S&S Backpack Bike Case ?

Andrewxyz Posts: 4
edited January 2009 in Tour & expedition
I'm off to the USA in May to ride from Seattle to San Francisco.

I've always flown with an assembled bike, usually in a giant poly bag. This has usually been OK but I got a bent skewer & dinged frame coming back from my last trip.

BA now has pictures of various bike bags, big poly bags are not amongst them so I'm not sure if they are still accepted.

I have a Velox soft bike bag, I can put the disassembled bike in this with lots of foam, bubblewrap & cardboard. Dispose of the packing in Seattle and mail the folded up bag to a hotel in San Francisco.

Or I can use the S&S couplings on the bike, break it down completely and buy an S&S Backpack from SJS , again use lots of padding and mail this to be collected in SF.

Question - Has anyone used the Backpack Case and if so, how did you find it ?