Anybody know any trails near solihull?

Callum on a felt f4:-)
edited January 2009 in MTB rides
Im fairly new to MTB (im normally road) and have become slightly hooked. I allready occasionally do follow the dog at Cannock Chase.
I was wondering if there was anything similarly difficult nearer Solihull?
I have been on more dirt wothout much luck.
Any help?
thanks, Callum :D


  • Callum,
    there's not that much around you - what i would call serious mountain biking anyway - with out a little drive.
    theres plenty of off road (like along canal tracks, field bridleways etc) but nothing much challenging.
    Cannock you know - buts it worth exploring around off the follow the dog trail
    Theres a little area south of Birmingham (Lickey Hills) worth a try.

    Might be worth popping into Red Kite cycles in Solihul or Coventy Cycle Center for some advice
  • IP's right I'm afraid, bugger all round these parts!

    I hadn't thought of popping into Red Kite though, good call.

    There's a route I'm gonna try and start doing to build up some sort of fitness, though getting out of work early is a real pain. It starts at Lowsonford which isn't far from Hockley Heath if you fancy it one day? It's a bit of canal, a bit of road, bridleway and through farmers fields and tbh it's bloody boggin with mud now and quite hilly, but as I say I'm trying to build up some fitness - starting from zero I might add!

    PM me and I'll try and sort summat. I have no idea other than that, except for the chase of course. I'll try and set the route up on google.

    Have fun :D
    Sink the eight ball. Buy the lady a drink. And nobody knows my name.
  • richard_l
    richard_l Posts: 375
    This is a clockwise route that covers the main tracks that I use with a group of us - ... bleExtra-s
    Some parts of it can become very muddy, so we don't use all of it all of the time, but in the summer months its pretty much all rideable. A couple of good downhill run sections (though not full on gravity stuff) of this are at Claverdon, and at Edstone towards Wootton Wawen.

    Also check out the commnets here

    Also based locally is the guy who runs this set up - he might be able to help with other local info

    Some info on Sutton Park here
    http://www.simonsplace.pwp.blueyonder.c ... ttonp.html

    There is a good group in Coventry as well

    Hope that all helps.
  • Thanks guys
    Richard the first url doesnt seem to work for me as for the other three i will definately check them out
    Ive been thinking about going to red kite but my parents (im in yr 11) seem to have fallen out with them a bit but i definately do my best.
    thanks v much guys