British Tour Winner?

JC.152 Posts: 645
edited December 2008 in Pro race
just seen on cyclinweekly that 70% of people voted think there won't be a British winner of the Tour in 5 years time. so what do people on here think?


  • weyayeman
    weyayeman Posts: 1,141
    Isnt that a sportive magazine/forum,so doubt they would know about racing. :lol:
    How son yee divent need gaan doon the Pit,coz thas plenty coal in the coal hoose
  • JC.152
    JC.152 Posts: 645
    yeah it is, ive never been on their forum and only go on their website very so often but i thought it didn't seem very confident with Brailsfields plan to win the tour after all the British track and womens cycling success

    as well as that cyclingweekly had all the trouble of their TT BAR report and their opions on time trialling and racing :roll:
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    Well I do not see anyone with the potential to win it within 5 years for sure.
    They would have to be wining top races by age of 21 with a view to gaining the experience and strenght to win it within the next 5 years.
    Cav comes into that category but unfortunately will never win it as he cannot climb well enough though I am pretty sure he will eventually win a green jersey, may even do that this year.
    We do have young riders capable of completeing the tour in the near future though but not wuite the world class rider for potential to win it, IMO of course.
    That does not mean with the plans, funding and organization now in place we will not produce a winner within 10 years though.
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    So out of interest, one person voted yes, who do you think it will be?
  • Peter Kennaugh in 10 years? He's a really talented young guy and has already won big races in Italy etc..
  • Dan Martin?
  • If we had coaches like Robert Millar,and Sean Yates involved then maybe in 10 years.
    Dan Martin is an excellent rider but doesn't he ride for Ireland :?:
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    Dan Martin is more English than me, so I'd count him as British if he won the Tour.
    I like bikes...

  • JC.152
    JC.152 Posts: 645
    dan martin used to ride for britain and i think he still lives in tamworth during the winter but he swapped to race for ireland when BC weren't offering him road only money and they would only fund track/road racers.

    i'm not sure but I think thats what happened
  • Dan Martin is more English than me, so I'd count him as British if he won the Tour.

    lifted from the comic.

    "Although born in Britain, Martin declared his allegiance to Ireland because of his frustration with the emphasis on track racing in the British Cycling set-up. He felt he would never make any headway or get to ride the World Championships for Britain.

    “If you didn't ride track they weren't interested. I understand why it has to be that way but they're not going to make really top stage race riders that way.

    “That system doesn't suit a rider like me. I remember seeing Swifty [Ben Swift] and Jonny Bellis a few years ago and they were a lot better climbers than they are now because they've gone down the track route

    Now he's Irish, although he admits it left some in the Slipstream camp perplexed when they heard his gentle Birmingham accent. “They can't work it out,” he says."

    from pez ... tatus=True
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Jonny Bellis or Peter Kennaugh are great quality riders and given the right team and support have the ability to win some major races in the future - whether it is LeTour remains to be seen. I don't think Dan Martin is enough of an all-rounder to be a GT contender.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,494
    If we had coaches like Robert Millar,and Sean Yates involved then maybe in 10 years.
    Millar's time as GB national road coach wasn't exactly successful was it? Would anyone seriously want Yates involved too, given the teams he's been a DS on? I know I wouldn't.

    The GB Under 23 program has been a phenomenal success in recent years, with at least 5 riders doing enough whilst involved with it to get the opportunity to turn pro. Off the top of my head I can name ten British riders who are riding as pros in Europe next year;


    and there are more coming through.

    Whether any of these are up to winning the Tour remains to be seen but the odds are improving as more British riders ride as European pros.
  • Crikey, good to see such confidence in British cycling :roll: :lol:
  • It was to be expected from the "boys sportive" mag. Nicole can win the World Road Race and they cannot even displace their love for Lance on the cover. I expected a little more thought as it passed to this site. Where is the option - we have a tour winner but when will a GB male match her ?

    I don't see such sexism in the specialist journalism for triathlons or running. "When will we ever get an athlete who could win a Marathon ( sorry Paula but your the wrong sex girl - you don't count)".
  • andyp wrote:
    ]Millar's time as GB national road coach wasn't exactly successful was it? Would anyone seriously want Yates involved too, given the teams he's been a DS on? I know I wouldn't.

    I recall it was blurb like this that prompted gottheteeshirt2 to post (which you have obviously disregarded). Maybe we can get big Sean on here as well. Keep going andyp - you're doing a great job!
  • teagar
    teagar Posts: 2,100
    I can't see anyone but Contador or Basso (god forbid...) winning the next 3-5 tours to be honest, with the exception of A. Schleck. Doping problems aside of course.
    Note: the above post is an opinion and not fact. It might be a lie.
  • JC.152
    JC.152 Posts: 645
    hotoph88 wrote:
    It was to be expected from the "boys sportive" mag. Nicole can win the World Road Race and they cannot even displace their love for Lance on the cover. I expected a little more thought as it passed to this site. Where is the option - we have a tour winner but when will a GB male match her ?

    I don't see such sexism in the specialist journalism for triathlons or running. "When will we ever get an athlete who could win a Marathon ( sorry Paula but your the wrong sex girl - you don't count)".

    I wasn't praising cyclingweekly by making this. I thought it wasn't very good how after the gb success in track and womens cycling that 70% of the cyclingweekly people said thaere wouldn't be a tour winner

    you have to remember as well when saying about them having lance on their cover each week that so have all the other magazines not had nicole cooke on their cover , procycling,cyclesport,cycing++

    I did mention womens cycling in my second post as well
    yeah it is, ive never been on their forum and only go on their website very so often but i thought it didn't seem very confident with Brailsfields plan to win the tour after all the British track and womens cycling success
  • "Millar's time as GB national road coach wasn't exactly successful was it? Would anyone seriously want Yates involved too, given the teams he's been a DS on? I know I wouldn't."
    I thought Robert had already answered that on here.

    "Just now and again I'll get really annoyed by someone making ill-informed comments about something they cant possibily know anything about because they weren't there .
    Like the BCF coaching stuff "

    "Lets see .....first six months waiting for Mr Performance Director to be appointed spent twiddling thumbs since being told by superiors there was to be no direct coaching of riders . Then after the initial six months Mr Performance Director is appointed and get told there's no budget for a road post as they are concentrating on track due to more medals available and easier to figure it out . Could possibly apply to be on the list of team managers driving at some races but all the big races are already covered so basically dont call us we'll call you .
    Note person who was replaced during time as road coach comes back from year off and goes back into a still warm seat . "

    If Robert was allowed to coach I think he would be very succesfull especially with the sky deal in place.As for Mr. Yates he's proven himself as a D.S. not too mention being a good pro rider.

    Professional cyclist for 15 years
    12 Tours de France
    Tour de France yellow jersey
    Tour de France stage winner
    Fifth in Paris-Roubaix
    Tour of Belgium winner
    UK pro road race champion
    UK 25 and 50-mile TT champion
    surely all the knowledge between two of Britains greatest cyclist's must be worth something.These guys have an abundance of knowledge and lived the life not too mention gotthetshirt.For a british rider to have any chance of winning the tour they must live the life abroad I.M.O.and have the tailor made programme,both these guys know only too well what it takes to reach the top.
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,494
    Success as a rider does not necessarily translate into success as a coach as the two require very different skills.

    Rod Ellingworth seems to be doing a very, very good job with the under-23s. BC are also rumoured to have engaged the services of Roger Legeay and Scott Sunderland to run their road team. Both of whom are proven at the highest level.

    Why bring back someone who has been out of cycling for over 10 years when you can get people with relevant, current experience?
  • If we had coaches like Robert Millar,and Sean Yates involved then maybe in 10 years.
    Dan Martin is an excellent rider but doesn't he ride for Ireland :?:

    Dan Martin definitely. He won the Route Du Sud this year and that's no mean feat at his age.

    The story goes; he took out an Irish racing license, as the GB cycling officials wouldn't offer him a place on the talent squad, or any of the perks that come with it. It was a kind of mini rebellion against the British set up i guess.

    While Contador is still about, and dodging doping bullets left right and centre, it'll be difficult for anyone to touch him for the next 5 years in the tour.
    Don't rake up my mistakes, i know exactly what they are.
  • JC.152 wrote:
    yeah it is, ive never been on their forum and only go on their website very so often but i thought it didn't seem very confident with Brailsfields plan to win the tour after all the British track and womens cycling success

    as well as that cyclingweekly had all the trouble of their TT BAR report and their opions on time trialling and racing :roll:

    I bet they can spell Brailsford though ;)
  • timoid.
    timoid. Posts: 3,133
    Grimone wrote:
    If we had coaches like Robert Millar,and Sean Yates involved then maybe in 10 years.
    Dan Martin is an excellent rider but doesn't he ride for Ireland :?:

    Dan Martin definitely. He won the Route Du Sud this year and that's no mean feat at his age.

    The story goes; he took out an Irish racing license, as the GB cycling officials wouldn't offer him a place on the talent squad, or any of the perks that come with it. It was a kind of mini rebellion against the British set up i guess.

    While Contador is still about, and dodging doping bullets left right and centre, it'll be difficult for anyone to touch him for the next 5 years in the tour.

    Dan Martin's ours I'm afraid. His class comes from his Roche genes.

    I think Schleck the younger is potentially even better than Bertie. I'd like to see the two of them slug it out on the Cols next year, leaving the old farts trailing in their wake.
    It's a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don't quit when you're tired. You quit when the gorilla is tired.
  • i also cant wait for a andy schleck/ contador show down, i'm not sure it we will have any tour winners, hard to tell how good a 17-22 year old rider will be like at big stage races, but with the likes of Ben Swift, Peter Kennaugh and Eric Rowsel i am very confidant we will have a few spring classics in gb. Rowsel won the junior Paris Roubix this year i think?