pace rc405?

lock1981 Posts: 546
edited February 2009 in MTB general
anyone got any issues with one or know how they perform,

have the chance to get an ex demo but aint nothing about them


  • Hi lock had mine for nearly two years now and i love it. It climbs really well its compact and tight for the singletrack i wouldnt trade it for any other bike3191574335_cd8730bfa2_o.jpg this is an old photo i have some revs on it now and lots of red bits :P
  • There one of the nicest bikes I have ever ridden. Its one of those bikes you feel can do everything. Though only spent a few days playing with one.
  • pdid
    pdid Posts: 1,065
    Still not made your mind up?
  • Decals fall off so buy a plain frame if you don't want grief! Nice bike to ride though!
  • lock1981
    lock1981 Posts: 546
    i had made my mind up, and totally decided on the meta 5 merlin build, but after emailing them they said 2000 using bike to work scheme and upgrading to hope hubs. for that price i could get the pace. the only reason i wasnt gunna get itwas i didnt want to spend that much. i only wanted to spend 1800 but if i gotta pay 2000 might aswell get the pace. damn it!!!!! :twisted: means ill have to find another 400 quid from some where. or just say no!!! and get a trek ex8 which was my original choice ha ha ha :lol:
  • lock1981
    lock1981 Posts: 546
    i dunno!!!
  • Stuey01
    Stuey01 Posts: 1,273
    Pace RC405 rocks. I have one with Coil Pikes on the front and it is so much better than I am. I love it.
    Never ridden a Meta or a Trek though so this is hardly an objective and unbiased comparison.

    Lots of people have said the white one looks tatty after a while. Mine is ok but haven't had it long to be fair. (Pewter ano is ugly IMO)
    Not climber, not sprinter, not rouleur
  • lock1981
    lock1981 Posts: 546
    in the current climate i'm really thinking hard, should i get the pace?? i think the trek is the best choice. price wise. id love either of the other two (pace or meta), but if im thinking with a straight head the trek is the best finacial option.

    plus seen as the merlin is gunna be 2000 instead of 1800 without pedals, its not such a good deal anymore.

    just had the morgage arranger round so in "saving money" mode. scary things morgages!

    :roll: :cry:
  • Stuey01
    Stuey01 Posts: 1,273
    You will eventually cave and buy what your heart desires, save yourself the time and expense of buying two bikes and get what you really want
    Not climber, not sprinter, not rouleur
  • lock1981
    lock1981 Posts: 546
    i know what your saying but i cant afford it. i already have the money for the trek including all the payments for the cycle scheme.

    and merlins build doesnt seem as good now its 200 quid be saving 350 by getting the ex8. spec wise its good compared to the meta 5.2 which is 300 more for the same spec

    am i just taking myself out of it?
  • What seems to be coming through with all this rambling is the need to save cash - stop messing around and get the Trek, that will save your cash and that part of your concerns will be eased.

    Personally, I'd go for the Pace as it is a bit rarer (and as an owner of a RC200, I'd love a full bouncer to go in the family!), the Trek is very mainstream (but probably very good); the Meta isn't quite as mainstream, but is getting more common but is also a very good bike ride-wise.

    Depends what you want, personally I'd go for the best riding machine (and in my view, the Pace is that - I've never ridden any of them so going on mag reviews) - you can always upgrade components if they aren't as good when they wear out, but changing a frame/fork is a whole lot more b@ll ache.
    The Quest for Singletrack is Endless...
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    Stuey: Why do the white ones get tatty? Is the paint prone to flaking or chipping easily?
  • Stuey01
    Stuey01 Posts: 1,273
    Mine hasn't, but before I got it I noted people on t'interweb saying that dirt can get "ingrained" into the white finish, turning it "off white".

    I got a deal on a white one and didn't like the ano colour anyway so I got ignored them and got it in white. So far no probs but it hasn't been ridden a huge amount.
    Not climber, not sprinter, not rouleur
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    Yer I was thinking of a white one in a couple of months and they are cheaper than the anodised ones
  • Stuey01
    Stuey01 Posts: 1,273
    I got a previous years frame for under a grand. I couldn't find any difference between 2007 and 2008 frames so i reckon it was a bargain.
    Not climber, not sprinter, not rouleur
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    Yer that sounds good, where from may I ask heh
  • Stuey01
    Stuey01 Posts: 1,273
    Evans would you believe. Don't know if they still have any. They had medium size only when I got mine but it was back in October.
    Not climber, not sprinter, not rouleur
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    ok cheers :)