Road Rage



  • I say, and sadly it is true, you will catch such a bufoon.

    And in my case, you will exchange full and frank views on the ability of the driver and then pull him from said vehicle to not only break the mobile he was on at the time of the incident, but also to beat the little S£&T to a pulp and ensure he needs lots of dental surgery for weeks to come. Wearing carbon sole shoes is a wonder when kicking a little chav in the nuts!

    Oh and clear off before the coppers arrive, as they will not see the incident through the eyes of a cyclist.
    Just a fat bloke on a bike
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    Oh and clear off before the coppers arrive, as they will not see the incident through the eyes of a cyclist.[/quote]
    Or,indeed,through the the eyes of a cycling psychopath.{or should that be a cyclepath?]
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • 2Fast4Love wrote:

    unless it's every car/van/person you come across, in which case...

    ...nah still normal!

    You know that look Armstrong gave Ulrich? THAT look? I've perfected it, and deliver it 2-3 times a day on my journey to work.

    THAT look, where he wasn't even looking at Ulrich..?
  • Soni
    Soni Posts: 1,217
    thiscocks wrote:
    2Fast4Love wrote:

    unless it's every car/van/person you come across, in which case...

    ...nah still normal!

    You know that look Armstrong gave Ulrich? THAT look? I've perfected it, and deliver it 2-3 times a day on my journey to work.

    THAT look, where he wasn't even looking at Ulrich..?

    Yeah i recall Lance saying that he was just looking back to see how far away his team mates were in case he needed them.......but certainly made good reporting and a story out of it!
  • Soni wrote:
    thiscocks wrote:
    2Fast4Love wrote:

    unless it's every car/van/person you come across, in which case...

    ...nah still normal!

    You know that look Armstrong gave Ulrich? THAT look? I've perfected it, and deliver it 2-3 times a day on my journey to work.

    THAT look, where he wasn't even looking at Ulrich..?

    Yeah i recall Lance saying that he was just looking back to see how far away his team mates were in case he needed them.......but certainly made good reporting and a story out of it!

  • mats
    mats Posts: 94
    I generaly stick to mountain biking but I decided to have a go on the road put some road tires and flat bars on an old Trek rigid and had a go, I had a few close shaves but the icing on the cake was (long ugly story) trying to drag a ned out of the passenger door of a hot hatch while his gilfriend sreamed like a demented banshee, this brought me back to my senses I dropped the ned went home and gave the Trek to my son's friend, I have never darkened the tarmac again.
    When relating this tale to friends I usually make it a bit lighter and less sinsister but if I gave the ned the beating he deserved I could've ended up spending time at her majestys pleasure.

    And the moral of the story is : they are morons and not worth it.
  • So now I'm back and have stopped riding while listening to music, (i must admit i did relapse once and had Patti Smiths "Horses" on one night and strangely was more calm than listening to Nick Drake or Miles Davies), and funny enough this has not stopped people trying to kill me, but i am refraining from my habit of car punching. Of all my near death experiences last week while cycling home in the driving rain a car (BMW)whose number plate i could read while glancing over my shoulder he was that close, tried to overtake when there was no room and in doing so was forced to break suddenly and a split second later was rear ended by a white van. So there it was, Karma for the sins of all the white van and BMW drivers committed on myself in the past year.
  • Bakie
    Bakie Posts: 5
    When I'm driving my car, no matter where in the road the vehicle in front is, if I see the indicator go on, I automatically hold back until they have finished their maneuver.

    With this in mind, I had thought about putting a small mirror on the bike, and if a vehicle coming from behind was about to do something stupid, I could throw the right turn out to see if that would calm them down some.

    I havnt tried yet, but was wondering if anyone else had tried this to prevent some of the maniacs out there currently using the road network. The other thought is, how legal it would be to do this?

    I'm new to biking on roads and although I try to 'hold the lane' I'm finding it more of a problem than a solution (regardless of me keeping between 25 - 30mph).
    07 Rockhopper
  • I commute 17 miles a day and get my share of abuse, for a 16 year old it can be quite daunting but i muscle through it and NEVER hit out at cars or provoke unwanted reactions, i hold my part of the road, about a metre out from the kerb and make sure that i am fully aware of what any cars around me are doing. I have had things thrown at me out of windows before and that is a big shock which makes it hard to get number plate etc.

    if we all stop commuting then motorists have won!
    Carbon fibre, it's all nonsense. Drink beer. Ride a steel bike. Don't be a ponce.