Theres some riders I've ridden with when I was working in the area, but I found them on Singel Track Worlds web site ... 4cde2bdc040 -
John Moore wrote:Theres some riders I've ridden with when I was working in the area, but I found them on Singel Track Worlds web site ... 4cde2bdc04
Oh, thanks for the links, i'll try to find somebody in there
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There's a member/leader of a local riding group in Rothbury who you need to look up.
I can't remember his name and I don't want to post up where he lives but this place will know him and how to find him,
Rothbury Mountain Bike Hire
The Spar Shop,
High Street
NE65 7SZ
01669 621338
So give them a shout for his details, I can't find his details in my emails.
I know it's a bit vague but if they don't know he's got a mountain bike tandem and has been in the mags a couple of years back.0 -
Thanks a lot for helping out , i'll try to find out, but hink Rothbury is a bit too far away0
Hey there i have just started looking on this site, i am from a couple of miles outside alnwick!Rolling on 09 specialized pitch pro0
Im frm Amble, looking for decent local trails if you know of anything other than Thrunton and Simonside let me know.0
carbon337 wrote:Im frm Amble, looking for decent local trails if you know of anything other than Thrunton and Simonside let me know.
Hi, well then you probably know where Broomhill is , i am from there . Well, i am not sure about places you talking about ,because i am not really from the area originally and live in Northumberland only for 2 years. Where is Thrunton and Simonside ? Is it when you heading Alnwick, isn't it ? I normally go biking through the Chevington road to Widdrington, then i return back by the coastal road on Durige bay , Hauxley, Amble and then back. Or sometimes go to Ashington along the beach road, btw it is very nice cycling paths in Ashington i really enjoy to cycle there.0 -
simonside is rothbury and thruton is in between alnwick and rothbury. never normally bother with either of them to be honest more Kielder or travel to scotland or north york moors.
i know the paths your on about down to cresswel etc but never bike them, not worth getting the bike dirty for to be honest.
What bike you got nik?0 -
carbon337 wrote:simonside is rothbury and thruton is in between alnwick and rothbury. never normally bother with either of them to be honest more Kielder or travel to scotland or north york moors.
i know the paths your on about down to cresswel etc but never bike them, not worth getting the bike dirty for to be honest.
What bike you got nik?
Its Nika, actually, i am female
I've got two mountain bikes, i've purchased my second bike couple of weeks ago for my birthday its dunlop make, but i am not really fond of it to be honest and prefer to cycle on my old one. Thats because it is really slow, my bf says it has really cool breaks and all the rest of it, but i feel much better on my old one, well its not really old, but it got too rusty because was standing outsidein the rain for some time when i was off for holidays and now it makes creaky sound :?
So, how long it takes you to get to rothbury on a bike or you driving to alnwick and then cycle to rothbury ?0 -
ah Nika, my apologies.
We drive up to Thrunton with bikes in/on car then ride there and and the same home - we dont do roads - just mud!0 -
Northumberland lad myself, tho more inland to the west (Prudhoe). Some excellent trails up that way, mainly all behind the mental institution as there is a HUGE pinewoods area there. Then of course there is the back roads into Hexham, Corbridge, etc, good long rides off the main roads.
All good if you can get to the place.0 -
dg74 wrote:Northumberland lad myself, tho more inland to the west (Prudhoe). Some excellent trails up that way, mainly all behind the mental institution as there is a HUGE pinewoods area there. Then of course there is the back roads into Hexham, Corbridge, etc, good long rides off the main roads.
All good if you can get to the place.
Shame its a bit too far away , but i prefer meself to go on rides off the main road - too dangerous, cars constantly overtaking each other, might once not notice the bike :?
Coastal and Chevington roads are all right, apart from is a bit muddy as carbon337 said , especially when you pass farmers fileds with lotsa cows, rarely you come home and do not have to wash your cloths0 -
check this website out, theres a purpose built track at wooler and also a few natural ones.Rolling on 09 specialized pitch pro0 -
nikstar wrote:
check this website out, theres a purpose built track at wooler and also a few natural ones.
Thanx for the link nikstar, looks really great tracks, i probably will drive there with my bike in the boot to explore them0 -
I am hoping to get up there myself somtime soon, iv just bought a new bike but dont get much spare time.Rolling on 09 specialized pitch pro0
well am working like 6 days so sunday is ma only day off and i still need to get sum bits of winter kit. but i no what you mean about the cold weather, but i have an extra incentive as i still havent bin on a proper trak with my new bike!!Rolling on 09 specialized pitch pro0
Hi Nika. I live in the area and regularly ride Thrunton, Kielder, Hamsterly and all of the 7Stanes centres. If you are interested in having a look at Thrunton let me know. However, by the sounds of it, it will be more extreme riding than you are used to.0
Brech65 wrote:Hi Nika. I live in the area and regularly ride Thrunton, Kielder, Hamsterly and all of the 7Stanes centres. If you are interested in having a look at Thrunton let me know. However, by the sounds of it, it will be more extreme riding than you are used to.
Hi, thanks for reply, never been for ages on this forum lol just got notification on my email about your message Ow extreme riding? How that , what so extreme u doin on a bike ?well, to be honest i really busy at work lately but i'm not sure for how long its gonna be so. Do u go out cycling often ? i would really like to pick up my cycling hobby i don't rememeber last time i went out cycling
does it require certain type of bike for those extreme rides btw, i've got just ordinary mtb :oops:
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There are a couple of bridal ways around Longhirst / Hebron way they're more dirt road but they make a change from riding the roads and you get a chance to see some wildlife (I've seen deer on a couple of occasions.
Your best bet if you dont want anything too technical to start is to get a Ordanance Survey 1:25 000 map find some bridalways and try them out to see which ones you like riding, this could lead you to finding other out of the road places that you might not otherwise find.0 -
Barrie_G wrote:There are a couple of bridal ways around Longhirst / Hebron way they're more dirt road but they make a change from riding the roads and you get a chance to see some wildlife (I've seen deer on a couple of occasions.
Your best bet if you dont want anything too technical to start is to get a Ordanance Survey 1:25 000 map find some bridalways and try them out to see which ones you like riding, this could lead you to finding other out of the road places that you might not otherwise find.
Thanks for advise, i used to go riding out of roads sometime, but it was so dirty that i prefer to stay on roadon the other hand it would really great to a deer, and btw i was rifing before along the longhirst i shouild try that briadal way 8)
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There are two bridal ways as you head out of Longhirst towards Ulgham, the first is on your left a couple of hundred yards out of Longhirst and goes along the north side of longhirst golf club, (when you get to the top of the hill take the fork to the left for a long fast decent
) the right fork takes you pretty quickly onto the road.
The second one is about a mile further on, on the left again (if you get to the turn off on the left you've gone too far) which has a lovely wooded pond at the bottom of the hill with lots of different types of water birds on it.
The first is probably the better ride and is drier than the second or you could do what I used to do and put in a bit of road work between the two and make a loop out of it.0 -
Hi Nika. Sorry for late reply, I've been away with work. You don't HAVE to have a special bike for riding at Thrunton but full sus helps. There are easy routes to begin on and work your way up. It wont be long before you're doing some of the more techinical stuff. My girlfriend only started riding for real about six months ago, now she's completely hooked on downhill and freeride.0
dg74 wrote:Northumberland lad myself, tho more inland to the west (Prudhoe). Some excellent trails up that way, mainly all behind the mental institution as there is a HUGE pinewoods area there. Then of course there is the back roads into Hexham, Corbridge, etc, good long rides off the main roads.
All good if you can get to the place.
Alright mate!!
i'm from Prudhoe and your right! some great rides up in the woods past the hall! when you next up there! i know just about every inch of those woods! if not on my bike im in there with the dog every day! have you started on the top Chopwell road and worked your way all the way down to Wylam yet? through the woods! good ride in the summer, bad in the winter about 1 hours worth of good fun just avoid the dog walkers in the top half
when you next out?
give me a shout if you fancy some company! cheeky pint at Wylam on a Sunday morning sitting outside the Fox and Hounds to celebrate then back along the old railline and back into Prudhoe!0