What embarassing crashes have you had?

mygiantmtb Posts: 57
edited December 2008 in MTB beginners
it's fun to look like an idiot at least once! i went to climachx (near machynlleth mid Wales) on Sunday and it was my first time , (i usually go to coed y brenin) it was really good , a lot of up hill though but the single track and the rocky sections were good. I was riding along a fast part of single track when i saw my mate on the floor , and before i could do anything me and my bike were on top of him. I had gone off the end of a berm with out realizing. I was embarrassed and it was on camera!! lol - the video is here! http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9mZwacFI ... annel_page skip to 1:00 to get to the good bit.
sorry about the quality , it was a phone!.

Say what your most embarrassing is and if it was on camera send the url!! :D
"Giant NRS 4 2003"
"Giant Terrago 2002"
"Giant box one 2000"

"www.youtube.com/tubtom1 - my site, bike vids on there."


  • Mattbot2
    Mattbot2 Posts: 384
    The numerous times i've found it fun to do a skid with my front wheel on icy paths.
    ^^^ Click for pictures of my bike ^^
  • i was too tired to balance and i rolled off a boardwalk once....smacked my nuts on my seat in the process an it made the ride back to the car a bit more painful :(
  • I recently crashed into a bin due to a momentarily lapse in concentration! :lol: I ended up lying on the ground wondering how I had managed to crash into a bin as it happened on a flat surface at a fairly slow speed! :oops: This just shows that you can crash at anytime, anywhere when you get on a bike. I was heading to the trails at Mabie Forest when I crashed into the bin. I managed to not crash at Mabie Forest even though I was going at higher speeds on a trail requiring a lot more skill compared to where I crashed. This makes crashing in the way I did all the more embarrassing! :roll: :P
  • bellys
    bellys Posts: 456
    i come off in the works car park one day.
    we were having work done in the car park and there was a big mound of sand and soil to one side of car park next to the path.
    So i come down the hill flat out and there was a co worker on the path instead of slowing down i use the mound as a ramp but it give way on the lip and i went arse over tit as i got up there was about 10 people getting out of there cars all rolling round on the floor crying and take in the piss i have never been on my bike since.
  • The most embarrassing crash is not really a crash, but very embarrassing. A while back, I installed a brand new set of clipless pedals. I went to the bar, I was hanging out at the time, which happens to have a completely open front. So the bar patrons can watch people walk by on the sidewalk. I pulled up on my bike, slowed to a stop and could not pull my shoes out of my pedals. And pulled a slow-motion side fall in a front of drunken audience, which earned me applause and a free beer & Jager. The good ol days!!
  • Possibly not truly embarrassing but it was a 'how the hell did that happen when it was going well' moment.
    So funny to watch over and over :lol: Straight into a tree stump!!

    http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea ... D=38867376

  • when i first started i was cycling along a cliff path chasing my mate and then i hit the side of the track, skidded of then i had a big fall into a thorn bush

    looking back i dont know how i fell of at such an easy section but it did hurt

  • cheehee
    cheehee Posts: 427
    About 17 years back, my brother got a Peugeot 'Tim Gould' MTB for Crimbo. It had front suspension I'll have you know :D

    On boxing day we went for a ride down the local canal towpath, it was f-f-f-f reezing, literally - parts of standing water had frozen over.....brass monkey's I tells thee :D

    Anyhows I was 'slipstreaming' him down the tow path and the little tw*t decided to swerve at the very last minute just before one of the mooring points for the barges. :twisted:

    I hit it square on, and me plus bike ended up in the very, very cold Grand Union Canal..........Bbbbbrrrrr Eskimo's may know the cold I experienced that day. you know that cold that takes your breath away?? times that by 10 and your getting there!!!

    This was before the days where everyone had a mobile. So I had to ride my brothers back to our house, whilst he waited at the 'crash/splash' site. In my sodden clothes the windchill factor was a nightmare. I got a boll*cking off me dad for a) leaving my brother down the canal, b) falling off my bike c) bothering him on boxing day :roll:

    My Dad and I went back down there, and thankfully one of my mates had seen my brother down there, and asked him what had happened. Together they had managed to haul the bike out of the canal with a fishing pole.

    Aaaaaahh Happy days

  • Stoo61
    Stoo61 Posts: 1,394
    David Lund wrote:
    Possibly not truly embarrassing but it was a 'how the hell did that happen when it was going well' moment.
    So funny to watch over and over :lol: Straight into a tree stump!!

    http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea ... D=38867376


    Haha, how did that happen!?

    Anyway I had a going....going.....goooooing.....gone moment on the West Highland Way which was embarrasing as I flailed for what seemed like minutes trying to stay up.
  • stu8975
    stu8975 Posts: 1,334
    June 07, riding to work through the carpark at about 4mph, left turn in the pi**ing down rain (typical summer), front end slid out= type 5 separated shoulder and 3 months off work, been giving me crap ever since and ive just had it re-set (another 5 months off work), should of hired my steed out.
  • brigez
    brigez Posts: 31
    Overtaking a group of tourists on the GUC at Padington, picked my spot up ahead, rode up the grass verge only to find that the long grass was hiding a small kerb, bike went one way, i went the other, crashed down onto my shoulder, on my way to a brick wall, but thankfully was slowed down and stopped by a lot of stinging nettles.

    Loads of people around, and a lot of them came over to help, mostly American or Canadian, (very helpful and concerned, thank you), I got up, "of course I'm Ok, thanks, no need to worry, enjoy your holiday....erm vacation"

    Well I'm now having painfull physio on an AC joint injury to my shoulder, and might be looking at surgery.

    Embarassed at the time, and even now. :oops:
    gimee time, i'll think of something.........
  • The first time I tried clipping in (with toeclips) I hit a rock on a steepish downhill, launched straight over the handlebars, pulling the bike with me by the pedals, landed flat on the trail face first, bike landed rear wheel first into my arse, broke my coycix, twisted my ankle and winded me so hard I was blacked out for 6 or 7 seconds.

    Not so much funny as spectacular.
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    I was looking at the train timetable which was on the inside of the pavement whilst still astride my bike after a short downpour. Decided I could get to where I was going just as quick by riding so stood on one of the pedals and promptly spun 180 on the wet pavement and went A over T. When I looked up there was on old granny saying I shouldn't be riding on the pavement, which I wasn't technically.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • Mattbot2
    Mattbot2 Posts: 384
    David Lund wrote:
    Possibly not truly embarrassing but it was a 'how the hell did that happen when it was going well' moment.
    So funny to watch over and over :lol: Straight into a tree stump!!

    http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea ... D=38867376


    That has got, to hurt.
    ^^^ Click for pictures of my bike ^^
  • mats
    mats Posts: 94
    A few year ago while still relatively inexperienced ( now I'm more experienced but still Sh*#e) I thought a trip to Mugdock park in Milingavie would be a good run, it was until I came upon a raised board walk above a bog which had raised 2x2's across the whole width of the boards at regular intervals. What I quickly discovered was that the spacing between the 2x2's was just about the wheel base of my bike and it was becoming increasingly difficult to negotiate them. Inevitably I ground to a halt and began my inexorable sideways plunge right into the bog, no injury, no witnesses but I did look like the creature fromm the back lagoon down one side :oops:
  • .blitz
    .blitz Posts: 6,197
    Overtook some other blokes on a gnarly bit of singletrack and as it spat us out onto a fire road, I took one hand off the bars and looked round to see where they were, all cool like. Just then my front wheel hit something, went to full lock and I was off :oops:

    Another time I went over a p*ssy little jump I'd done dozens of times before but I landed front wheel first and went straight over the bars. I remember rolling along the ground watching my bike cartwheel over and over again down the trail :cry:

    A couple of years ago I was just cycling along when I caught up with a school 'nature' group all across the trail. The teacher called them to one side but most of the kids ignored him, so I decided to blast past real close :wink: Suddenly one of the kids turned and I caught my bar-end on his bag. I crashed out faster than Alain Prost and took two of the kids with me, it was carnage.
  • the most embarrassing crash i had was when my wheels slipped away on a wodden bridge infront of a group of primary schoolkids :oops:
  • Years ago riding to a local practise haunt near the humber bridge i turned to check on my mate behind me and veered over to my nearside without realising.....

    I soon realised this had happened as i ploughed into the bcak of a parked car at around 15mph much to the amusement of my mate who was too busy laughing and trying not to fall off his baik as he could see it coming, oopsie!

    Then another one was racing down the street to my mates house (side by side with my mate) we both hit a massive speedbump (as they all are round here) we both pulled up hard to catch a bit of air and must have caught at least two to three foot each possibly more, we both fell into each other mid-air bouced off and we both hit parked cars either side of the road, we both felt extremely silly having done it but thankfully we werent spotted so having only damaged ourselves we bailed sharply and slowly back to his house lol
    "Don't ask the reasons why cos there arent any, don't follow convention, never say no, just believe in what you see and let the good times roll!"
  • Cycling home from a ride in the woods one Sunday morning. Going along a cobbled street in the town centre and I took a right hand bend at speed. The cobbles were wet and the bike just shot away from underneath me and I went skidding along the ground.

    A valuable lesson learned. :oops:
  • I've told this one before, but my most embarrassing fall happened a couple of months back when I'd just started my current coaching job.

    Cycling along the towpath watching the crew, I spotted an Iped in the path so start paying attention and get ready to pass him, I must have been 1' behind him when he randomly steps right across me. I swerve, and my front wheel hits a lip on the edge of the towpath and I barrel-roll clean into river head-first and the bike lands on top of me.

    My crew almost capsized they were laughing so hard, and my fellow coaches still rip it out of me for that one...
  • Stoo61 wrote:
    David Lund wrote:
    Possibly not truly embarrassing but it was a 'how the hell did that happen when it was going well' moment.
    So funny to watch over and over :lol: Straight into a tree stump!!

    http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea ... D=38867376


    Haha, how did that happen!?

    Anyway I had a going....going.....goooooing.....gone moment on the West Highland Way which was embarrasing as I flailed for what seemed like minutes trying to stay up.

    Oh iv still no idea to this day! i think i may have dabbed the back brake on landing or something which caused it to skid and flick out. happy days... :D
  • Pete-C
    Pete-C Posts: 353
    mats wrote:
    A few year ago while still relatively inexperienced ( now I'm more experienced but still Sh*#e) I thought a trip to Mugdock park in Milingavie would be a good run, it was until I came upon a raised board walk above a bog which had raised 2x2's across the whole width of the boards at regular intervals. What I quickly discovered was that the spacing between the 2x2's was just about the wheel base of my bike and it was becoming increasingly difficult to negotiate them. Inevitably I ground to a halt and began my inexorable sideways plunge right into the bog, no injury, no witnesses but I did look like the creature fromm the back lagoon down one side :oops:

    I know exactly where you are talking about. Fortunatley i decided to push over that section. The bog is soo deep. I did however come off at the boardwalk at the foot of the castle when my front wheel lost all traction. I must have skided about 15 foot until i was stopped by the staples that are meant to give you some grip. Thankfully i stoped just before sliding into the bog in front of 2 shocked dog walkers
    "Its all fun and games till someone gets hurt, then its hilarious"
    Pitch Comp
  • Mattbot2
    Mattbot2 Posts: 384

    The other day, coming home from school, there's this big hill I go down, then it shoots off like a slip road (but on a path) to the left, lots of leaves collect there but I was trying to catch up with my mate. So anyway, I go up there and on the way up I lose all traction, and the bike, still upright, starts sliding sideways, whilst going forward. Then it regains traction and I'm alright. Afterwards I was just peeing myself. No idea why. It was so funny looking back.
    ^^^ Click for pictures of my bike ^^
  • I kid you not but I have fallen off a turbo trainer, I think this has to be time where I felt the biggest idiot. I didn't lock the back wheel in properly and I was 10 mins into session and it just all came loose and I fell over sideways still attached to the pedals - no witnesses but I felt such a goon
    '..all the bad cats in the bad hats..'
  • the video of me and my friend's crash going off the end of a berm , quite bad quality , but oh well. skip to 1:00 to see the crashes! straight after each other as well! , - http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9mZwacFI ... annel_page - it's just been uploaded!
    "Giant NRS 4 2003"
    "Giant Terrago 2002"
    "Giant box one 2000"

    "www.youtube.com/tubtom1 - my site, bike vids on there."
  • Mattbot2
    Mattbot2 Posts: 384
    mygiantmtb wrote:
    the video of me and my friend's crash going off the end of a berm , quite bad quality , but oh well. skip to 1:00 to see the crashes! straight after each other as well! , - http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9mZwacFI ... annel_page - it's just been uploaded!

    ^^^ Click for pictures of my bike ^^
  • i'm the second one to fall off lol
    "Giant NRS 4 2003"
    "Giant Terrago 2002"
    "Giant box one 2000"

    "www.youtube.com/tubtom1 - my site, bike vids on there."
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    There were bound to be some clipless disasters, just surprised how few

    I've only had one crash since I got back into cycling- I decided to stop off at the local skate park on the way home from work and check it out. For some reason- perhaps because I was listening to Metallica- I decided to give it a go. All going fine, scooted about the halfpipe, did some wee jumps, lovely... Till I rode up onto the tiny little box and decided just to drop the, oh, 16 inches to the ground. Except for some reason, I totally failed to even attempt to lift the wheel and just rode straight off the edge at about 2mph, straight onto the front wheel and straight over the bars like a big sack of ****. I can't even imagine what it looked like :lol:

    Back when I was at school, I was riding home same as I'd done hundreds of time, but for some reason I got distracted by my shadow off to my left, and totally hypnotised watching the reflectors on the wheels spinning, til I rode straight into teh back of a parked transit at about 20mph. I didn't injure any part of me badly, but I did injure every single part of me a bit :lol:
    elscorcho wrote:
    I recently crashed into a bin due to a momentarily lapse in concentration! :lol:

    I did that on a motorbike at a trackday at Knockhill once- went out, did 100 or so reasonably quick laps, quite pleased with myself, didn't crash... Packed my bag and went to leave, and as I rode across the paddock (a huge, totally empty expanse of tarmac about 75 metres by 50 metres) I looked over to see if my mates were coming, and rode straight through a load of bins at about 30mph, like on The Sweeney. They were the only things on the entire paddock other than me :lol:
    Uncompromising extremist
  • Mygiantmtb, was there some kind of bike magnet in that pit!!??
  • Lots of silly injuries here:
    http://www.bikeradar.com/forum/viewtopi ... ey&start=0

    My contribution was:
    Cycled into school and had to stop suddenly for a pedestrian. Hit my privates on the stem then limped off to registration class. In class every time I moved in my seat it was very painful and it took a while to stand when the bell rang. Agonising walk to the next class. Told the teacher I was going to medical room. Turns out my knob was bleeding so got my knob cleaned up and an elastoplast on it :oops:
    More freerange chicken than Freeride God
    Bighit , 5 , BFe