2008 report

John C.
John C. Posts: 2,113
For the first time I new what my 2008 big rides were going to be at the end of 2007 and the worrying thing was how early in the year the biggest one was. The Fred Whitton Challenge in Cumbria 112 miles and nearly 4000m of climb was in May, this meant I had to keep my fitness up over winter. January and February were therefore spent riding in some fairly awful conditions and hour upon hour in the garage on the rollers. The first big test of fitness came with Tony's Kettlewell run, one of my favourites on the Loiterers calender, we thought we'd done well getting up Parkrash in the snow but we all gasped when we saw the tandem and kiddie trailer at the top. Next up was the ill fated trip to Whitby when Tony and I had to get Mark to come and rescue us, we were that wet and cold by the time we got back to Rosedale I don't think we could have ridden back and to carry on in those conditions would have been foolish. You may be noticing a theme here. Next up was the Rydale Rumble recci ride, the pictures told the story and after ridding up Rosedale in a blizzard I took the lead and got the group down to the Vale of York at double quick speed, memories of the Whitby trip were still too vivid on my mind.May came and winter slid by , the temperature rose and my summer bike was dusted down. Personal bests were the norm and a dilemma fast approaching, which bike to do The Fred on. In the end the summer bike won and I had one of my best days out on the bike, the weather was just right and I clocked a time of 8.07 which was a lot faster than I'd hoped. Riding over Cold Fell with Mark Breeze is a memory I will saver for a long time, The speed was amazing he was changing up and putting the power down when I was for backing off a bit. Next on the list was my 200 miler, this I did in conjunction with The Great Yorkshire Bike ride, I left home and rode up to Northallerton then turned south for Wetherby where I met up with the rest of the Loiterers and we went to Filey and back, many thanks to Tony and Steve , the final mileage was 201. For some reason I then had a day off. July saw the Rydale Rumble and the aim was for under 8 1/2 hours and silver. I chose the wrong bike, I went out too fast and got cramp at the top of Rosedale, The heat was like hell on earth and I finally clocked 7:52 and silver, 7 minutes off gold, which was the time I'd lost over the others from Rosedale back to the finish . The British weather then terminated some rides and washed out others. The season ended with a ride around Hawnby with Doncaster wheelers, I met them just after their stop at Sutton Bank Cafe and I ended up at the front with one other rider, not sure how many points that scores with etiquette but it was the fastest I've ever ridden round to Osmotherly, It was my territory I wasn't letting some valley bottom rider beat me on the hills. It scored a 10 on my grin factor and the Doncaster Wheeler seemed to be enjoying himself too.There were scores of other rides which racked up about 3000 miles, more or less 1000 miles per bike although once again the hack bike seems to have done the most, I had planned to put all the good kit from the summer bike onto the Kenesis and just have one good bike but after the first ride I new that wasn't going to happen, so I still have 2 good bikes that could both do with a bit of upgrading.Plans for 2009 are a bit up in the air at the moment but will probably include a few Wiggington based Audax rides, there are a couple I quite fancy early in the season and The G.Y .Bike ride. although I think I'll keep the miles down this year, 150 in a day's plenty.Many thanks to all I rode with in 2008 , Happy New Year and I hope I'll see you soon. John

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail
Hills are just a matter of pace


  • Happy New Year John

    Sounds like you had a great year. I am looking forward to this years Sportives and I am determined to have a crack at the FWC which was just a dream only a few months ago.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Thats dead nice to read John....its all about the memories afterall...and if you can sum up your years highlights and still feel good then its all been worth it....

    My years Highlights were riding in some serious weather conditions with your goodself and Ash68 and Shockedsoshocked on the RR Reccy ride....that was a real winter cobweb blower :shock: Then the FWC...I know you started way earlier than me and never had quite the heat we encountered on Hardknott but I near died!....and I do remember speaking with you afterwards and seeing you so elated(and barefooted!)

    Then the White Rose....another tough ordeal.....followed swiftly by the horrific Dave LLoyd Mega which had some downpours :( Finishing that was a testimont to either my stupidity or my endurance....11.47 in the saddle? I then had my Family Hol to Gran Canaria (with the bike)....riding up the Pico Neives was something else....done it twice...once the 45Km monster from Maspalomas...1950meter climb!....then the awesome way up from Ingenio...same height gain in 26Kms...23% gradients...toughest climb Ive EVER did.......then onto the Devil Ride for one hell of a pleasant day...probably the most enjoyable sportive Ive did.......Tough without being Insane....and the Abergwesyn Pass was stunning...then the Finally.....a week in Bormio...having a pop at the Stelvio/Gavia and the dreaded Mortirolo.....incredible adventure...and topped my year off.....Ill never ever forget riding up the Gavia....the most stunning scenery ever....even better than La Masca in Tenerife, or the Cirque Di Litor in the Pyrenees, or La Berarde in the Alpes....and it take me some to say that!.....yip, a great year...lets just hope next year is everybit as memorable :D Next year Ill be doing the 5 Dales Richmond,Spud Riley and the Ryedale Rumble...and Im going back to Gran Canaria :wink:
  • Ken Night
    Ken Night Posts: 2,005
    Happy new Year Richy and all

    I've enjoyed following your exploits

    While I've not done quite as much as you guys, and I'm certainly not going to write as much :D , I enjoyed the year. Highlights

    The Dartmoor Classic, hard route, and the first time, we got a lot of guys out from the village
    Etape du Dales-fantastic route, prob next to FWC in my rankings
    White Rose-p*nctured twice...but enjoyed it still the same-on my disc braked crosser, which attracted some interest
    Dragon Ride-great atmosphere and it has the makings of a really good continental sportive-my best ride at 5h55, and 90th position It could have been so much better, if someone in the pack drafting me, would have worked with me on the descent from Cray-fancy taking advantage of a man of my age
    Fourth Etape-disappointing-I lost motivation standing in the rain at the starting gate-having climbed the tourmalet twice in the year already
    Exmoor Beast-overhyped, wrongly located start, and sadly turned back from the 100m route-met Poppette and Howie which was good

    I managed to spend 3 weeks in France mostly riding-did about 23 cols in the Pyrenees and Alps-including Galibier for the fifth time-I'll get to grips with it yet......

    Now next year-main target-a good time in the Dragon, and in the Giro Lombardia
    “It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best..." Ernest Hemingway
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Ken Night wrote:

    While I've not done quite as much as you guys

    Happy New Year to you aswell Ken....but there is a phrase for the above quote...."White man speak with fork tongue :wink: "

    But it is really impressive when you can look back over an entire year and look at all the highlights...it really does help bear out the horrible winter knowing a similar treat awaits afterwards...
  • I did my first three sprotives in 2008.

    Began with the Kirklees sportive with it's mass start - wonderful experience as I sat at the back (confidence!!) and am tall enough to look over most. Gave me an idea of what it would be like to be in the TdF (where I would also be at the back!!). Shame it rained for about the first 5 hours.

    After that I did the Squires and Spires (or vica versa!!!) which was quite different for the following reasons: Batched start of 15 or 20, few hills = big groups = fast pace, very hot sunny day, went out far too hard at the start to stay with the bunch and really, really suffered towards the end.

    Last one I managed was Pain in the Pennines which again was quite different becuase: arrived with only a few minutes before end of start window cos neither me nor my GPS could find start, good (overcast, light winds, dry) weather. One road (past resovoir) closed due to a suicide, which was a bit eery.

    I enjoyed all three tremendously for different reasons. I hope to do more like 6 this season, but the S&S's is the only one of the three I'm seriously considering doing again (it's only an hours drive away from home). Already signed up for the Mad March Hare and the Lakeland Loop (sheer madness!!). After serious consideration I won't be applying for the Fred. Would like do one of the Yorkshire Dales ones (Etape or one of the WRC's) and perhaps something in Wales

  • Brian B
    Brian B Posts: 2,071
    As usual I started off upping the miles around March/April with a few longer rides around Scotland. Started off the Sportive calander with the Drumlanrig sportive which was a first for me and at around 80 odd miles it was enough and was pleased with my time.

    The next week was the FWC and my first major goal for 2008. In 2007 I had got around in 8hrs10min without walking and this year I aimed to get under 8hrs as I wasted afair amount of time in 2007 at feedstations. Sadly I had a bit of bad luck due to a crash and two punctures but still came in at a reasonable time of 8:40.

    Next biggie was the Mega Challenge - 140miles of pure climbing and the weather was pretty dismal but it was an experience never to forget and and a must for all serious sportive riders who want to test themselves.

    I did the Southern Upland Sportive two weeks later and flew around the first half of the route only to suffer from cramps in the 2nd half and a broken spoke and warped wheel only 3 miles to the finish but it was a great day out and will be doing it again.

    I did the Devil Ride next and again the weather was dismal but it was well run and the roads were perfect and MUCH harder than it looked on paper.

    Did a few big runs over the 100mile mark in Scotland as well as a recce for a 2009 sportive that sadly wont be coming now. Read more here

    http://www.bikeradar.com/forums/viewtop ... t=12600525

    Finished off more or less with a week in Bormio and climbed the Gavia, Mortirolo etc and even did both sides of the Stelvio one day.

    Now just keeping the winter miles and waiting for 2009 to kick off. Got a few sportives planned and might enter a few more if I can. Also going to the Ventoux again but this time will see Lance and co climb it on the penultimate day of the Tour.
    Brian B.