Problem with Blackburn track pump

mediamonkey Posts: 128
edited April 2012 in MTB workshop & tech
I recently bought a Blackburn Air Tower 1 floor pump and I just can't get it to work properly. I use Presta valves and the Presta adapter for the pump doesn't seem to fit properly. (The pump has a single adapter with two holes, one for Schrader, one for Presta, and yes I am using the right one!)

The adapter doesn't fit tightly enough onto the valve, so as I pump, it lets the air out almost as fast as I pump it in. On the couple of rare occasions when I have managed to jam it on tight enough to pump the tyre up properly, it has bent the metal centre piece of the valve in the process. :?

Anyone got one of these pumps or have any ideas, before I send it back as worthless?

Just an edit to say - I know about the trick of pressing the valve to unstick it before pumping. The valve was clearly open anyway as the air escaped just fine!


  • .blitz
    .blitz Posts: 6,197
    Have you checked that the rubber sealing ring inside the adapter compresses when you move the lever ?

    There is a lifetime warranty on all Blackburn pumps. If you got it from your lbs they can return it to Ultimate Pursuits or you could e-mail Their address is 74 Alston Drive, Bradwell Abbey, Milton Keynes, Bucks MK13 9HA and they are usually pretty helpful.
  • nferrar
    nferrar Posts: 2,511
    I have an Air Tower 5 which sounds like it has a similar connector. Can't say I've had a problem with it (flip the lever up, stick the valve into the hole and flick the lever back down to seal it). Only problem I get is occasionally the air doesn't want to go in but usually just letting a bit of air out first cures this (seems to break a slight seal that forms in the valve).

    If you bought it from an LBS might be worth taking it back and showing them the problem you're having (might have a dodgy rubber grommet in the connector head - Blackburn do rebuild kits so the LBS should be able to replace it if needed).
  • I bought it over the interweb from Wiggle. I've just browsed through some other track-pump-related posts on here though and it seems a few other people have had problems with Blackburn pumps and Prestas.

    One tip seemed to be to not unscrew the Presta locknut too far. I'll try that when I get home, thing is I got (yet another) puncture yesterday and don't want to trash another valve - I've got through half a dozen tubes since getting this new pump, through a combination of punctures and wrecked valves, after six months of almost daily riding without a single puncture! :evil:

    edit to say... nferrar, i can't be sure without the pump in front of me, but from what you say about the locking lever I might have got it backwards, which would explain my problem :oops: I'm sure I was following the instructions for the lock/unlock position though - the instruction tag is still attached to the pump!

    I will have to double check that...
  • lesz42
    lesz42 Posts: 690
    mine leaks air intill i seat it really good, bit hard amongst the spokes and stuff

    these are good pumps from all the reviews, but why does my cheap arse mini pump, lock onto the valve better?
    Giant Trance X0 (08) Reverb, Hope Hoops 5.1D, XT brakes, RQ BC, Works Components headset 1.5
  • With my Blackburn pump, the lever parrellel to the pump body is unlocked, and when the lever is out at 90 degrees to the body it's locked (which seemed a little odd to me I admit). I don't know if it's the same as the track pumps though.
    Welcome, to my bonesaw!
  • Well I did have the locking lever the right way round (lever sticking up = locked).

    Just managed to pump up both tyres with no problem ready for tomorrow's ride, not sure why it was so much easier this time!
  • My Air Tower 1 has been fine until recently I tried to use it on a car type valve and it refused to work - all the air was blowing straight out of the other hole instead, it was fine on valves with the smaller nozzle, just nothing would come out of the larger one. I've read that the head is supposed to be rebuildable, but couldn't work out how to get it apart, the lever seems to be rivetted in place and the rest is a solid piece of plastic? Anyway, finally managed to get it working again by blasting a bit of WD-40 into both holes and letting it soak for a few seconds, then pumping gently with a finger over each hole in turn, and cleaning the excess off with kitchen roll. Now it works like new again, and no need to buy a new head or rebuild kit! :-)