basic gear?

Happinessboy Posts: 3
edited December 2008 in Road beginners
me and a friend are very interested in starting up road biking together
i was just wondering what gear is recommended for starting out (bike not included)

any help much appreciated



  • Gav888
    Gav888 Posts: 946
    Im just starting out myself and so far I have bought (excl bike)

    Lights front and rear
    Tool Kit
    Water bottles

    There is also clothing to buy, but I dont know where to start there!! LOL
    Cycling never gets any easier, you just go faster - Greg LeMond
  • well i have most of that stuff lying about

    but was thinking about anything which is more specific to road biking?
  • John.T
    John.T Posts: 3,698
    Minimum to add to that list.
    Decent shorts with chamois pad.
    Spare inner tubes.

    To get later.
    Gloves or mits with padded palms.
    Cycling jersey with rear pockets.
    Shoes and pedals (clipless).
    Breathable water proof jacket.
    This list really never stops growing.
  • Also don't forget that whatever you buy wont be good enough. I haven't been road riding 'properly' very long despite having a road bike for ages but once the bug gets you you'll end up thinking hmmmmmmmm i shouldn't have got that 'bargain' it's crap so basically you'll waste your money!
    Save and buy the best :wink: IMHO
  • feel
    feel Posts: 800
    track pump to get decent pressures in your tubes.
    We are born with the dead:
    See, they return, and bring us with them.
  • Also in the same boat as those above....

    Got some shorts & a couple of water / wind proof tops.
    Shoes / pedals on Xmas list.
    Others will accumulate as time goes on..

    Just had a quick look on wiggle for a track pump - prices range from £16 to £140 for what I thought was a fairly standard piece of equipment :?

    which one to people here use / recommend - what should I make sure as a minimum it is capable of ?
    (although reading this is seems a rather dumb & obvious question!)
  • father_jack
    father_jack Posts: 3,509
    £20-30 for a floor pump.
    Say... That's a nice bike..
    Trax T700 with Lew Racing Pro VT-1 ;-)
  • +1 for the Joe Blow. After using a crappy foot pump for ages I finally bought one last week and was staggered to find how much more pressure I can easily get into my tyres & how much easier riding is now. Something to do with rolling resistance I think. I paid £22.99 from my LBS.
  • which one to people here use / recommend - what should I make sure as a minimum it is capable of ?
    (although reading this is seems a rather dumb & obvious question!)

    If you have a MTB or about town bike it helps to have one that switches easily between the diffrent valve types.

    Our old pump didn't which meant i was always reluctant to pump my old bike tyres up - the boy was horrifed at the pressure i used to ride on. The new pump does both - and it's like wow this bike goes so fast with air in the tryes...
  • Mettan
    Mettan Posts: 2,103

    Just had a quick look on wiggle for a track pump - prices range from £16 to £140 for what I thought was a fairly standard piece of equipment :?

    which one to people here use / recommend - what should I make sure as a minimum it is capable of ?

    Joe Blow Max 2 - can be had for around £20 - will get you a reliable 120 PSI every time - vavle mechanism thingy is a bit awkward to get off but you get used to it though. Gauge works well - reliable piece of kit (just be gentle/careful with the vavle mechanism).