End to End in May 2009 Training?

ratbags Posts: 4
edited January 2009 in Road beginners
Hello All,

New to the board.

I'm taking part in an End to End ride on the 22nd May 2009 with two friends who are road riders already.

I'm moving across from my MTB to a road bike and I am currently on a Cannondale Synapse Flat Bar Road Bike which I find really comfortable. I tried a couple of drop bars and I didn't feel confident enough.

Anyway, training - any thoughts? I'm relatively fit at the moment. My winter schedule is:
Monday - Circuit Training
Tuesday - Spinning Class
Wednesday - Yoga
Thursday - Rest
Friday - Dbl Spinning Class
Weekend - clocking up miles on the bike.

I normally ride a lot more in the spring/summer/autumn and also swim, run and surf when I can. I am hoping to extend my riding into mornings and evening as the days pull out.

Has anyone got any training advice or things that shoule be tweaked in my plan? Open for suggestions.

Many thanks, in advance,



  • volvine
    volvine Posts: 409
    how manny days you planning to do it in?.

    get some good medium/short circuits in during the week 15-30 milers than a good run 70 miles + at the weekend this was based on 5 days which was really tough north to south in september wind against all the way.
    but to be honest you sound quite fit already so i think you should be fine
  • John.T
    John.T Posts: 3,698
    You do not mention how long you intend to take for the ride but I would say your first priority is to get as much saddle time in as you can. Nearer the time you should be getting long rides in on consecutive days. Make sure you include some hilly rides. Speed will not be a major issue unless your riding partners intend to blast it but the ability to ride for 8 or more hours will be.
  • John.T
    John.T Posts: 3,698
    5 days !!!!!. :roll: Well done that man. That is over 160 miles per day. I would need more that 70 mile W/E rides for that.
  • Hi

    We are planning to do the ride in two weeks and we are covering 1000miles.

    I am new to road riding and find speed and slick tyres quiet daunting! Give me back my disc brakes anyday!!! :lol:

    Even though the lads that I ride with have the speed and confidence down hill at the moment, I easyily catch them up on an incline as I just keep it steady and turning. I need to get more experience on the road!

    We live in Cornwall and there are plenty of hills and unpredictable weather (almost got blown away yesterday!).

    I'll keep at it!


  • volvine
    volvine Posts: 409
    you will pi** it in 2 weeks at your current fitness level.

  • doug5_10
    doug5_10 Posts: 465
    volvine wrote:
    you will pi** it in 2 weeks at your current fitness level.

    I concur, my training was about 200 miles, my partner got his bike 2 days before we left!!
    we managed in 12 days plus 2 rest days, should be a piece of piss for someone that fit!
    Edinburgh Revolution Curve
  • volvine
    volvine Posts: 409
    So what the Guy was asking genuine question why respond to the thread if you only have a sarcastic answer for him in fact why even bother to go into thread?.
    202 threads for lejog just proves it is a popular topic
  • Thanks for the advice and also to the links to the other posts!

    Any help and advice is welcome...thanks for the support Volvine!

    Ps - I'm a girly!
  • Harp
    Harp Posts: 79
    If you can do consecutive days in training comfortably of the longest mileage you are going to do en route you should be OK. But best advice is just to get PLENTY of saddle time in.
    A couple of weeks before we did it a few years ago I did a couple of consecutive weeks of 600 miles, this was in addition to a day job, I think I just cycled, slept and worked :cry:
  • McHattie
    McHattie Posts: 146
    I did it last July, and found it a wonderful experience. I managed quite a few 50-80 mile training rides at weekends during the three months before setting off, which was more than sufficient. Devon has some killer hills, but it's all manageable.

    Good luck, and enjoy it.