Plans for 2009?

linsen Posts: 1,959
edited January 2009 in Commuting chat
I want to get my act together enough to cycle to work at least three times a week.

I'd like to do lots of rides which I will remember for the rest of my life (as opposed to "another loop like the last ten")

I'd like to get my eating sorted out (frequently don't eat enough when riding then feel hungry for days)

Anone else have the best of intentions for 2009?

PS Happy New Year :D
Emerging from under a big black cloud. All help welcome


  • Jen J
    Jen J Posts: 1,054
    I would like to average more than 15mph at least once :(

    Just took the Madone for 30 miles around Richmond Park, and was slower than on the 80 miler on the old roadie last week. Meh.
    Commuting: Giant Bowery 08
    Winter Hack: Triandrun Vento 3

    It's all about me...
  • iain_j
    iain_j Posts: 1,941
    I plan to not get knocked off this year, to eat less junk and more fruit and veg, eat and drink more on rides, look after my bikes, stop being so lazy, do at least 100 miles per month (not including commutes), do some weekend tours... and lots more, the idea being the more plans i make the less guilty i'll feel about ignoring one or two of them :D
  • iain_j
    iain_j Posts: 1,941
    Oh yeah and speed up. I'm not normally bothered by average speed (honest) but 2008 was slow.
  • I want to ride to Paris or another european city this year... perhaps somewhere in holland or belgium for something different - Paris is like soooooooo 2008 daaahling :wink:

    I also want to remain uninjured all year and go faster.

    Happy new year kids.
  • hambones
    hambones Posts: 407
    Do the 8 commutes per week WHATEVER the weather.
    Increase the distance coming home as the light improves.
    Lose the near 2 stone I have put on since November by the beginning of March.
    Seriously consider a new chain (7000 miles old!!)
    Ride every Sunday morning even if it just for an hour (it doesn't have to be 80 miles or nothing some days!)
    Break 24 for a 10.
    Still breathing.....
  • stuaff
    stuaff Posts: 1,736
    1. Get faster. Average on my bike computer (about 900 miles with it on, only use it at weekends and not always) a mere 12.5 mph.
    2. Do the full IOW Randonnee in May. Did the 55km route last year, ended up doing 59 miles that day all in, so shouldn't be a problem. Apart from the bloody hills.
    3. Not come fourth from last in the Smithfield Nocturne folding bike race heat, preferably get in the final.
    4. Have a go at Friday Night Ride To The Coast, at least once.
    5. See 1.
    6. ditto.
    7. etc.
    Dahon Speed Pro TT; Trek Portland
    Viner Magnifica '08 ; Condor Squadra
    LeJOG in aid of the Royal British Legion. Please sponsor me at
  • phil_ss1
    phil_ss1 Posts: 194

    Priorities this year:

    1 - Avoid any clashes, both physical and verbal, with other road users.
    2 - Push the pace up a bit more.
    3 - Use the road bike whenever the weather's ok.
    4 - Tackle another 100 miler.
    5 - Turn up the wick in the gym.

    And enjoy cycling more and more.

    Best wishes to everyone, and good luck with your aims and aspirations for this year.

  • Bassjunkieuk
    Bassjunkieuk Posts: 4,232
    1. Fit my new wheels :-)
    2. Try to clean my chain at least once a fortnight and the whole bike whole a month. This might decrease during summer tho..........
    3. Beat my current PB for a single days riding, currently a lowly 67 miles!
    4. Complete the Capital to Coast ride without stopping at the halfway point, that'll be almost 60 miles non-stop!
    5. A century ride.
    6. Take the kids out on the Freewheel this year.
    7. Try to go for more social rides!

    Think that's about it for the moment!

    Almost forgot

    8. Win the lottery and buy the £8K Prince from GB Cycles :-D
    Who's the daddy?
    Twitter, Videos & Blog
    Player of THE GAME
    Giant SCR 3.0 - FCN 5
  • johncp
    johncp Posts: 302
    Lose weight: currently 86kg, first stop 80 then 75 by midsummer
    Complete Tour of Pembrokeshire long route in under 8 hours (open age Gold standard); Autumn Epic also in open Gold standard
    Finally beat 30 mins for 10 mile TT :lol: (stop sniggering)
    Get out at least 4 times a week once the light nights return - commuting not an option :( . Stop eating quite so many crisps! Already reduced the beer :cry:

    Good luck to everyone!
    If you haven't got a headwind you're not trying hard enough
  • Rich158
    Rich158 Posts: 2,348
    1. To do at least one full sportive each month, in a different part of the country so I can see all that this fine island has to offer, and complete then all in a gold time.

    2. To join my local cycling club and start racing, possiblly just a few time trials

    3. Combine my commute with some training to increase my average speed

    4. Lose 10kg and turn myself into a hill climbing whippet

    5. Complete the David Lloyd Mega Challenge

    6. Complete the London--Brighton in 3 hours or under
    pain is temporary, the glory of beating your mates to the top of the hill lasts forever.....................

    Revised FCN - 2
  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,073
    Double my annual mileage 6000+
    Increase my avg speed to at least 20mph
    Have a serious attempt at the BR century challenge
    Lose 20lbs
    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • always_tyred
    always_tyred Posts: 4,965
    1. keep the same job (I had 4 in 12 months Oct 07-Oct 08, due to 2 written notices and some M&A activity) - this is too many and the novelty has worn off.

    2. persuade some bonkers Kiwi buddies that an English Bloke with an orange bike would be ideal company in the Swiss Alps.

    3. make trips (cycling, walking, skiing) to the Highlands habitual rather than occasional

    4. eat better. This may require some organisation.

    5. row more, cycle more, sleep more. The mathematics of item (5) are challenging.
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    I want to loose 2stone. But I don't think that is possible.

    I want to go really fast and ride in my first sportive.
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • Clever Pun
    Clever Pun Posts: 6,778
    finish my fixed project and ride it
    Purveyor of sonic doom

    Very Hairy Roadie - FCN 4
    Fixed Pista- FCN 5
    Beared Bromptonite - FCN 14
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    1: Do the commute twice a week [non school days] on at least 3 weeks in every month from April onwards.

    2: Beat 2500 miles this year.

    3: Commute 20.78 miles in < 1:00:00 at least once a month through the summer. Current PB is 0:59:58

    4: Lose two stone for the summer hols.

    5: New road bike later in the year. Budget TBC but > current bike (£1200). A man has to have his toys...

    Probably more, but hey ho.
  • il_principe
    il_principe Posts: 9,155
    1. Do another Euro Sportive
    2. Do the Dragon Ride again, finish in top 50!
    3. Do the Kent Cyclosportive
    4. Fully induct my brother into cycling
    5. Get really properly fit, train hard and properly
    6. Increase my cycling stamina, particularly on hills.
    7. Get the girlfriend involved with cycling.
    8. Eat less cr@p!
  • 1) Commute enough in 2009 to 'pay off' my Ride2Work bicycle (see the ol' sig)
    2) At some point make the whole commute (just under 6 miles, plenty of traffic lights) without putting my feet down.
    3) Trackstand for 30 seconds

    Maybe not terribly ambitious...?
  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,719
    1. Go under the hour door to door on my 17.5 mile commute, including stopping at the lights (should be easy)
    2. 5000 miles for the year
    3. A good ride at the Cheshire Cat and Fred Whitton
    4. Doing well at SITS/D2D (MTB endurance races)
  • I plan to scalp as many people as possible!! :D
  • girv73
    girv73 Posts: 842
    Funny, the Mrs. asked me this earlier today :) My cycling goals for 2009, in no particular order:
    • Get fit enough to cycle commute 4 days every week, with occasional 5's
    • Make time for training and social (ie: non commuting) rides
    • Get a road bike
    • Get my old-ass mountain bike ('95 Zaskar) out of storage and into the mud
    • Motivate a former MTB-buddy back into some kind of cycling
    • Eat less crap (I'm not too bad, but there's room for improvement!)
    Today is a good day to ride
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    My initial objectives have already fallen by the wayside ( :roll: ), so these could well change:

    1. Over 7,000 miles for the year
    2. More weekend rides (even if it's just once a month)
    3. Tour of Flanders
    4. Hell of the Ashdown + a couple of other UK sportives
    5. The odd road race
    6. Sub-24min for a 10 would be a bonus
    7. Sub-54 min for the Richmond Park 3-lap Challenge
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • Mithras
    Mithras Posts: 428
    1. Complete London to Brighton with mates from work (in uniform)
    2. Spend even more time on the bike at work.
    3. Hand out lots more £60 / 3 point penalty notices for motoring offences.
    4. Actually commute to work..(however that is an 18 mile ride before spending 6-8 hours on the bike, so I may have to save that for days when I am not on patrol)
    5. Complete Public Safety Cycling course
    6. Join local club and do a few Wednesday night 10s
    I can afford to talk softly!....................I carry a big stick!
  • I probably need to start a book on the various NY resolutions in my life - but I'm trying to be sensible by making most of them achievable but with a few stretch targets.

    Cycling specific are:
    1 Improve my candence (which will mean finding a way to measure it but currently sick of misfiring / faulty cycle computers)

    2 Read (started!) and apply lessons from Cyclecraft. This will be a back to basics approach so it means learning how to brake and steer by the book.

    3 Learn some basic bike maintenance and get training up to bikability (linked to 3)

    4 Get out on the road bike more - the practicality of the hybrid which enables me to pop into the shops on the way home and fill the panniers to bursting often means the road bike sits in the shed.

    5 My stretch targets are based on one of the best things I did in 2008 - a 50 mile non-mapped day out to Cambridge. Three of us took a day off work and with a hazy idea of direction set off. For 2009 I want to cycle from my home in East London to Reading (and then use that to visit family during Summer) and then home to Oxford - which means the Malvern Hills. Later in the year Newcastle to Edinburgh

    6 Maintain and be more a more active member of my local London Cycling Campaign group
    Pain is only weakness leaving the body
  • tardington
    tardington Posts: 1,379
    Am making plans for a cycle tour holiday up in the highlands!

    Must get bike insured properly.

    Fit my new SPDs and not fall off too much
  • 1) 10,000km for the year
    2) Complete the Cingles du Mont Ventoux in May, and follow it up with the world's biggest steak
    3) sub 22 for a 10
    4) sub 58 for a 25
    5) get down to 75kg
    6) Cragg Vale in under 20 minutes
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    2) Complete the Cingles du Mont Ventoux in May, and follow it up with the world's biggest steak

    8) Am very jealous. This was one of my "initial objectives" (the other was the Marmotte). I've had to bin it because there's no way I can fit in the amount of training I need. Have you decided the order you're going to do it in? Any chance you could write a short report for us lot? Would be a good read. :)
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • I went to the new Hogg Hill cycle track yesterday to talk to the organisers about doing my first Cat 4 race next Saturday in their winter league. I've had a licence for 6 months and done nothing with it yet!. The guys out there doing it were a mixed bunch. Next Saturday afternoon maybe a better time for me to post exactly what I think I may be able to achieve in 2009.

    Target: My daily commute Chingford to Warren in Street 11.88 miles in 35 minutes (Start Stop mode on Computer[AT mode ]) at least once a week

    I guess if I achieve this, the weight etc will get sorted by implication :shock:
    [1]Ribble winter special
    [2] Trek 5200 old style carbon
    [3] Frankensteins hybrid FCN 8
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    I went to the new Hogg Hill cycle track yesterday to talk to the organisers about doing my first Cat 4 race next Saturday in their winter league. I've had a licence for 6 months and done nothing with it yet!. The guys out there doing it were a mixed bunch. Next Saturday afternoon maybe a better time for me to post exactly what I think I may be able to achieve in 2009.

    DD - go for it! My experience of 4th Cat races is as follows: generally speaking, bike handling can be a bit shaky, so stay out of trouble by staying in the first five or so wheels (your prospects of avoiding a crash improve and you will know if any tries to get away). And save yourself for a sprint finish: don't be selfless and pull everyone along because they will just blaze past you in the sprint and won't thank you for it later. It's a bit negative, but the object is to get out of 4th Cat not least because of the greater variety of courses available to 3rd Cats.
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • biondino
    biondino Posts: 5,990
    1. To lose 12 pounds
    2. To do a proper sportive
    3. To do lots of fun 50-100 miles rides with friends
    4. To try mountain biking
    5. To do a bike maintenance course
    6. To get at least as fit as I was last summer
    7. To introduce more people to the joys of cycling
    8. To keep enjoying it
  • cjcp wrote:
    stay out of trouble by staying in the first five or so wheels (your prospects of avoiding a crash improve and you will know if any tries to get away). And save yourself for a sprint finish:

    Sage advice I reckon but given the state of the nation regards my fitness these 2 goals may be mutually exclusive. However, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

    will biro UFTM onto my forehead friday night so when shaving I will give myself an instant wakeup call.

    Should I learn vital lessons I will passing them onto the SCR crew post haste


    [1]Ribble winter special
    [2] Trek 5200 old style carbon
    [3] Frankensteins hybrid FCN 8