COTSWOLD EXPEDITION. 21st June 2009. Entries being taken.




    Don't forget to get your entries in. Only a few weeks to go before entries close.
  • oxoneil
    oxoneil Posts: 147
    Any route changes from what is on the website?
  • Saturn
    Saturn Posts: 628
    The routes will remain the same (barring any last minute problems such as road closures) but the routesheets may be updated slightly following completion of checks - only minor changes for missing / changed road signs etc. The final routesheets will be available for download nearer the event and I think the organiser also sends them out by email / post when they're ready.

    In previous years the organiser has made large print symbolic routesheets available at the HQ for anybody whio prefers these.
    <font size="1">May all your tail winds be up-drafts</font id="size1">
  • Saturn
    Saturn Posts: 628
    This year's routesheets are now available. Apart from minor updates to route instructions the only change of route is on the 200km Cotswold Expedition. The midway control has moved from the hotel in Burford to an inn in Ashall a few km after Burford.
    <font size="1">May all your tail winds be up-drafts</font id="size1">
  • dead sheep
    dead sheep Posts: 109
    But that will mean an extra kilometre :o
  • This event is nearly full.

    So you need to get your entry in ASAP if you want to secure a place.

    This can be done online at

    See you on the 21st.
  • dead sheep
    dead sheep Posts: 109
    For anybody that missed this great event, it is a must for 2010.

    I would to thank the Beacon RCC for excelling itself yet again with another superb and probably the best audax in the UK. George and his team provided superb support to the riders and everything ran wonderfully smoothly. I must admit that I did take one of the controllers by surprise though when I arrived so quickly after the control's opening time :lol:

    By the way, where were you Philip? I was hoping for a bit of a race around the route. :wink: I know that you thrashed it last year. Were you riding one of the shorter routes?

    I now need a week to recover.
  • What a great day. Cheers and thanks a lot to the organisers. This was great value for money and the event certainly equalled a sportive. The only difference was, the audax was more friendly. It is also the only event I have ridden on, where we treated to a Red Arrows fly past :shock: .
  • oxoneil
    oxoneil Posts: 147
    How hilly was it on the way back? It was incessant. I just missed getting under 6 hours for the 150K.

    My lack of climbing ability made it a harder ride as I couldn't stay with a group and went out the back as soon as it went uphill.

    I certainly tucked into the food afterwards mind.

    I thought at the end that I wouldn't ride it again but now I know what to expect I may reconsider. Just to to lose a few stone first.
  • Johnny G
    Johnny G Posts: 348
    +1, a bostin' day out even though we made one routefinding mistake at Lower Tysoe and had to retrace, meaning we covered 212km not 204 - oops.

    Thanks to everyone at the Beacon for putting on such a great event.
  • A tremendous and record breaking turnout this year for all of the four events. The feedback has been marvellous and we certainly intend to repeat the Cotswold Audax in 2010.

    There were certainly some very strong rides from participants in the 200km Cotswold Expedition. Now whilst audax riders times are not published, one rider managed to complete the route with a phenomenol time of 7:17 beating my own ride of 7:30. He was so quick, he managed to return before the HQ opened for returning riders!

    We would certainly welcome further feedback on the events, including the quality of the control near Burford on the 200km (it is the first time we used that venue). Next year we might tweak some of the routes to ensure variety for riders next year.

    Now there were some rumours that the Beacon RCC laid on a fly-past of Vulcan Bombers and the Red Arrows for riders on the 108km Cotswold Outing - such rumours are greatly exaggerated.

    Anyway, for those wanting to purchase their photographs from the event, these are now available (just follow the links): ... order.html

    The list of successful AUK members to complete the route will also be published by AUK when they update their website:

    Many thanks for your support and see at next Cotswolds Audax in June 2010 or at the Snowdrop Audax in February 2010.