Hope Mono M4 brakes.

Joe_Pineapples Posts: 1,718
edited December 2008 in MTB workshop & tech
Hello brothers and sisters,
I have a set of Hope Mono M4 brakes that, quite frankly, are rubbish.
Over the last 4 years I have tried numerous different manufacturers of pads and discs, I have bled them till I'm blue in the face with the hope bleed kit to get the air out, I have spent hours with packs of shims making sure that they are centered perfectly, I have tried braided hoses, but STILL they are no better than average. Locking up a wheel is just not possible and I just don't have the confidence in them to stop me quickly and safely.

My friend has an old 2004 Giant XTC hardtail fitted with Giant's own brakes that sits in his garage for months on end that can run rings round my bike in the braking department.

I am almost at the end of my tether. I now don't know if it may be the master cylinders or the calipers themselves that may or may not need a rebuild.

Can someone, anyone, share my pain?
