anyone near bristol

stonehaed Posts: 33
edited January 2009 in MTB rides
ride bud wanted in or near bristol . fun ride not a race plaese :shock:


  • I might be up for summat, once I finally get my stable (shed) sorted to take delivery of my new steeeeed. Haven't ridden properly for ages so I'm not going to be particularly brutal!

    I've never actually been up to Ashton Court / 50 Acre before so if you know your way around there that'd help me out?
    Welcome, to my bonesaw!
  • give a shout when your up and rolling , will be glad to show you round ,
    as it says ride for fun . enjoy the view . also doing night ride if you got good light?????
  • stonehaed wrote:
    give a shout when your up and rolling , will be glad to show you round ,
    as it says ride for fun . enjoy the view . also doing night ride if you got good light?????
    I have a Tesco Cree ;)

    Nights might end up being best for me as I work shifts which quite often write off weekends. I'll send you a PM when I'm all sorted.
    Welcome, to my bonesaw!
  • i could be keen too. especially for a night ride up at ashton. hope it dries out soon though!
    im in bris and ride fairly regularly at the welsh trail centres too.
  • :shock: riding wed 19 nov bedminster asda car park entrance 1800-1830 bring your light
  • thwillis wrote:
    i could be keen too. especially for a night ride up at ashton. hope it dries out soon though!
    im in bris and ride fairly regularly at the welsh trail centres too.
    I get free/reduced train travel which is about the next best thing to having a car, so I was thinking about invading Wales at some point.
    Welcome, to my bonesaw!
  • :cry: i have no transport apart from my bikes
    :? i no no trails in wales :( :? :evil: :evil:
  • stonehaed wrote:
    :cry: i have no transport apart from my bikes
    :? i no no trails in wales :( :? :evil: :evil:
    Neither do I yet 8) The latest MBUK Trail Centre suppliment features a few just round the corner.
    Welcome, to my bonesaw!
  • got to be more pep's riding bristol . where you all hiding
    go get muddy it's fun :twisted:
  • evz
    evz Posts: 6
    :D Alreet me old flower, got da hang ov dis puter fingy now.Good ride tuther night . :idea: Recon i`ll be goin out again this week , wot say u? Got a lump ov mud in da hallway that used to ba me bike,oops. Giza ring.
  • stev0
    stev0 Posts: 131
    Just stumbled across this post, im definitley up for a ride sometime, don't have a great knowlegde of places to go around bristol, apart from ashton would be cool to tag along and slow you all down sometime.
    also is anyone up for a ride on the mendips? i know a few good routes via plenty of pubs! :)
  • nite ride 28 nov meet asda car park entracne 18:30 - 19:00
    rain will stop play not :twisted:
  • ride sat 17 jan bristol / bath , what you say anyone ? :lol:
  • stev0
    stev0 Posts: 131
    im up for a ride saturday, could do with someone showing me some decent trails around bristol or bath, im pritty much in the middle of either so i dont mind which. i normally ride on the mendips so would be good to try somewhere differnt for a change!
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,593
    Im local to Cwm carn and travel to afan alot in Wales use your train ride to get there, some great rides!
  • evz
    evz Posts: 6
    dude , back in bristol 4 a bit. :D where r we going ?