wyre forest stinger

R34PER Posts: 193
hello, just got my first road bike and now i'm toying with the idea of giving the wyre forest stinger a go. i'm currently nowhere near fit enough but i figure its 6 months away yet so there is plenty of time. so, what i wanted to ask was does anybody have any experience of this and any tips and advice?


  • pprince
    pprince Posts: 141
    R34PER wrote:
    hello, just got my first road bike and now i'm toying with the idea of giving the wyre forest stinger a go. i'm currently nowhere near fit enough but i figure its 6 months away yet so there is plenty of time. so, what i wanted to ask was does anybody have any experience of this and any tips and advice?

    I wrote the Stinger Preview on the website. what do you want to know?
    different route this year, no god-forsaken fords and some dangerous bits taken out.
    bigger, better and cheaper basically
  • R34PER
    R34PER Posts: 193
    well, i used the online entry system last night so i'm in it now. i just have to work out how best to train for it so i can manage to put down a good time. i can see this killing me. i have never really done much road riding other than commuting to work so i'm going to have to step it up a little but like any beginner i'm not sure where to start. i entered the full stinger but to date the furthest i have ridden is from arley kings to merry hill and back on my mtb loaded up with christmas shopping. i think thats only around 30-40 mile full trip though.
  • get in some club runs, have a lok at riding out with the Wyre Forset club on teh Sunday run, do some reliabilities that are starting up have a liik at teh Wyre Forset message board for local ones, you'll soon know your level and what you need to do to increase fitness and stamina etc
    i'll ride anything, but I prefer carbon.......... she screamed!!

  • R34PER
    R34PER Posts: 193
    hi, thanks for the help. i think i will try and do some solo riding to get my fitness up a little more before i try any club rides, the last thing i want to do is get dropped from the start of a training ride.
  • believe me, riding with the Wyre on a Sunday from Lickhill memorial park Stourbridge you'll be fine, fast as the slowest person, its all about getting people aout and about and enjoying riding a bike, the rest sort of happens as you get fitter!
    i'll ride anything, but I prefer carbon.......... she screamed!!

  • kingrollo
    kingrollo Posts: 3,198
    I am toying with the Idea of the Mini Stinger - The 62 miles doesn't phase me - Ive done birmingham to oxford loads of times - around 90 miles ....however what I would appreaciate some feedback is:-

    How Bad are the hilly bits ?

    What is the time limit for the mini stinger.

    How do you put in food breaks - or do you forgo these if you are a slower rider ?
  • pprince
    pprince Posts: 141
    kingrollo wrote:
    I am toying with the Idea of the Mini Stinger - The 62 miles doesn't phase me - Ive done birmingham to oxford loads of times - around 90 miles ....however what I would appreaciate some feedback is:-

    How Bad are the hilly bits ?

    What is the time limit for the mini stinger.

    How do you put in food breaks - or do you forgo these if you are a slower rider ?

    the hilly bits (The Stinger Section) are steep and manageable on their own but one after the other in the last few miles makes it as hard as it sounds. Wouldn't be any fun if it was easy would it?
    gears, I'd recommend a minimum 39x27 but I'd make sure you have lower to fallback on.
    There is no time limit as such but your time will be deemed a Gold or Silver standard if you can complete it fast enough.
    Feed stations (2 I think) will be situated along the route for the mini-Stinger

