Why So Miserable?



  • rikk
    rikk Posts: 734
    However, the thing I can't understand is people who moan about not getting waves - do it if you want to, to be nice, but don't do it just for the return (reward) and if you don't get a wave back just go on your merry way.

    It's not for the return, I'm just generally a happy chappy who likes to spread a little cheer. I can understand me being on a hybrid and decked out in mtb gear on the road why I'd get ignored..fair enough, but I was just interested as to why if I'm going along and yell out a hearty " good morning" to 1 or a group of roadies they feel the need to totally blank me.
    It's not even a case of a quick double take by them as they picked up my greeting and a feint good morning as they ride off, it's the physical effort they actually put it to totally ignore you.

    Best bet I think from now on I'll ignore anyone in lycra and just give a quick good morning to everyone else who looks like their out for fun :)
  • nickwill
    nickwill Posts: 2,735
    rikk wrote:

    Best bet I think from now on I'll ignore anyone in lycra and just give a quick good morning to everyone else who looks like their out for fun :)

    So we're not out for fun if we are wearing lycra! :?
    I've always tended to assume that cyclists who weren't wearing lycra were more likely to be on their way to the shops or work!
    I'm just beginning to sense a bit of anti roadie feeling here. :(
  • NWLondoner
    NWLondoner Posts: 2,047
    I enjoying wearing my Lycra. Makes me feel sporty instead of the usual couch potato.
  • Slow1972
    Slow1972 Posts: 362
    I'm from the North but spent Christmas down in London. Went out on my bike and got plenty of nods and waves off other riders lycra clad or not.

    You do seem to take it all a bit personally though Rikk, when I'm out on my bike, whether its my mountain bike or my road bike I acknowledge all other riders I see. But when I'm riding hard on my road bike and/or keeping an eye on the traffic I may not have the time for a full blown sit up, cheery hello and a wave. I still manage a nod, a smile (or grimace) or raised fingers (no not those two) off my bars though.

    You're not being too enthusiastic with your waving are you, ferociously waving like your nearest and dearest had just stepped on to an ocean liner to take a trip to the brave new world, never to be seen again... if you are maybe other riders think you're some kind of village idiot lost in East London and are simply scared by you ;)

    Maybe you need to keep an eye out for the more subtle ackowledgements.

    And when people don't acknowledge me I can honestly say it doesnt spoil my day, each to their own and all that :)
  • Mapman
    Mapman Posts: 254
    I wave to anyone me . Smile at the world and it will smile back (even if i have had a sh..e day) SENDING Rikk A BIG WAVE and a CHEERY HELLO :D
  • You dont greet anyone you dont know in London. Its the first rule of being a Londoner. Saying hello to someone you dont know is akin to inviting them to stab/shoot you. I stopped bothering to say hello last winter when fully clad in Winter gear I was snubbed by another roadie, he was in full summer FdJ kit and looked at me like I was stealing his air :lol: .

    I "flash" :shock: another Alfa driver, an old boy in a gorgeous Giulia I see every so often. He doesnt flash back (electrics probably dont work :wink: ) but just lifts his hand off the steering wheel.
  • Slow Downcp
    Slow Downcp Posts: 3,041
    This seems to come up more and more frequently - I always try to say hello or wave other cyclists, but if they don't respond I don't let it get to me or feel the need to moan on the forum about miserable roadies (and yes, I am a Assos clad roadie).

    I've said many times before, you don't wave to other pedestrians when walking and you wouldn't say hello to everyone else on the bus, or wave to others on the bus going the opposite direction so why assume that because you ride a bike, other cyclists should wave back?

    Maybe the other cyclists do normally wave to others riding a bike, but just don't like you?
    :wink: :twisted: :lol:
    Carlsberg don't make cycle clothing, but if they did it would probably still not be as good as Assos
  • beegee
    beegee Posts: 160
    I nod my head, make eye contact with any cyclist. Actually it doesn't matter if they're going to the shops or round Britain, they're cycling which is great. Because it's so easy for people to use the car, any form of cycling should be encouraged.

    Okay, thinking about it further, I don't acknowledge casual cyclists under 16. They are not demonstrating that cycling is a life style choice, they've got no choice.

    Also I say Hi to women on horses. They always smile and say Hi back. Lovely. Takes a cold shower.

    I once went on a ride with 20,000 other cyclists and I don't think one of them waved at me. That was in Southern England so I guess it's right about southerners.
  • I live in Cambridge ( bike ridden place) and i only wave to people who arn't commuting, because if I waved to everyone I see riding a bike i'd be riding one handed the whole way round town. I normally just wave when i'm out on the country roads and I see another cyclist.
    2007 Fuji Newest 3.0.
    Cateye Velo 5 Computer

    2009 Mongoose Subject BMX
    Sky blue tires
    New seatpost and seat ( made by pivotal)
  • bobpzero
    bobpzero Posts: 1,431
    rarely do i meet any cyclists, mostly cars and motocross boys. usually im too lazy to say hi or good morning so i just wave. i wouldnt worry about getting the silent blank face response
    because probably they are only out for a quick spin or only just getting warmed up.
    the thing that annoys me is while on a cycle path, theres another cyclist about to overtake, you have no idea there is anyone behind you and then they pass you as if you just another obstacle in their way. preferably they could have said on your right or on your left just to let me where they want to pass by.
  • chrisw28
    chrisw28 Posts: 187
    Went out today and saw a lot of cyclists in the Surrey hills, all very friendly and waved back. I ride with a close friend and we don't take much seriously, if they don't wave or smile back we just have a giggle about it! :lol: (If you've ever seen two guys riding together and waving their arms around ridiculously as a 'hello' it's probably us :shock: )
  • neeb
    neeb Posts: 4,471
    It's because most road cyclists acknowledge each other that the ones who seem to go out of their way not to return a nod or a wave stand out, and you just think, "WTF?". No big deal, but I still think it's a rude. I guess some people just can't be bothered with the whole thing (fair enough), but there are definitely people out there who size up everyone they pass and deliberately blank those they consider to be "unworthy" for whatever reason; it must take a lot of effort at a combined speed of 50mph!
  • NWLondoner
    NWLondoner Posts: 2,047
    you won't be getting many waves from me soon. i'll be too worried about taking my hands off and dumping my new bike :shock: so you'll just have to do with a nod. 8)
  • rikk
    rikk Posts: 734
    NWLondoner wrote:
    you won't be getting many waves from me soon. i'll be too worried about taking my hands off and dumping my new bike :shock: so you'll just have to do with a nod. 8)

    Ride down the road at about 10mph and just throw yourself on the floor, now it's over and done with you won't worry any more ;)