met parachute

lock1981 Posts: 546
edited February 2009 in MTB buying advice
are they any good? and do they have the clicky fit thing at the back of the helmet for adjusting size?




  • sniper68
    sniper68 Posts: 2,910
    Either get a normal helmet,or a full face,the parachute is an expensive "hybrid"that is no better than a standard helmet,and nowhere near a fullface.Why have a chin protector that sticks out in front of your nose :roll:
  • lock1981
    lock1981 Posts: 546
    i didnt realise they did! aint seen one in the shops just seen a bloke fly past me in one. just thought if i came off it would be better if i didnt have to fork out for dental treatment. but from what your saying it looks like id have to anyway but id save money on the rhinoplasty!
  • sniper68
    sniper68 Posts: 2,910
    The "chin"protector is as much use as a chocolate tea pot,but not quite as strong :lol: If you think your riding warrants chin protection get a full face.It might cost a bit more but your jaw will not heal quickly and hey...think of your looks 8)
  • Steve_F
    Steve_F Posts: 682
    Sorry but I have to completely disagree on that one.

    One of the guys on Saturday was wearing a full face and had to take it off every time we stopped as he was overheating - in the snow and ice!

    I don't feel that I need a full face but if the plastic chin guard hits the ground first there's a very good chance it'll save my teeth.

    I even get a bit of extra confidence out of it that I can push a bit harder and get away with a bigger crash.

    I agree they don't offer as much protection as a full face but they definitely offer more than a normal helmet and are cooler (temperature) than a full face.

    Put it this way - Would you rather face plant with one of these on or with a normal helmet?
    Current steed is a '07 Carrera Banshee X
    + cheap road/commuting bike
  • sniper68
    sniper68 Posts: 2,910
    Steve_F wrote:

    Put it this way - Would you rather face plant with one of these on or with a normal helmet?
    Normal helmet,every time.
    My mate crashed with one of these at Dalbeattie,the "chin protector"snapped off and sliced his cheek practically all way through.He wasn't even going that quick.Good job he was wearing glasses,could've taken his eye out.Bad design bad build quality,should say"do not wear for mountainbiking" as a disclaimer :lol:
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    Hmm, I 've seen a guy do a big faceplant on the freeride section at glentress wearing one, the helmet stood up well and he was left no more ugly than he was before.

    I seem to remember seeing a Specialised full facer with XC-style venting in the crown, can't for the life of me remember where but it seemed a good idea. Full face is great until your brain melts.
    Uncompromising extremist
  • grantway
    grantway Posts: 1,430
    I use a parachute when doing trail riding but the Heavy stuff I use a full face
  • lock1981
    lock1981 Posts: 546
    i agree with steve f good for confidence and a little bit more protection. im gunna get one!

    i have a piss pot now and it gets too hot so a fullface would be a definate no no, parachute seems to be a happy medium :)

    thanks for the help lads

    :D :P
  • lock1981 wrote:
    i agree with steve f good for confidence and a little bit more protection. im gunna get one!

    i have a wee-wee pot now and it gets too hot so a fullface would be a definate no no, parachute seems to be a happy medium :)

    thanks for the help lads

    :D :P

    Good move imo. I have one and its saved my cheek from smacking/scraping a wall so far.
    It also has better ventilation then my old Giro.
  • lock1981
    lock1981 Posts: 546
    sold im getting santa to bring me one, now all i have to do is buy a bike, i sold mine 2 month ago and i aint got the funds through to buy a new one yet ! :evil:
  • lock1981
    lock1981 Posts: 546
    realnumber? does it have the adjustment clicker on the back?
  • lock1981 wrote:
    realnumber? does it have the adjustment clicker on the back?

    Yes it does. Its not as easy to use on the move as the wheel thing I had on my Giro but it does work fine.
  • lock1981
    lock1981 Posts: 546
    nice thats clinched the sale

    cheers mate
  • Splasher
    Splasher Posts: 1,528
    Northwind wrote:
    I seem to remember seeing a Specialised full facer with XC-style venting in the crown, can't for the life of me remember where but it seemed a good idea. Full face is great until your brain melts.

    Probably too late but I reckon you mean a Deviant:


    I have one and it's no good for XC or trail centre riding - I use a Xen for that. Great for Chicksands and the likes though.
    "Internet Forums - an amazing world where outright falsehoods become cyber-facts with a few witty key taps and a carefully placed emoticon."
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    Yeah, that could be it. Still too hot for xc then? Ah well.
    Uncompromising extremist
  • wmc
    wmc Posts: 259
    I have a deviant lid that I use for more DH type stuff, but use an open face Giro MX most of the time.

    I used to have a Giro Switchblade (a much tougher version of the parachute). A full face helmet, no matter how well vented gets too damn hot for riding up hills no matter what the weather. Your breath tends to pool up inside the helmet and your face gets damn hot!!! Dont' bother.

    The parachutes offer no protection!

    If having a bit of flimsy plastic between me and the dirt is going to help, I seriously doubt it. I have 20 plus stitch marks in my face from various offs, with and without a helmet and teh only thing that the parachute offers over a hot face is possibly a pschological advantage if you think it will protect you more!

    The deviant is a good well ventilated helmet (try the Azonic T-99 I think) as an alternative, but just learn to roll when you fall or go slower and improve your riding?!
  • shin0r
    shin0r Posts: 555
    After faceplanting at Afan a couple of weeks ago, I can say that the Met Parachute is well worth the money. Certainly saved me some dentistry.
  • xtreem
    xtreem Posts: 2,965
    I say go for the MET.
    About the guy with the cheek, I think if it wasn't for that
    protector he would probably lost his nose. Probably.
    [b]wmc[/b] wrote:
    A full face helmet, no matter how well vented gets too damn hot for riding up hills no matter what the weather.
    Damn, how fast are you riding uphill that you must wear your full face?
    (imagine Eddie Murphy saying that) :lol:
    Northwind wrote:
    Hmm, I 've seen a guy do a big faceplant on the freeride section at glentress wearing one, the helmet stood up well and he was left no more ugly than he was before.
    Now that's funny. :lol:
  • i have come off many times onto my cheek and onto my face and chin wearing a normal helmet and apart from minor grazing or bruising have never come away with any injuries

    Yukon Lad
    Drop, Berm, Jump, Sky, Sky, Sky, Sweet Beautiful Earth OUCH, OUCH,OUCH, ****! GORSE BUSH!!!

    Giant Yukon FX2
    Kona Stab Deluxe 2008
  • P-Jay
    P-Jay Posts: 1,478
    I've used mine for about 2 years now, when they came out, and pretty much every time one is mentioned on the internet someone will always "the chin bar is fragile" "it'll break off and stab you in the face" "it's too hot for XC riding"

    Well I've had one or two good faceplants with it and its fine.

    Being that's it plastic and screwed into the polystyrene body of the helmet, if you have a BIG face plant the helmet will fail first, yeah you'll get a face full of chin bar, but better than a face full of trail that hasn't had a lot of the energy dissipated by the helmet.

    It's a normal helmet apart from a little longer at the back, and of course the chin bar so it's no warmer than any other XC lid really.
  • Yukon Lad wrote:
    i have come off many times onto my cheek and onto my face and chin wearing a normal helmet and apart from minor grazing or bruising have never come away with any injuries

    Yukon Lad

    I can assure you if I wasn't wearing the Met that particular fall would've been a lot more painful for the face.

    PJ sums them up well. Although I found mine better vented than my old Giro on the top.
  • lock1981
    lock1981 Posts: 546
    i didnt end up getting one in the end! i seen one in york and it did look a little bit flimsy and plasticy (if thats a word). ended up getting guitar hero world tour instead :lol:
  • Do you not think the Guitar Hero guitar is a bit flimsy and plasticy? :wink:

    Good fun, but not sure how it will protect your face when out on the trail?
    Boardman Road Comp '08
    Spesh FSR XC Expert '08
  • lock1981
    lock1981 Posts: 546
    lol its not to bad plus it was a suprise!, but im well protected as my bikes on order and i have no ride! i got a lid but just fancied on of them till i saw one!