
Fat git
Fat git Posts: 10
edited December 2008 in MTB general
Hey all -
I have a GT Zaskar 2007 model which comes with GT grips as standard equipment, I find that I am getting quite bad pins and needles in my hands and would like to replace the grips.
Any suggestions on what would be a good replacement?


  • schmako
    schmako Posts: 1,982
    What gloves you wearing? It could also be them making your hands sore.
  • blister pus
    blister pus Posts: 5,610
    Two things come to my mind, and I'm not being funny or rude with the first; "Fat git" with "quite bad pins and needles in my hands" could equal "doctor" ..are you sure you don't need to see a doctor? You could be fit as a fiddle like, just a thought.

    Next was the angle of brake and gear lever arrangement, if the line through your arm down through the grip and finger extension when using the levers is elevated more than it should, I've noticed it can cause a similar effect to an RSI typing action which would cause pins and needles.

    I changed to some ergo grips the other day and altered my lever arrangement angle and I'm a lot happier with no untoward wrist jarring that I was getting before.
  • I was quite chubby but managed to work off around 18kg to settle at 80kg now, I have tried two types of gloves, the first were fingerless with gel pads and my winter gloves are Sealskinz MTB padded types, both have the same problem.
    Looking at the levers they are mounted slightly upward where I would have to bend the wrist to keep my fingers on them, I will adjust this and see if there are any improvements.

    Thanks for the inputs and any more ideas let me know. :)
  • omegas
    omegas Posts: 970
    Used these for over a year, they are bigger than normal grips, they spread the weight and I think they keep the blood flowing around your hands as you don’t have a clenched fist and still have loads of grip. The woman’s ones are popular to as they are slightly smaller. ... s-ec008935