Racing for beginners?

simon99 Posts: 6
edited January 2009 in Road beginners
could somone provide me with some information on where to find out about local races, cost of a race? is there any association i have to be part of (such as for rowing i had to be part of the Ameteur Rowing Association),
what other costs or anything that i need to know about such as kit?

and to let you know where i stand, i dont even own a road bike yet, but will be getting one soon and hopefully start doing some small races soon afterwards,


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Check out the British Cycling website. They have a list of clubs and races.
  • thanks mate
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    Bunch Racing / Road Racing
    You need to have either:
    a) full British Cycling racing licence & Silver membership - c.£65 for the year
    b) or take out a "day license" for each race - £10/race

    Have a look at the event calendar here: ... future.asp

    Typical race entry fee is £10-15

    Time Trials
    You just need to be a member of a club affiliated to Cycling Time Trials

    Event calendar here:

    Entry fee typically around £7. However, many clubs hold "club events" on summer evenings that will cost a couple of quid to enter, although the club may ask you to become a member if you do them regularly.

    No special kit needed for either, apart from a helmet for bunch racing.