Calling all lawyers...



  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,073
    I received a letter last week from my pension company informing me that they had infact lost £1545 off my pension value in the last qtr.

    Way to kick a man when he's down.
    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • biondino wrote:
    What is this "high interest account" you're all talking about?

    I got a pension rebate of £1600 once which I was pretty sure I shouldn't have got but decided the whole area of pensions contributions was so chaotic that no-one could claim I was dishonestly keeping the cash. To this day a) I have no idea if it was correct and b) no-one ever asked for it back.

    The high interest account is now an urban legend, mostly due to the eminent Mr Brown and his disregard for those who've been responsible with money.

    I once got a double pay from a company I worked for some years ago, they never asked me about it, I kept it. Nothing bad ever came of it.

    But I knew the accounting at that company was in chaos, and that they would probably miss it.

    Mmm. Nothing to do with silly bankers then?

    I know, if I buy something that is 1/10 of a share in something very risky, 1/10 of something moderately risky, 1/10 of something .....
    ...... and 1/10 something safe, then I'm sorted providing that everything works out fine and I never have to actually call in any of the risky debt!! :D In the mean time, I'll evaluate the lot in the most optomistic sense possible, double it, add thirty, and pay myself a bonus before anyone looks into things too closely. I can then stick what's left of my bonus in a high interest account and have the gaul to complain when it turns out that none of the 10th's were ever worth a penny and banking has consequently lost more money than it has every made in the history of money, causing my high interest account to become less profitable for me.

    After that I can ask Mr. Brown for some money that he will borrow from China, and pay myself a moderate bonus (although my boss will have to make do with a 7 figure salary this year).

    I think you can blame Mr. Brown for myopia but blaming him for the finanial problems is a bit like blaming police for crimes they don't solve.
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    When Halifax were being demutualised, I had the misfortune to be sent an extra pay check by mistake, put it in a Halifax a/c left it there over the two qualifying dates, got shares I later sold for £2K, sent cheque back. Now THAT was high interest :D

    Those shares would now be worth about £100 if I still had them!