Loose STI lever

bluecow Posts: 306
edited January 2009 in Workshop
The right hand side lever on my bars is loose. It has been that way since i took them off to change the bars. The clamp is on tight and the hoods and attachment to bar bit doesnt move, its just the front of the lever (the bit that has the shimano flight deck writing on it.)
Any ideas where to tighten it or have i broken it?
Thank you,


  • The cover on the very front, at the top of the brake lever itself?

    You don't say which model this is, but certainly on 105 (and some others) if you pull the brake lever, a small philips head screw is revealed which secures that cover.
  • bluecow
    bluecow Posts: 306
    Thanks for the suggestion but its not that screw which is loose. They are 105 levers. Its not just the cover that's lose, its the main bit of the lever, under the hoods. No bother, i'll nip into the bike shop on my way home tomorrow from the club run. Should be fine til then.
  • does the sti only go loose after you have pulled the lever to brake? could be a corroded brake inner otherwise it may be the lever return spring is shot.