This week I have mostly been.....

Posts: 483
Avoiding being knocked off by a car driver who didnt see me due to badly parked cars obscuring a car park exit, especially annoying as alot of people who work at my company dont park in the overspill carpark, as it entails a 300m walk to the office.
Avoiding being knocked off whilst filtering past a driver who was steering with his knees whilst texting on his phone and even paying the slightest bit of attention to where he was going.
Avoiding being knocked off by a car driver who approached a major road from a minor, didnt bother to look to his right, didnt slow down for the junction, didnt see me at all and then did at the last minute, when I was already braking avoid him. Who locked up his wheels and slide across the giveway line on the road and when he did stop the front half of his car was across the give way line. The proceeded to call me a f*cking bastard as though it was my fault that he didnt look give way like he should have, perhaps if he had bothered to defrost his windows properly he might have seen me.
Had my bike reversed into in the cycle rack at work ,by somebody who doesnt know how long their Peugeot 406 estate is.
What makes this worse is that these are all people who's names I know, as I work in the same office as they do...
I've been and spoken to the site manager and asked for a proper bike shelter but I get the same old "I havent got any money for that" When I told him it was my winter hack so the odd scratch didnt bother me, he seemed OK, I told him that if that happend to my best bike I'd be spitting feathers about it. he said "I suppose I had better do someting about it"
I realise that my company has no control over how people drive when on the public road, but its getting to be a little risky now and I would like some kind of recogntion that alot of us cycle to work and that cyclist that you didnt see or swore at could actually be a work colleague but I expect I'll get fobbed off as per usual.
The local council are aware of the double parking etc etc on the local estate and are in the process of putting double yellows down to stop people parking on the road, but the process takes ages...
Since its got dark I am feeling vulnerable a little bit, I have my bke well lit, my winter kit has reflective stripes all over it and my winter rain jacket is flourescent yellow.
I'm used to two wheels and heavy traffic, I've been commuting regularly for a while and I ride a motorbike to.
Not really sure what I wanted to say, so sorry for the ramble but wanted to get it off my chest...
Avoiding being knocked off whilst filtering past a driver who was steering with his knees whilst texting on his phone and even paying the slightest bit of attention to where he was going.
Avoiding being knocked off by a car driver who approached a major road from a minor, didnt bother to look to his right, didnt slow down for the junction, didnt see me at all and then did at the last minute, when I was already braking avoid him. Who locked up his wheels and slide across the giveway line on the road and when he did stop the front half of his car was across the give way line. The proceeded to call me a f*cking bastard as though it was my fault that he didnt look give way like he should have, perhaps if he had bothered to defrost his windows properly he might have seen me.
Had my bike reversed into in the cycle rack at work ,by somebody who doesnt know how long their Peugeot 406 estate is.
What makes this worse is that these are all people who's names I know, as I work in the same office as they do...
I've been and spoken to the site manager and asked for a proper bike shelter but I get the same old "I havent got any money for that" When I told him it was my winter hack so the odd scratch didnt bother me, he seemed OK, I told him that if that happend to my best bike I'd be spitting feathers about it. he said "I suppose I had better do someting about it"
I realise that my company has no control over how people drive when on the public road, but its getting to be a little risky now and I would like some kind of recogntion that alot of us cycle to work and that cyclist that you didnt see or swore at could actually be a work colleague but I expect I'll get fobbed off as per usual.
The local council are aware of the double parking etc etc on the local estate and are in the process of putting double yellows down to stop people parking on the road, but the process takes ages...
Since its got dark I am feeling vulnerable a little bit, I have my bke well lit, my winter kit has reflective stripes all over it and my winter rain jacket is flourescent yellow.
I'm used to two wheels and heavy traffic, I've been commuting regularly for a while and I ride a motorbike to.
Not really sure what I wanted to say, so sorry for the ramble but wanted to get it off my chest...
trying to figure why no matter how much i index my rear mech the chain still jumps occasionally, only to discover when i cleaned the bike the front chainrings where loose.
so my quick tip for the day always check bolt tightness on new bikes far more regularly than I do.
On wednesday I was mainly trying not to run over a suicidal squirrel that ran out from the trees 1/2 metre in front of the front wheel of my bike. I swear I was more scared than the squirrel.
BTW fizz with your luck at not being knocked off a lottery ticket might be a good idea, win retire and cycle away from the trafficSpeed demon by night.
Awake by day.0 -
.....not riding my bike enough because although I commute 6 times a week I still want to ride after college but I'm tired, it's dark and I have work to do."If we all had hardtails we'd all go down the hill, just slower"
Nick Larsen
Voodoo D-Jab Ti
Boardman Road Team 09
Boardman Urban Team 08
Falcon 3 Speed0 -
steve-t wrote:On wednesday I was mainly trying not to run over a suicidal squirrel that ran out from the trees 1/2 metre in front of the front wheel of my bike. I swear I was more scared than the squirrel.
I had a mate who chopped a squirrel in half, at the cost of a spoke, whilst riding to work.along the canal.
Singlespeeds in town rule.0 -
I have been mostly i) breeding maggots. :shock:
If you're interested, ask. If not, I'll be grateful.
ii) wishing I was on a bike, any bike, instead of chopping up liver, making sugar solution and swatting bluebottles.
This morning I took a couple of hours off and went for a ride with my other half along the old railway track. Had a clipless momentinto some choice mud. I looked well rugged on the way home.
This pm I was swatting bluebottles......Spring!
Singlespeeds in town rule.0 -
I had a mate who chopped a squirrel in half, at the cost of a spoke, whilst riding to work.along the canal.
You had a mate who paid to chop a squirrel in half!!!!! Thats just wrong even for such a low price.Had a clipless moment into some choice mud.
have you noticed you only have these when there are spectators or is that just me?Speed demon by night.
Awake by day.0 -
steve-t wrote:I had a mate who chopped a squirrel in half, at the cost of a spoke, whilst riding to work.along the canal.
You had a mate who paid to chop a squirrel in half!!!!! Thats just wrong even for such a low price.Had a clipless moment into some choice mud.
have you noticed you only have these when there are spectators or is that just me?
:oops: Only with an audience....
At a charidy ride last summer, a woman ran in front of me demanding to take my photo with my mates as we BEGAN the ride. I had no chance, went over and bent the hanger. The other dozen people who rolled up behind me/us, loved it. "Are you alright?" she warbled, laughing . "Of course", i replied, staring at the sky, "Anything for charity..."
At the END of the ride, a mate dithered over which turning to take and stopped suddenly. I was busy looking out for a passing 'family group' on their bikes and - oops - CM No 2.
Are you alright? they said, laughing.
I said nothing. :roll:Spring!
Singlespeeds in town rule.0 -
fizz wrote:What makes this worse is that these are all people who's names I know, as I work in the same office as they do...
Tell the guy who was texting on his phone while he was driving with his kness that next time you'll take a photo (with a cameraphone or whatever) and send it to the police. All the others just walk up to their desk and cause a scene, that's what I'd do anyway.0 -
fizz wrote:What makes this worse is that these are all people who's names I know, as I work in the same office as they do...
Tell the guy who was texting on his phone while he was driving with his kness that next time you'll take a photo (with a cameraphone or whatever) and send it to the police. All the others just walk up to their desk and cause a scene, that's what I'd do anyway.0 -
.....feeling very sorry for myself and being thoroughly miserable to Mrs Bagman. Put my back out and haven't been able to commute for 2 weeks and 1 day. Hoping to try again on thursday.0
I really want to know why Unclemalc was breeding maggots...
This week I was mainly being pleased at my increasing telepathy skills, having anticipated getting left-hooked in enough time to avoid it happening without any obvious signs to give it away - such as indicating.'07 Langster (dropped one tooth from standard gearing)
'07 Tricross Sport with rack and guards
STUNNING custom 953 Bob Jackson *sigh*0 -
JGS wrote:Tell the guy who was texting on his phone while he was driving with his kness that next time you'll take a photo
I went one better I via my own line manger have reported him to his line manager with the handy hint that If he's going to break the law and also breech company policy ( its in our handbook that company cars should be fitted with handsfree kits and if they are not the phone should not be used ) he didnt oughta do it in the road right outside his work place.
Havent heard anything back yet though so not holding out much hope...0 -
....buying new socks having forgotten to pack a pair this morning and not wanting to walk around the office with bare ankles :roll:0
Dude I have to go out and buy SHOES at lunchtime! I took my regular shoes home last week and forgot to bring in new ones, and my Specializeds are soaked from this morning's ride, sigh.0
...grumbling about how I'll only get to cycle one day and that day was yesterday...0
biondino wrote:Dude I have to go out and buy SHOES at lunchtime! I took my regular shoes home last week and forgot to bring in new ones, and my Specializeds are soaked from this morning's ride, sigh.
You should have gotten up earlier - it was crisp and dry when I sailed over Col de Putney at 0645 this morning 8)
Looking like a nice ride home this evening; the wind is blowing in roughly the right direction.0 -
0645! I only went to sleep at 0330(insomnia rather than partying) so thank god I didn't have to. 0930 suits me just fine thanks
Also, I have some brand new shoes thanks to my soaking speshes!0 -
biondino wrote:0645! I only went to sleep at 0330(insomnia rather than partying) so thank god I didn't have to. 0930 suits me just fine thanks
Also, I have some brand new shoes thanks to my soaking speshes!
Do the wooden question marks on the soles make walking problematic? The things that people will do in the name of fashion....0 -