Birmingham, West Mids -> Cannock, Wales & beyond

CommenceMal Posts: 36
edited January 2009 in MTB rides
Around the Birmingham area? Looking for riding buddy(/buddies)?

I'm work in the centre and live out towards Solihull.
I ride a variety of stuff: XC: Long Mynd, Peaks, Lakes; Trail centres: Cannock, Betws-y-Coed, Afan, and now drifting towards the darkside of Freeride/DH lite!: Chicksands.
Cannock is the main haunt on a weekend though.

This year I'm looking to continue doing the above and more: 7Stanes, more of the Lakes and more of the Welsh centres.

So, if you're on a similar wavelength, around this area and want to join up for some rides drop us a line and we'll sort a meet in Cannock...

Cheers, David.


  • Hob
    Hob Posts: 2
    Yep. And yep.

    Long Mynd and Cannock my local favourites - but the Wyre, Kinver and Clent are even closer to home. I like to get further afield to the centres in Wales now and again though and am planning a Lakes trip over Easter bank holiday, 7 stanes with my mates in summer.

    The guy a regularly ride with on the weekend is having a baby shortly so I'm seeing him less and less.

    Drop me an email on and we'll sort a meet up the Chase.
