Undate on ride to Kenya!

tyremark Posts: 9
edited January 2009 in Tour & expedition
Hi there fellow cyclists!

Where are you and do you feel like joining us....?

I just wanted to post a little update on the ride myself and a few other riders are currently taking part in, cycling overland from The UK to Kenya, the rally, 'Down Right Kenya' in a few days will enter Sudan after 4 months of lovely and interesting riding!

If you are interested, need advice for any of the countries we have or will go through or just want to post a comment please visit the site at [www.downrightkenya.org|http://www.downrightkenya.org] . You can track us daily with our cool 'blob' tracking system.

Or if there is anyone out there nearby or wanting to join us through some of the countries from now on please get in touch and we will see what we can arrange!

Happy cycling to all
