. Have to admit that I have only ever rented off them though. I would assume they can build up different wheels if you have a specific spec in mind - but you'd have to call them!
    FWIW, the rental powertap comes on an OpenPro rim - not especially 'aero' but strong, reliable and not excessively heavy. Perfect for training. Not sure I would use the powertap that much for racing as only built into hub - limits you to a single wheel choice for all races. Of course, alternative of bb-based SRM is a little more pricey!
    As a (very) amateur racing cyclist I would say that the powertap is far, far more useful as a training wheel than a racing wheel - I tend to look at HR more in races to gauge my efforts. Of course, the more serious you are the more you will want the powerdata whilst actually racing too...
  • ob
    ob Posts: 36
    I decided to go with the stock wheel option. As you state, it'd be used for training more than racing, so I'm not *too* worried about aero performance in retrospect.

    Regarding the problems with the 705 recording the average power correctly (it apparently doesn't count zero power readings) the 705 has a display option for "Power - kilojoules". Using the total number of kJ over the course of the ride you can easily calculate the average power (multiply by 1000 and divide by the time period in seconds). Not tried it of course, but I can't see why that wouldn't work for some post training analysis.
  • Hi Ob

    Sorry to disappoint you (again) but the Garmin is notoriously bad at getting calories anywhere near the right number (have been since the days of the Edge 205/305) . It always overstates the energy used. Try riding with a power meter and then the Edge, the numbers won't even be close.

  • ob
    ob Posts: 36

    I was taking a look through the settings, and there's the option to display "Calories", but then lower down in the list are "Power", "Power - kilojoules", "Power - average", etc....

    This implies to me that kilojoules is read from the power meter, and isn't mean to be the energy that you've used, but the energy that's gone through the power meter. Eg, riding at 300 watts for an hour, should come up with 300 * 60 * 60 / 1000 = 1080 kilojoules for the hour.

    Anyway, the Calories burned reading (which is different) is, as you say, complete nonsense!
  • Ah OK thanks for that. I'll take a look at that next time and see if reads the same.

    Although that logic would imply that "Power - average" would be the average from the meter also, which it isn't.