Second hand road bike for £1,500

djvagabon Posts: 262
edited January 2009 in Road beginners
Hi. Im a very keen mountain biker who races in the experts class. The club i ride with has persuaded me to invest in a road bike to help with my training. Having never owned a road bike im in need of some advice. Can i get a decent second hand road bike for £1,500 and if so, which 1 should i go for?


  • Horton
    Horton Posts: 327
    To be honest, you can get a damn good brand new bike for £1500. If you're new to a road bike, I'd suggest hop down to your local bike emporium and try a few out (or ask your club members if you can have a go on theirs). Expect a sore neck for the first couple of rides and if you're using your mtb helmet, take the peak off... There are some pretty good deals on focus and felt bikes on Wiggle at the moment, and both makes get really good reviews. If you're determined to go 2nd hand, I personally would avoid a carbon frame (you won't be able to avoid carbon forks at that price) as you can't be sure that's in perfect nick.
  • djvagabon
    djvagabon Posts: 262
    Thanksfor the advice. I was thinking second hand for one reason. If i dont like it i can sell it on again without losing to much money. I'll ask some club members if i can borrow one for the weekend before investing in one.
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Whilst there are many great new bikes for £1500 - buying secondhand will get you a year-old bike that originally retailed for £2500-3000.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    ebay. Plenty of good bikes crop up at decent prices.

    I saw a Record equipped Scott CR1 with decentish wheels on Buyitnow, for not much more than £1500 - it was even in my size.
    I like bikes...
