Seattle to San Francisco

Andrewxyz Posts: 4
edited January 2009 in Tour & expedition
Hi There,

I'm going to be flying into Seattle from the UK at the end of April with my bike and camping gear. I've then got until 30th May to enjoy myself riding down to San Francisco :) I'm hoping to be able to take in some sights along the way and spend a few days wandering around San Francisco at the end.

I'm a fairly experienced cycle tourist but this will be my first time in the USA , all advice on things to do & see on the route would be welcome.

I've got the Spring / KirKendal guidebook and will be ordering the Adventure Cycling maps. What else should I be reading before I go ? What weather can I expect (I'm guessing everything bar snow!)

Can anyone recommend a nice, friendly hostel/hotel for the day I arrive in Seattle and again for San Francisco ?

Thanks in advance.



  • tardington
    tardington Posts: 1,379
    My sister did the same trip last year - she thought it was great! Will email her and ask details!

    I know she camped in national parks mostly, with motel rest/clothes washing stops fairly often. Have a feeling she stayed with friends in San Fran, but def a hotel in Seattle..