Anyone local to Banbury, Oxon??

GlennHD Posts: 6
edited February 2009 in MTB rides
If anyone is local to Banbury it would be great to get together for evening / weekend runs.

We have a few local routes of different milages for the lazy Sunday morning not wanting to travel, but still get out onto the hills, and we also travel to Cannock and Malvern regularly.

Give a shout and feel free to tag along.


  • KonaKurt
    KonaKurt Posts: 720
    Hi Glenn, I'm near Banbury but not really keen on much mucky off-road at the moment. Feel welcome to say hello, and let me exactly what/where you ride :)

  • Hi KK,

    We are on the north west side of Banbury so a typical Sunday morning run would take in footpaths and bridleways past Drayton village, Bodicote, Bloxham etc. A total of anywhere between 8 and 15 miles.

    We try to look for routes with as little road as possible, but some road may link two good sections. Mainly XC with equal measure of down and up hills.

    We try to ride most weekends and 2-3 times in the week at evenings so feel free to email during the week with your telephone number in preparation for a weekend.

    All the best,

  • Hi all,

    If you are from banbury area, go on to,,, come on to our forum and say hello... We are all fairly local and friendly, we do local rides and we also get out a bit...

    See you on there...

    Hi all, new to the forum, I live in Stockton (Warwickshire) and even though I have a few riding buddies I am always looking for other people to go out riding with or even talking " nuts & bolts" guys or girls!!!...
  • KonaKurt
    KonaKurt Posts: 720
    OK guys, I will bear you all in mind, though I'm being a bit of a jessie about the mucky weather at the moment!

  • Hi Glen

    I live in Banbury and have been hoping to meet up with a few fellow riders for evening and weekend rides, by the looks of the rides you mention it would suit me (still trying to get fitter for those longer 30m + rides). If your planning to go out this weekend then email me at
    I would also been keen to start some evening rides now its getting lighter!


  • mozejo
    mozejo Posts: 115
    I live in Great Tew and there's some great riding in that area . My time is pretty limited but could try and do something . Nice pub too...................