RP Training Group Ride Sun 25th - something different?

Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
Guys, a few of us regulars from the 'RPCC' ride have been talking about joining a club recently - Dr. Platt has joined KW and I know myself and Phips were also considering following suit. On this basis can I suggest we join the KW club ride this coming Sunday?

I'm on the verge of joining them but obviously I'd like to ride with them first and just make sure.

This is of course just an option, although it's quite likely I will ride with them this Sunday regardless! Obviously if the general consensus is a Surrey Hills ride then feel free to arrange that accordingly.

Also for any newbies or people thinking about joining our normal ride please do keep a track of this thread and check where it goes as a normal ride might still be on!

Let the responses commence... 8)


  • london-red
    london-red Posts: 1,266
    I'm open to that idea, although I hope it doesn't spell the end of a few RPCC outings as they seemed to be gaining in popularity... (Will it be that my first attendence will turn out to be the last? The kiss of death or what...)

    It was a shame noone made it out on Sunday. I managed a 50-miler taking in three hills (Hungry Hill, Ranmore and BoxHill). Bloody hard work and my thighs were knackered by the end of it, the wind being what it was.

    Still, onwards and upwards...

    If anyone's interested, I've started doing night rides in the park, starting at about between 7pm and 7.30. Good, traffic-free training!
  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    London-Red wrote:
    I'm open to that idea, although I hope it doesn't spell the end of a few RPCC outings as they seemed to be gaining in popularity... (Will it be that my first attendence will turn out to be the last? The kiss of death or what...)
    I'm fairly certain it won't be the end so no worries on that front - I'm not planning to do the KW club run every week as I enjoy our RPCC rides a lot, and as a London newbie it's nice to have a group of friends developing from it 8)
    London-Red wrote:
    If anyone's interested, I've started doing night rides in the park, starting at about between 7pm and 7.30. Good, traffic-free training!
    Sounds good - keep me posted when you're going as I might join you some evenings. Certainly more interesting than the rollers, although they still have a place in my regime! :lol:

    I'm only 6mins from Richmond Gate so it can be fairly late notice too - I'll get my lights mounted so they're ready to go! 8)

    Also, I'm currently only working part-time so might be able to squeeze in some midweek riding if that suits anyone? Planning a few miles into the Surrey Hills tomorrow as long as I don't end up working from home! :D
  • felgen
    felgen Posts: 829
    Well at least someone is getting out riding - I was really frustrated at not getting out over the weekend - so I hammered it into work this morning - heart rate sky high and in 6.5 miles it was all over. The rain made it miserable :?
    1)Planet X SL Pro carbon
    2)Nelson Pista Singlespeed
    3)Giant Cadex MTB
    4)BeOne Karma MTB
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  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    Ah yes, forgot you're off on your hols! :roll: 8)

    So Felgen is unlikely, Phips a definite no. Is Al back from his hols yet? :shock:

    Maybe I will do the Wheelers run for a couple of weeks then! :roll: :P

    I'm also planning on doing the WW ride on Feb 8th...
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  • The emu
    The emu Posts: 347
    Lads, after what seems like an eternity away from this forum (approx 4 days) :roll: I'm back! 8)

    Chose not to go for a ride last weekend in the end as my knee just isn't right yet, but went to the gym tonight to do some strengthening work and tested it out, and seems to be getting better and should be ok come weekend.

    Well, Sunday Bernard and I are planning an Australian Day sunday session at the Sloany Pony, so in light of that and the fact that some seem to be heading out wiith KW on Sunday, I'm happy to meet up with those looking for a more casual spin in the hills Saturday morning.

    Still same time 9am at Richmond Gate.

    Oh, and consider it an open invite for those interested in downing some of my lovely Coopers Sparkling Ale on sunday from 2pm ....5.7% alcohol :wink:

    The long grazed legged one
  • felgen
    felgen Posts: 829
    The emu wrote:
    Bernard and I are planning an Australian Day sunday session at the Sloany Pony,
    Do you mean the White Horse on Parsons Green?
    Sorry can't make it - Australia day happens to be my birthday, so at least I have ready made party to go to every year :D
    1)Planet X SL Pro carbon
    2)Nelson Pista Singlespeed
    3)Giant Cadex MTB
    4)BeOne Karma MTB
  • The emu
    The emu Posts: 347
    Yeah thats the one.

    Happy Birthday mate.

    The long grazed legged one
  • The emu
    The emu Posts: 347
    So I can't tempt anyone for a ride tomorrow morning?......no one.....any one?

    Weather is supposed to be superb aswell (well comparitively speaking of course) :wink:

    The long grazed legged one
  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    Slightly tempted, but catching up with a mate over a few Guinness this evening so it might not be the wisest idea I've ever had...!!
  • felgen
    felgen Posts: 829
    The emu wrote:
    So I can't tempt anyone for a ride tomorrow morning?......no one.....any one?

    Weather is supposed to be superb aswell (well comparitively speaking of course) :wink:

    I am riding, but out to Reading early doorsish. Its not an ideal group ride as I will be hooning as the route is flat as pancake, trying for a quick time. Then I have to do a quick consultation before going to try and talk my brother into riding back in the other direction with me.
    1)Planet X SL Pro carbon
    2)Nelson Pista Singlespeed
    3)Giant Cadex MTB
    4)BeOne Karma MTB
  • felgen
    felgen Posts: 829
    Did anyone else get out apart from Wilf and Bernard? I did a long flat one (wel still 550m clmbing) as planned which was great, only scuppered by fading light at the end. I met my brother in Reading and did some miles with him - he's keen to get out with us soon, but wants to work on his fitness before coming along.
    1)Planet X SL Pro carbon
    2)Nelson Pista Singlespeed
    3)Giant Cadex MTB
    4)BeOne Karma MTB
  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    felgen wrote:
    Did anyone else get out apart from Wilf and Bernard?
    Saturday ended up being a complete write-off for me ( :oops: ) and I was then really annoyed with myself when the weather was so bad on Sunday :evil:

    Still, did a killer roller session in the end and I'm struggling to walk today! :shock: :lol:

    Maybe a KW run this coming Sunday anyone? :?
  • Art Vandelay
    Art Vandelay Posts: 1,982
    Nothing like a first day back after a holiday :x
    I'm back in the mother country next weekend so no show from me this coming weekend either. A shame as I have ski-boot power in the legs.
    Hoping to do Hillingdon on the 7th still :shock:
  • Myk-ee
    Myk-ee Posts: 276
    If folks are keen this coming saturday its the Audax Willy Warmer:


    I'm signed up already, but if you fancy it you can also sign up on the morning. 200kms with 1620m climbing. http://www.bikely.com/maps/bike-path/Wi ... 2009-Track
    It's the vibe of the thing.
  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    Myk-ee wrote:
    If folks are keen this coming saturday its the Audax Willy Warmer:

    Don't you have to use mudguards on Audax rides?! My bike with mudguards?! No ta... :shock: :lol: :roll:
    Hoping to do Hillingdon on the 7th still :shock:
    Yup, I'm still up for that - should stick with the plan on that one I reckon :wink: 8)

    So I'll get a thread for this weekend started, but it's already sounding like it could be low on numbers - Myk-ee off warming his willy, Phips off boarding, Al also away... hopefully myself, Felgen, The Emu & others can still get something sorted... 8)
  • Myk-ee
    Myk-ee Posts: 276
    Yeah you do need mudguards for this one. Get some clip ons and just wrap your frame with tape...!!

    http://www.wiggle.co.uk/p/Cycle/7/SKS_R ... 300005894/
    It's the vibe of the thing.
  • felgen
    felgen Posts: 829
    Um, I like the look of that Willy route. In fact I know a lot of it as I used to commute the back way from Henley to Newbury. Unfortunately I cant bring myself to put mudguards on my bike... she would never forgive me and might fray some carbon weave in shame...
    1)Planet X SL Pro carbon
    2)Nelson Pista Singlespeed
    3)Giant Cadex MTB
    4)BeOne Karma MTB
  • The emu
    The emu Posts: 347
    I read an article in Cycling+ about Cav and his new Scott Attic training bike.

    It's been giving him grief with his back, is not that stiff and he's put mud guards on it. Editor intimated it wasn't because of protecting his team mates, but rather him making a statement about his bike. Cheeky fecker :lol:

    The long grazed legged one