2009 Prediction thread

iainf72 Posts: 15,784
edited December 2009 in Pro race
Please add your own.

- Someone from Columbia will win the TdU
- Levi will win the Tour of California. Again
- Boonen will win Milan-San Remo
- It'll be a muddy Roubaix won by someone unexpected
- Basso will destroy everyone in the Giro
- Cadel will win the Dauphine with panache
- Bertie and baby Schleck will fight out the Tour.
- Tom Danielson will fall off and ruin his season
- Cavendish will win whenever he sprints and it's a straight line
- An Italian will win the Worlds
- Passport will nab some people, will be vicious fight in courts about it. Pro Conti's will not really be tested for it anymore
- 3 or more teams will get under due to economic climate
Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.


  • LangerDan
    LangerDan Posts: 6,132
    - Cadel will declare "2009 will be MY year"
    - Bob Stapleton will send a team to every club race in Europe. A win's a win.
    - Lance will remember he's left the sprinklers on and have to rush home.
    - Oil will hit $25 / barrel and the preseident of Kazakhstan will realise he's spending 15% of his GDP on a cycling team.
    - White saddles will be sooo last year, dahlings, as will €8,000 red and white Pinarellos
    - Patrick Lefevre will threaten to sue someone.
    - Poor Bradley will be unhappy at yet another team.
    - Campags new 18 speed cassette will be declared illegal as it projects half a metre out the side of the bike
    - Aurelio and DennisN will start a torrid affair over the 'net
    - Lance and Don Catlin finally meet at the Astana Christmas party
    - Cadel declares "2010? My year. Definitely. Now get off my dog."
    'This week I 'ave been mostly been climbing like Basso - Shirley Basso.'
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    - British Eurosport will show about 30 minutes of Paris-Roubaix before all the cobbles start, then cut away for the crucial deciding moments of the World Chess-Boxing Championships, before rejoining the race for Tommeke's victory lap around the velodrome.

    - Graeme Brown will cause a big crash. Well, duh...
  • Everyone will realise that Bertie has got a bit lucky so far and isn't that good after all.

    Valverde will quit a race in disgust at the gaudiness of his own bike.
  • calvjones
    calvjones Posts: 3,850
    iainf72 wrote:
    Please add your own.

    - Someone from Columbia will win the TdU §Shocker
    - Levi will win the Tour of California. Again §Ditto
    - Boonen will win Milan-San Remo §No, he won't.
    - It'll be a muddy Roubaix won by someone unexpected §Van Amerent (sp?)
    - Basso will destroy everyone in the Giro §[sigh] Yup
    - Cadel will win the Dauphine with panache §Is that his new dog?
    - Bertie and baby Schleck will fight out the Tour. §Until the first ITT, maybe...
    - Tom Danielson will fall off and ruin his season §Ruin? Implies it was ever good.
    - Cavendish will win whenever he sprints and it's a straight line §Easy one
    - An Italian will win the Worlds §Ooh, dunno, I see fireworks.
    - Passport will nab some people, will be vicious fight in courts about it. Pro Conti's will not really be tested for it anymore §[more sighs] Yep
    - 3 or more teams will get under due to economic climate §At least

    Strava is not Zen.
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    iainf72 wrote:
    Please add your own.

    Paul Sherwen will say the following during the TDF

    the heads of state
    at the back end of the bike race
    fighting with his machine

    MSR will be won by an attack on the Poggio (i wish)
    Cancellara takes Roubaix
    Sastre rides a stonking Giro but misses out to Di Luca
    Bertie wins TDF in canter
    Levi wins Vuelta
    Worlds is won by a 100-1 outsider

    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • L'Equipe will break the order gagging them, on printing non-sanctioned doping stories.
    http://www.lesdessousdusport.fr/l-equip ... opage-2829
    (In case you haven't heard. BKP of Micron :wink: )
    Frank Schleck crashes on a downhill.
    The TDU will have more cases of sunburn, than climbs.
    Levi Leipheimer takes the Tour of California prologue, but is injured in the press crush to snap a quickie of his team mate. The organisers neutralise the remainder of the race. :roll:
    Paris-Nice to be the stage race of the year........once again.
    Contador to open his season in the re-established Tour of Sardinia.
    Contador signs for Saxo, on stage 10 of the Tour.
    More Spanish races to crash and burn.
    The ASO and UCI have a fall out! :shock:
    The Tour of Qatar in new drugs for oil scandal.
    Frank Schleck crashes on another downhill.
    Astana sign Tyler Hamilton, as domestique for Vino's Vuelta bid
    Cycling news sites and tv commentaries to hit new lows in biased reporting.
    Lots and lots of new forum threads on........
    .......Oh and Frank Schleck crashes on another downhill.
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    Cav wins 5+ stages and the Green Jersey at the Tour and similar at the Vuelta, plus Ghent-Wevelgem, but still gets ignored by the UK public in general

    The Tour is Contador v A.Schlek. Evans comes third.

    An Armstrong/Contadaor stand-off like LeMond/Hinault.

    Armstrong's Grand Tour form is at a Kim Kirchen level

    Someone from the Fuji team gets busted for doping

    A well known Italian gets busted for doping (I'm going to have a guess at Nibali*)

    A Belgian wins Het Volk (and the sun will come up tomorrow)

    Garmin win every major TTT

    Boonen wins no major races (by major I mean classics or Tour stages)

    Van Avermaet or Maaskant to win at Flanders

    Hincapie to win in Roubaix (yes really - I'd love to see it)

    Nicole Cooke to retain her rainbow jersey.

    Jason Kenny beats Chris Hoy in the sprint WCs

    Vicky Pendleton wins everything on the track and again fails to fall in love with me..

    *Nibali is just a name I picked at (almost)random as he's on the questionable Liquigas team. I really have no feelings as to whether he's doping or not.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    Cavendish to win Het Volk, M-SR, Flanders, P-R, G-W, Tour, Giro, Vuelta, Paris-Nice and Daupine Libere points jerseys and all flat stages, San Sebastian P-T. And if he doesn't do all of this I think we should all show our disgust by lynching him.
  • nick hanson
    nick hanson Posts: 1,655
    steve2021 wrote:
    Everyone will realise that Bertie has got a bit lucky so far and isn't that good after all.

    so many cols,so little time!
  • dave_1
    dave_1 Posts: 9,512
    I foresee more problems for boonen...mainly off the bike

    Armstrong dropped badly in some Giro mountain stages and a domestique at the TDF and falling out with JB and co...

    Another Vandevelde on the GC podium..25 years on

    TDF won by.....Evans
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    Dave_1 wrote:
    TDF won by.....Evans

    Lol :lol:
    I like bikes...

  • armstrong will struggle in the tour mountains and pull out rather than the embaresment of loosing.
    (not that i dont like the guy, just that i don't think he's can be that good again.)
  • jimycooper wrote:
    armstrong will struggle in the tour mountains and pull out rather than the embaresment of loosing.

    A more likely Giro scenario, I think.........he's got the "I'm Contador's domestique", to fall back on, should things go wrong at the Tour. :wink:
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • On the penultimate stage of the Tour, Armstrong is knocked of his bike by a mysterious english fan on his first visit to the race, thus adding even more kudos to the Ventoux as a Tour stage
  • Grimone
    Grimone Posts: 95
    Cavendish to win Paris-Tours.

    Gilbert to win something where he is 20-1+ outsider.

    Armstrong to win le tour.
    Don't rake up my mistakes, i know exactly what they are.
  • victorponf
    victorponf Posts: 1,187
    steve2021 wrote:
    Everyone will realise that Bertie has got a bit lucky so far and isn't that good after all.


    Is R.Millar (the British
    cyclist god) better than Contador? (for example)

    If he Bertie is no good, what´s Evans then?

    My predicition for 2009:

    Giro: Basso (Amstrong don´t finish it)
    Tour:Contador, with Cancellara leader until Alpes and Lance in the top ten.
    Vuelta: Basso vs Contador (Contador wins)

    If you like Flandes, Roubaix or Eroica, you would like GP Canal de Castilla, www.gpcanaldecastilla.com
  • Giro - Basso
    Tour - Contador
    Vuelta - health and the ghosts of Freiburg permitting - Kloeden (I think he might have earned sufiicient Brownie points for Astana to give him a shot at that one)
  • Arkibal
    Arkibal Posts: 850
    Giro: Lance (assuming he will race it)
    Tour: Contador
    Vuelta: Levi/Kloden
    Worlds: Valverde

    Classics: Boonen, Cancellara, Valverde, Devolder, Rebellin, Ballan. or Hoste.

    Best sprinter: Cav
    Bast climber: Contador
    Best TT: Cancellara

    nothing new in -09, well, except Lance.
  • FJS
    FJS Posts: 4,820
    Vansevenant to finish last in all three GTs

    Popo to suddenly refind his magic getting a top-5 finish in a GT; Thomas Dekker to change teams again for 2010.

    Astana to get all three podium positions in a general classement somewhere at some point.

    Three maillot blanc contenders in the top-10 of the TdF

    Menchov to lose 47 seconds during the descent in the Monaco prologue TT

    Van Avermaet to win Het Volk

    Hoste to finish second in De Ronde

    Evans to finish second the TdF

    Lance to finish second in a stage in the Tour of Ireland

    A former track sprinter to wear the Amarillo jersey in the Vuelta

    Vos, Kenny and Cancellara to become World Champion

    Vinokourov to win the Japan Cup
  • Silence-Lotto will win Flanders (I prefer Quick Step but after last year they will be peeved, and they've got a star in Van Averamet (sp))

    Contador will "boss" the Tour (pun intended)

    Cav will get a huge win (either Milan San Remo, Ghent Wevelgem or the green jersey)

    Valverde will show his potential (intentionally vague, meaning he'll either win a GT or the Worlds)

    Armstrong will end his year quietly at the back end of the Tour on the Ventoux as it all catches up with him.

    Cunego will win 3 out of LBL, FW, AGR, Lombardy and San Sebastian but still say he really wants to win the Giro, even though he's five minutes down after the long time trial

    Ballan for Roubaix

    Armstrong vs Basso in the Giro

    My love life will be fantastic!
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    Gesink to take Paris-Nice.

    Gilbert Het Volk again.

    M-SR Hushovd

    Flanders Boonen

    G-W Cavendish

    P-R Ballan

    Basque Country S. Sanchez

    Amstel Kirchen

    FW Evans

    LBL Valverde

    Romandy Evans

    Giro Basso

    Catalunya De la Fuente

    Dauphine/Switzerland. Big Schleck to win one, Vandevelde the other

    TdF Little Schleck

    San Sebastian S. Sanchez

    Vuelta Contador as a consolation prize, without really trying

    Poland who cares?

    Britain Cummings

    Worlds Wiggins (TT) and Menchov

    P-T Cavendish

    Lombardia Cunego makes it four

    Positive dope tests. To avoid being sued I'll say 3 Spaniards, 2 Italians, a Dutchman and an American.
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    People posting their Lombardia PTP choices 10 months in advance... now that's what I call forward thinking.
  • RVsrb
    RVsrb Posts: 11
    All the GTs will be won be complete outsiders, as WADA finally grow a pair of b*****ks and ban half the peleton for doping :-)

    Giro & Vuelta to change their title sponsorship to Roche

    On second thoughts, what is most likely that whoever wins any major race will be doping suspect and several teams & races will go to the wall :-([/img]
  • Yellow Peril
    Yellow Peril Posts: 4,466
    My prediction (really I mean worry) is that Cav won't do as well as he should.

    In '08 he put other sprinters to the sword because he was head and shoulders faster than the rest. However, is it not fair to say that a lot of that speed was as a result of his track racing background an interest in which he kept up until the Bejing debacle?

    I understand that he won't be doing anymore track, do forumites think that this will take away some of his edge in the sprint?

    Other than that I predict Cipo to re-emerge as the next Pope

    Winner of the Bike Radar Pro Race Wiggins Hour Prediction Competition
  • nick hanson
    nick hanson Posts: 1,655
    I would hope that Cav is experienced enough to do sprint specific training,and am sure he won't need guidance from the likes of us as to how to be in the best possible shape for the road sprints
    so many cols,so little time!
  • So...How did we all do??? I think this one post shows how FJS is so good at PTP!!!
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    So...How did we all do??? I think this one post shows how FJS is so good at PTP!!!

    Hmmm, I did terribly. Not a single correct prediction. I resign from this forum in a ball of self-loathing.
  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    iainf72's predictions are very good too.