How bad is Sora?

pbt150 Posts: 316
edited November 2008 in Workshop
I'm not thinking about going to Dura Ace or anything like that, but I'm going to be treading the upgrade path next year in preparation for the summer and I'd like to know how early on I should bin my drivetrain (mix of Sora and Tiagra).


  • Tiagra is quite a good groupset... Sora is a bit cheap, materialswise... make it all Tiagra and it will last
    left the forum March 2023
  • My wife has done over 3000 miles on her Sora set, including several sportives, and it's had nothing other than a few drops of oil in that time. Totally trouble free in all respects.

    It's not the lightest or most stylish, and the Sora levers are a bit awkward, but it's served well and will probably still be on on her bike in the summer when we go to ride in Alsace.
  • if you're already using it, then you already know. Maybe you should be asking "how good is 105?"

    also, I guess you can't tell what parts of your riding experience are tiagra and which are sora...

    The normal reasons people don't like sora are, I think:
    positioning of thumb levers
    smoothness of changing

    the higher groupsets are better at each. but you should be able to decide what importance you attach and how much you might apppreciate any improvement.
    e.g. if the thumb levers haven't bugged you yet, then don't let people on a forum tell you they're awkward (not a dig at OllyBianchi, i mean people who will try and persuade you that THEY find your bike awkward, so you should too) ; you know how much of a weight weenie you are and so on.

    Get on a bike with all tiagra or 105 and see what you think?
  • I've been meaning to at the very least put Tigara leavers on my wife's bike for her - her smaller hands mean she can't reach the thumb leavers from the drops. Mind you, I can't make it too easy for her - she's hard to hold onto as it is...
  • edhornby
    edhornby Posts: 1,741
    I suppose it depends on your budget and where they are on the bike.... if it was a sora front mech or brake/gear levers and they work and aren't worn I would say leave em - but Sora hubs / bottom bracket / chainset / cassette would be the ones to spend the dosh on first as they take the load
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  • i have sora on one of my bikes. Its ok, if its tuned up well regularly it wont give any trouble. For beginner level its a-ok, iv done about 3000 miles on mine just dandy....
  • larmurf
    larmurf Posts: 110
    Sora is good - very good
    Mahatma Gandhi was asked by a British journalist what he thought of Western civilisation. "I think it would be a good idea," he replied.
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    Sora is good for the money, however the shifters are the bugbear for me, I don't like the thumb levers, they can be awkward from some bar positions, they are clunky, and they take a fair amount of force on a small area. Tiagra and above have the lever behind the brake lever, much better. Apart from that, Sora functions very well.
  • Hey there,

    This is discussed quite often. The general consensus is that Sora is only as good as it is set up. I have Tiagra and Sora. I prefer the Tiagra by a long way, but I would rather have a well set up Sora than a poorly set up Tiagra.

    The shift button is a matter of preference, not quality (in my opinion).

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  • sicrow
    sicrow Posts: 791
    Sora is fine on my winter hack, never had a problem with it. you of course notice the difference when you step up groupsets but for VFM its good

    for the extra if you want to stay with Shimano go with 105 at least and you'll see a difference, or you could look to change to Campagnolo (something like the mid range Veloce) and there are lots of threads on this forum about the merits of either manufacturer
  • Mister W
    Mister W Posts: 791
    If it's working on your bike and you're happy with it then it's good. If you ride a bike with 105 then you'll notice the difference but I wouldn't change unless you've got problems or it's worn out.
  • willbevan
    willbevan Posts: 1,241
    I have sora on my main/winter bike, have used 105 and ultegra on other bikes and you can tell the difference with the changing smoothness without any doubt.

    Sora groupset on my bike has done over 3k miles, gone through last winter with my poor maintence... so doesnt do badly.

    I have recently put a left hand 105 shifter for the front mech and that made a lot of diference for the front chain ring...

    One thing I would say, if your thinking of not going for sora, go for 105, reason being its 10 speed... Tiagra and 2008 sora being 9 speed, if you want to update furtheer later... shifters are the highest cost to replace later....
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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I've had SORA on my winter bike for 7 years now.

    It is absolutely fine!

    SORA and Tiagra brakes are rubbish though...
  • father_jack
    father_jack Posts: 3,509
    I don't like Sora's thumb levers too small, I'd step up to Tiagra. Feel more solid better quality shiifters.
    Say... That's a nice bike..
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  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    Sora is uncomfortable, it's too difficult to shift from the drops, and exposed cables are nasty.

    I've had two bikes with Sora, and I just haven't got on with it - it may shift "fine", but there's more to a groupset than that.
    I like bikes...

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Reddragon, I actually find it easier to shift and more comfortable with Sora than Campy Record!

    I've done several long rides (6hrsish) with my Sora and never had a problem with discomfort.

    That said, I'm having Red put on my racing bike and having the Ultegra from that put on my winter bike. The difference between Sora and Ultegra is ridiculous!
  • NapoleonD - agree completely with your comment that sora brakes are lousy. they have very little modulation. it's a case of all on (with not that much stopping power compared to DA), or all off. This does not inspire confidence at all. In isolation I reckon it's ok, but when you're used to riding 105 / Centaur stuff or better then the sora brakes are a bike of a shocker.

    other than that sora is ok.
  • Mog Uk
    Mog Uk Posts: 964
    For what it is, a budget groupset, it's perfectly fine...

    I've racked up over 4000 miles in all conditions on my Sora groupset and it's still going strong/comfortable/working, does exactly as it should... Although as has been mentioned already the brakes are cr4p ( even with decent pads ) I've got seriously sore forearms today after a few monster descents on Sunday....
  • They are both(sora/tiagra ) horrible cheap tacky nasty rough clunky demi gruppo's!
  • My new Sora runs better than my 07 105 stuff. Seems excellent quality and will do me fine for a winter bike. Plus they have the sealed BB cup things now which is nice.
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  • mididoctors
    mididoctors Posts: 18,954
    sora is fine
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  • To be honest ... I would try and stretch to 105 if you can. I upgraded what is now my winter bike to 105 ... I picked up the cranks here, STIs 10sp on CRC for £100, derailleurs from CRC, can't remember how much, didn't break the bank tho. I had started down the Tiagra route ... but gave up after getting an unused set of STIs, the left one of which turned out to be junk, broken ratchets are apparently common, and unfixable. I just got home from my daily commute, and was thinking how tight, and slick the 105 gear is, and even compared to my Dura Ace gear, it feels pretty much as good .... hope that helps..
    .. who said that, internet forum people ?
  • rockmount wrote:
    I had started down the Tiagra route ... but gave up after getting an unused set of STIs, the left one of which turned out to be junk, broken ratchets are apparently common, and unfixable.

    Don't know about Sora but always thought Tiagra worked pretty well... until one of my shifters broke as described above. Very expensive to replace compared to the level/cost of the bike I had it on.