London to Brighton on a Seven Seater Bicycle?

Nigel B
Nigel B Posts: 2
I am in the process of hiring a seven seater bicycle to do the London To Brighton ride. I am hoping to put together a team of 10 riders (7 on bike and three in support on normal bikes, so that they can take turns). Trouble is I need to organise and pay a deposit on the seven seater way before the official entry of 1st March. Even then each member of the team would need to register very quickly after the 1st March with no guarentee of getting a place.

Much better would be to find some one with a priority entry (ie someone who did it last year) and I could enter a team now on the back of that entry (everybody else could enter under that code and hey presto everyone involved gets a ride guarenteed well before 1st March).

I didn't ride last year so I need a volunteer to join the team who did it last year. If you have a priority entry and are interested in the project please leave a message on the forum and we can see if we can get this thing underway.

There would be a need to share the hire costs of the bicycle, but I'm certain it would be an amazing day out. I think with the weight of the machine the riders would have to be quite strong or at the very least very determined....

I'm in the Notts Derby area, but in reality geographic location isn't that important, however it might be nice to get the eventual team together near the time for a ride out or social.

Please let me know if you think you can help out - especially if you have a priority entry.



  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Isnt it very busy on the event ? A seven seater bike would be a nightmare ? And the fun is in the steering - i wouldnt be keen to just sit behind some bloke for fifty miles ?
    Sorry - but doesnt appeal to me.
  • pneumatic
    pneumatic Posts: 1,989
    out of interest, where do you hire multi-seater bikes from? I remember renting a kind of pedal cart thing in France once with my kids who thought it was just brilliant, but we have never seen one again.

    Fast and Bulbous
    Eddingtons: 80 (Metric); 60 (Imperial)