Cable Cutters

koppenberg Posts: 32
edited January 2009 in Workshop
What are best for outer cables I use Park for gear with normal cutters for brake as my park do not like to cut the brake outer.

Was also told that you should grind or file the ends of the cable square after cutting-never tried this,does it help & why?


  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    Park cutters should cut the outers too. My ones leave a clean cut so there's little need to finish them. Sometimes the casing can get squashed a bit but you need to use a small object like a 2mm allen key to reopen the hole in the outer cable so the cable can flow properly.
  • careful
    careful Posts: 720
    I use Park tool cutters. I think it is impossible with any cutter to get a right angle on the brake outer. I tried grinding it flat (as per Sheldon Brown advice). I used a mini polisher (only grinder I had) so it took ages and generated so much heat that it started to melt the pvc sheathing. After all that effort it made no noticeable difference - I never bothered after that.