where do i buy a pub-bike / commuter?

cookiemonster Posts: 668
edited January 2009 in The bottom bracket
Looks like i'll be moving from very central to slightly north london in a month, so i'll start doing the commute-by-bike thing (just 2 minutes walk to work at the moment) and generally "biking as transport" rather than purely as sport and training as I do now. I've a cervelo and fairly well sorted spesh rockhopper that gets used for off-road touring and expeditions - neither are particularly suitable for chaining up outside to the railings, or for leaving unwashed for a few weeks (unless its himalayan mud or middle eastern sand :) )

I want to get something cheap and simple - probably a nice steel single/fixed to keep things easy, and with eyelets for mudguards and rack. Its got to be a bike that, if it gets nicked, will be an inconvenience rather than a real disaster. 58cm would do fine.

So where do I look? cant see anything on ebay, craigslist or gumtree that looks sensible. Old 531 tubes frames seem to be expensive; what are the options?

