Boardman Mountain Bike Comp 08 or Saracen Zen 1

rob761 Posts: 3
edited December 2008 in MTB buying advice
Hi Im fairly new to mountain Biking and am looking at getting a Mountain Bike very soon. My problem is I have been pretty much bewildered by all thats out there in trems of bikes and specs but have eventually narrowed my choice between the Boardman Mountain Bike Comp 08 or the Saracen Zen 1 08. Both bikes have good reviews as far as I can tell. I have around the £600 mark to spend and will be using the bike to commute to work as well as having fun in the evenings and weekends. I want to make sure I make the right choice as the bike will have to last a while. If anyone could give their advice I would be grateful. Cheers Rob


  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    They are two slightly different types of bike really: the boardman is a longer, steeper, lighter machine designed for xc and general trails, while the Zen is a bit slacker angled, shorter and longer forks for tackling more severe terrain. And heavier too.
  • Hya rob761,

    Personally i'd go for the Zen. On what basis you may ask..
    I got back into Biking about two year's back on a Saracen Mantra1 which is the little unt of a bruv to the Zen, the frame is the same geometry but slightly heavier than the Zen. It was the best move i made although i'm sure it ain't ever going to be the best bike in the world, it opened up a whole new world to me.
    Supersonic is right when he say's the bike is heavy, however it's not super heavy and the frame is one of the best hardtail frames around strong and good geometry. if you do decide on the Zen i'd change the stem and bar's though, shorter stem, wider bar's that'll sharpen up the steering nicely.
    I reckon that the Zen will pretty much take whatever you throw at it, trails, the odd bit of dh and fr and commuting, i'm quite a heavy chap and i put the Mantra through hell and it took it all, in fact i'm in the process of paying the local bike shop all my dole money every fortnight for a Zen1 myself.
    Well i hope that help's you, the main thing is that whatever bike you choose, HAVE FUN YEAH. 8)
    The creator had a mastertape, but he left it in a cab!
  • Hi
    mate go for the boardman
    got my 08 MTB comp a week go best thing i have ever done
    you wouldnt have to change anything on it and the kit which is already on it is great stuff as it is the full ritchey finshng kit which looks great :) anyway its an amazing rie and i use it every single day for whatever riding im doing,
    hope this helps mate
    Adam :D
    Specailized Hardrock Sport :)
    cboardman MTB sport 08
  • jayson
    jayson Posts: 4,606
    If ur gonna use it for commuting aswell as weekend fun then really the Boardman is the best bet. The spec and frame is far superior to the Zen and is significantly lighter for pedaling on the roads to work.

    I really dont understand how Boardman can make their bikes with the specs they have and charge such a miniscule amount of money (comparatively speaking of course) for them.

    Either will give u lots of laughs but i suspect the heavier Zen will begin to grate after a while and you've developed ur skills whereas the Boardman will keep on coming for more.
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    I agree it will be better for commuting, but if you want to do more off road, the Zen is designed to be hit harder with stronger components and has a great frame. I'd test them out, as usual. Remember is a WMB test winner.
  • Well Thanx guys, good of you all to reply so quickly with the great advice you have all given. I think im def leaning towards the Boardman, after taking the commuting side of things into account ,ive heard I might have to replace the seat, a Charge Spoon was recommended but a small price to pay.Cant wait to get on those trails up Dartmoor soon. Cheers Rob :D
  • Go Boardman in my opinion.

    Seat isnt too bad - its quite good for slipping on and off the back of on steep stuff.

    Ive used mine for Red Dalby, Kirroughtree red/black, GT black, red, Inners Black XC.

    Its held up fine so far. 1 bit of advice though - change the tyres - std ones are awful.

    Ive gone for WTB Motoraptor kevlar rear and Maxxis High Roller xc kevlar front and have just about sorted the ride.

    I used mine to do the 3 day coast to coast which was mainly road - stuck some semi slicks on and it was very quick and light.

    Just my 2p worth.