sierra nevada

riceybiker Posts: 10
edited January 2009 in MTB rides
has anyone been to the sierra nevada in spain with ciclo montana? or any other companies they could suggest?


  • christk
    christk Posts: 122
    Went with them last April. They were great!

    Couldn't fault anything about it. They will plan the holiday according to your ability without you realising it. The hospitality is superb. You really are treated as a friend rather than just a customer and I just don't know how they do it for the money they charge. I could go on and on about the little things that made the holiday.

    For me it was a turning point in my riding. They gave me confidence and as such my riding has improved, I'm so enjoying the sport these days.

    I would love to go back this year but I have to be fair with the dear beloved so the best I might get is a few days up in Scotland.

    If you want any other information just pm me, but I say go for it and when you get there give Nick, Jackie, Nat, and Dave my best wishes (Keith)
  • hi keith, thanks for the info. it's a big thing to do by yourself, as most of my buddies are happy to do the same things week in week out. you gotta look for the next challenge. i really fancy it... and of all the companies running out there, they looked both the friendliest and best value for money... i'm looking forward to meeting the big dog! what did you think of the trails? were they as good as they look? do you have an english comparison? (minus the altitude of course!) oh and is there stuff to do at night? cheers chris.
  • christk
    christk Posts: 122
    I also went on my own and was lucky that the people I met out there were a lovely bunch (There ended up being just 4 of us).

    The trails are great and where they get technical it's because they tend to be rocky (bed rock). So there are a few steps to deal with (both up and down). Can't say that I've ridden anything quite like it in this country. Out of the 4 of us me and 1 other rode a hardtail while the others rode full sus bikes. I've now got an Orange 5 and I think that or simular bike would be perfect to take out there. Oh and by the way, can that guy ride (Nick).

    There are so many trails out there that you could spend a month out there and not ride them all. I think the rides are planned on the capability of the group, and before you think you may not get the best of riding I 'd have to say everyone of us was pushed to our limits.

    As for the nights, like I said, I was with a great bunch. Jackie would do dinner for around 8 and we would eat like a family. The conversation was relaxed and entertaining. After dinner we would retreat to our sitting room and share a few more beers or a bottle of wine. To be honest with you, after riding all day having a boozy night wasn't something I wanted, plus the fact that you are after all staying in someone elses house. There is a pub in the village that you go to when Jackie has a night off.

    For me it was a chilled out riding holiday. The views from the house are fantastic. To wake and have breakfast in the sun overlooking the valley is idilic. Ride between 10 and 5. Sort the bikes out with a well earnt beer and wine. Then dinner and good conversation. What more could you ask for. Oh how I wish I could go back there this year?

    I will always remember driving back into Malaga and thinking that I really did see the best of Spain and one of the best things about the holiday is that at no time do you feel that you'r being ripped off.

    I certainly came back a better rider and its been the platform for continuous improvement. For a month after no one could live with me going up these little Welsh hills around Glyncorrwg.
  • a glyncorrwg man! so far in my mountain biking life... the best place i have ever ridden! i'll keep in touch ... we're due down either end of may - begining of june. for a few days. maybe we could meet up for a ride? i have ridden a few places but afan is just heaven... so well thought out and so uncomplicated...

    i was testing the water nicely about the night life and got the answer i was hoping for... that is why i picked that place. she who must be obeyed may come with me the following year... and had decided on sierra cycling as it is on the coast and would give her something to do during the day whilst i'm out on me bike. there is a bit of night life too for the day off. but being on my own i would like to spoil myself with the trails, not going out!

    again keith thanks so much for the info. i think i'm sold... and missing a weeks work in november! just got to save my pennies now!

    all the best mate.

  • christk
    christk Posts: 122
    No problems, send me a pm when you are due to come down and we'll see if we can meet up.
  • hi, i found them by googling mountain biking sierra nevada. there will be e few pop up you wiil have to sift through to find the best company for you to go with... i thought ciclo montana ay be best for me... but if you want night life too then sierra cycling may be better as they are on the coast. hope this helps, chris.