Clackety-clack. Clackety-clack....

KonaKurt Posts: 720
edited February 2009 in The Crudcatcher
I wondering if I am starting a long running topic here... oh well, here goes....!


What problems have people had using trains around the UK? As in, taking their bikes onto trains! Any good stories?

I know I have...!

Nearly had my prized Kona stolen off a Cross Country train near Southampton this summer! Some cheeky little runts tried lifting it off the racks, but luckily I was sitting next to the door watching and soon bellowed them away!




  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    i thought you were on about walking on floorboards with SPD shoes on at first ;-)
  • missmarple
    missmarple Posts: 1,980
    I thought he was on about horses and bikes!

    My only experience with a train/tram is nearly getting hit by one in Addington, scared the crap outta me. :shock:
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    missmarple wrote:
    I thought he was on about horses and bikes!

    My only experience with a train/tram is nearly getting hit by one in Addington, scared the crap outta me. :shock:

    Well you probably shouldn`t ride on the railway track.
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • I take my bike on the train a few times a week.. Not so long ago I left a huge mud patch where my bike was.. I was feeling pre-christmassy so wanted to change the decoration of the floor a little is all :lol:

    About 2 months ago I rhode into the local station near work, wasn't going fast but wasn't going snail speed either.. My rear wheel worked loose and came out of it's socket 1 side as I was turning, as a result I lost traction and nearly lost the rear end over the edge of the platform.
    That said about 3 weeks before I done a 180 on the platform, mis judged it and ended up swinging the back end over the tracks, only just bringing it full 180.. Could of been bad that one.
  • missmarple
    missmarple Posts: 1,980
    In response to Antfly, you do realise Trams inter-mingle with Traffic in Croydon and in some areas they cross our paths without traffic lights? :wink:

    I'm not a chav, I don't trespass.
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    No miss,I am happy to say I have never been to Croydon.It sounds dangerous.The topic was trains though and while i`m interested in all tram related incidents trams aren`t really trains.
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    antfly wrote:
    No miss,I am happy to say I have never been to Croydon.It sounds dangerous.The topic was trains though and while i`m interested in all tram related incidents trams aren`t really trains.

    he did say about train/trams in his first post :lol:

    but now now its christmas no arguements :lol:

    back on topic 8) i have to get trains everywhere :cry: they can be quite expensive in my opinion :P and ive never felt bad about leaving mud ont ehre after all its what your money for the ticket pays for :P
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • Use to catch the train everyday with my bike. Only problem was putting up with people thinking I had less right to be on there with a bike.

    Like some snotty yank telling me I should let her on first coz she was a visitor!

    " Well I use this train everyday- now get to f*** yer old bag!" :lol:

    Honestly though if you were well mannered and waited for everyone to get you had no chance of getting on with your bik.! :evil:
    08 Pitch Pro
    14 Kona Unit
    Kona Kula SS
    Trailstar SS
    94 Univega Alpina 5.3
  • KonaKurt
    KonaKurt Posts: 720
    Oh, I forgot I wrote this topic!

    Don't you just love it when you carefully prop your prized expensive steed up in a train (trains without proper bike compartments that is) some place out of everyones way, only to then have some horrible hag come along, recklessly throwing her banged up shopper bike, worth no more than a tenner, on top of yours?? Only to then realise she has scratched your paintwork and marked your rims for the bargain?!

    If you are really unlucky, you will want to get off the train first, meaning you have to fight your way to get your steed out free from underneath the tangled mess of shopper bike remains?!?! I can just about remember the days when people actually ASKED if it was ok to put something up against your bike....

    I got to say though, if the terrible cycle racks on board First Great Western's HST trains is anything to go by, you are better off not bothering to load your bike up there... they seem to think that the average bike's width is about 10 cms!


    P.s: yeah, this grumble is based on a bad journey I had recently, from Oxford to Charlbury.
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,593
    I have never taken my bike on a train, but judging from here and the horrow stories from my friends, its no fun.. again the UK public transport system is totally rubbish, Shame really or i'd want to use it more lol
  • KonaKurt
    KonaKurt Posts: 720
    Yep, it is pretty crap in Britain.Many other countries in Europe have excellent public transport, like Holland, Germany and Sweden. I guess that nobody 'at the top' of these companies really cares about all of our day to day needs in getting about.

    I understand that SouthWest trains (hampshire and dorset) do not allow bikes on at all, unless you have a reservation for it at least 24hours in advance..? And if your tyres are wider than something like 1.5 ins (!!) they will not fit in the naff wheel spaces in the floor..?

    oh well...

  • I commute from Ipswich to London everyday on the trains.....

    Dont get me started on the problems with them!!! :lol::lol::lol: .....they're expensive, unreliable and seriously they come up with the worst excuses in the world!!! :evil:

    Have only taken my bike a couple of times on the train as i just cant relax incase some theiving little scrote wanders off with my pride and joy!!
    - 2006 Orange MsIsle -
    - "Old bikers dont die, we juet get tired" -
  • KonaKurt wrote:
    Oh, I forgot I wrote this topic!

    Don't you just love it when you carefully prop your prized expensive steed up in a train (trains without proper bike compartments that is) some place out of everyones way, only to then have some horrible hag come along, recklessly throwing her banged up shopper bike, worth no more than a tenner, on top of yours?? Only to then realise she has scratched your paintwork and marked your rims for the bargain?!

    If you are really unlucky, you will want to get off the train first, meaning you have to fight your way to get your steed out free from underneath the tangled mess of shopper bike remains?!?! I can just about remember the days when people actually ASKED if it was ok to put something up against your bike....

    I got to say though, if the terrible cycle racks on board First Great Western's HST trains is anything to go by, you are better off not bothering to load your bike up there... they seem to think that the average bike's width is about 10 cms!


    P.s: yeah, this grumble is based on a bad journey I had recently, from Oxford to Charlbury.

    On the trains where you have to keep in in the passenger compartment i've found sitting on the toptube whilst you travel is a good way to prevent them doing this.
  • KonaKurt
    KonaKurt Posts: 720
    Ride, yes. I do this quite often now, assuming it's an open compartment train (not storage racks). And yes it does work alot of the time.

    I think there must be something inherent inside some people that makes them object to the sight of a nice looking bike. Maybe it is jealousy??! Maybe just good old fashioned selfishness..?!

    Once on the way back from a days ride around Poole, some bloke waiting to get off at the same station as me (with a face like he was chewing a bad toffee) took one look at me and my bike and barked 'so whats so special about that thing then?' I can't remember what I said, but must have been something neutral like 'she's special to me'.. he then barked 'you kids waste so much money on them things if you ask me..!'

    This was sort of flattering, as I am in my 30's and no 'kid'! Besides that, I sensed that he resented anything on two wheels that was more sophisticated than what his grandad might have ridden while delivering bread! It felt good to have been stood over 'Bessie (bike) defending her from this double chinned threat!

    Public transport is an interesting thing, providing an enviroment where different 'personality types' can clash and show their true colours.

  • Heres a run down of Diesel trains and good/bad for bikes:
    These are used thrououth uk - if u want 2 no more about certain lines, plz post here nd i will get bk 2 u. As u might guess i am an enthusiast BUT I can't b sad cos im into mtb :wink:
    Classes 142, 143, 144, 156, 158, 159, 165, 166, 168, 170, 171, 180, 185, 220, 221, 222

    Basically any local trains with space are very ood, especially if u can stand wiv ur bike as it is safe and not prone 2 b nicked by chavs

    on Longer distance trains there isnt as much space to stand wiv ur bike and u usually need reservations
  • I remember going to an MBUK show in bournemouth by train circa 1998. Me and my mate had to squeeze in an old slam door train with about 30 other people with bikes. Back then bikes went in the cargo bit next to the guards compartment.
    Also, I nicked Martyn Ashtons Volvo cannondale baseball cap at that show :lol:
    sure I still got it somewhere.