How safe is your job?



  • I'm freelance. What I've noticed is a drop off in work from smaller sized clients but the work from the big international companies is the same as ever.

    I've also been careful over the 5 years I've been self-employed so have enough instant access savings to last me through a lengthy non-earning period. Basically resisting the temptation to purchase new bikes every year and go on multiple foreign cycling trips helps -- it all adds up.

    So long as I have work from at least 3 different companies it's not too bad -- it's when you find yourself dependent on one major client that you're heading for trouble. A bit like girlfriends. :twisted:
  • Mithras
    Mithras Posts: 428
    andyp wrote:
    Given how useless the old bill seem to be in catching bike theives maybe a few redundancies would shake them out of their doughnut eating complacency?

    :roll: doughnuts :roll:

    I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I I wil not bite.wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite. wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I I wil not bite.wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite. wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I I wil not bite.wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite.I wil not bite. :wink:
    I can afford to talk softly!....................I carry a big stick!
  • toshmund
    toshmund Posts: 390
    :roll: doughnuts :roll:

    I wil not bite.

    You would do if you were one of those Community Support jobbies...they all seem to be rotundal little short-arses around here...
  • Mithras
    Mithras Posts: 428
    Toshmund wrote:
    :roll: doughnuts :roll:

    I wil not bite.

    You would do if you were one of those Community Support jobbies...they all seem to be rotundal little short-arses around here...

    Toshmund that is a horrible generalisation, I have to stand in support of my PCSO colleagues and challenge that remark. I know of at least, um, one, no two, yes TWO that aren't rotund little short arses!
    I can afford to talk softly!....................I carry a big stick!
  • I'm a mortgage broker running my own business, so things have been a little tight for a while now :cry: I've had to cut right back on bike stuff and had to stop funding my son's Downhill racing for this year - £65 for 1 day's practice and 1 day racing!!!

    The missus works for an estate agent and things have been extremely quite there since last Autumn. It is a shame that the Bank of England concentrated too much on inflation without seeing the real danger. Still better late than never??

    On the point of community policemen, around these parts a lot of them patrol on mountain bikes. Now how do you get a job like that............
  • neeb
    neeb Posts: 4,473
    I'm a postdoc researcher in a particularly obscure area of biology so am always searching for the next 2 - 3 year position and writing funding proposals. Fortunately no ties and no family to support. Doubtless the current situation will affect funding but it will probably take a while to filter down to the various funding bodies, and maybe I can get my next job before then...

    I'm just glad I used the unusually generous (for academia) salary for my current position to buy a really good bike(s) (amongst other things) rather than saving sensibly, as I'll still be able to ride the bike come what may. :) That was one reason for choosing Ti.

    Maybe by the time I'm 50 I'll have a "permanent" job and will be able to start worrying about losing it. :wink:
  • drewfromrisca
    drewfromrisca Posts: 1,165
    edited November 2008
    On the point of community policemen, around these parts a lot of them patrol on mountain bikes. Now how do you get a job like that............[/quote]

    Content deleted
    There is never redemption, any fool can regret yesterday...

    Be Pure! Be Vigilant! Behave!
  • nwallace
    nwallace Posts: 1,465
    downfader wrote:
    I work in the nhs (catering) and its been over our heads for years, probably since I started 13 or so years ago. Constantly told "no money mate" and about staff cutbacks, etc.. You just get used to it.

    eHealth budget has been cut but we are still expanding! A fair bit of money comes from non-NHS sources though which may be hit worse as many are charities.
    Permanent contract and being there over 2 years means if the No Redundancy policy still exists I would land on deferment. Wouldn't mind some other interesting job in the place, same pay different job :-)
    Do Nellyphants count?

    Commuter: FCN 9
    Cheapo Roadie: FCN 5
    Off Road: FCN 11

    +1 when I don't get round to shaving for x days
  • I used to work in finance for about 7 years and it made me a very unpleasant person. when they announced job losses in december 07, I put my name down to go voluntarily.
    i got a temp job at a brokers, anyway they kept me on, but like all things they are mentioning job losses. i just go in do my job each day. it may not happen, if it does well, i deal with it like i always have done.
    "the toe is the achilles' heel of the foot."
    Ron Jaworski, Sky Sports
  • I work in the automotive sector making fuel injection kit for trucks and we've just been put on a reduced working week until the start of February, when things will be reviewed again. So it's probably redundancies in February then, although I should be ok as it's generally volunteers first then LIFO.
  • I'm a 999 operator for cable and wireless, who have just announced that they will not be following in the footsteps of BT by cutting jobs. There will always be emergencies, thank god.
    NS Surge custom build
    Specialized Big Hit 2 FSR
    Specialized Rockhopper to get the shopping done

    Look out gran, I'm feeling horny again!
  • akcc05
    akcc05 Posts: 336
    A former classmate graduated with a bachelor degree last summer and went off to Lehman Brothers, poor girl worked there for less than 2 months and got made redundant (if you can call it that!), don't know what she is up to now though. She probably had the best paid job out of the entire graduating class, unfortunately she was also the first to lose it.

    I'm doing my final year to get my masters and my parents have enough to get me through so there is nothing to worry about at the moment. Fortunately I really enjoy doing research so I will most likely do a PhD back in the states, the salary should be reasonable and is tax-free. At least I will be set for the next 5 years or so.
  • Mithras
    Mithras Posts: 428
    On the point of community policemen, around these parts a lot of them patrol on mountain bikes. Now how do you get a job like that............

    Bikefotos, trust me you don't want that job anyway!!! Why do you think they call them plastic pigs!?!?!? And as for the bikes...well the ones we use are made by Smith & Wesson :shock: no joke!!! They are shocking!!![/quote]

    Bikefoto's, apply. Met are recruiting at the moment as far as I am aware.
    The Smith & Wessons aren't as bad as people make out, they are on a par with every other £350 bike on the market, but then who cares if you are getting paid to ride a bike for a living.
    I love my 3 year old Claude Butler Rock and can't wait to get my Trek next year!
    I can afford to talk softly!....................I carry a big stick!
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,288
    I work as a financial controller in the automotive market, whilst sales are below budget by a reasonable percentage, we are slightly ahead of last year, just a shame our costs have risen so much!

    Currently I think we will be ok, just missing the wifes salary who is now looking after the kids (not today - spa day :()

    Biggest thing is having a large mortgage............... thats fixed!
  • I'm a lawyer specilaising in Housing Law. My particular area is OK for now and instructions do not seem to have dropped off. However, most of the claims are funded by legal aid so there is very little chance of this area being affected.

    I do have friends in the Conveyancing department who have been made redundant and there are further redundancies to be made.

    My girlfriend worked for an estate agency and she was made redundant. Thankfully she found a job within 3 weeks of being made redundant so I only had to fund her living for one month otherwise we would have been in real financial trouble.

    We're both only 25 so we have very little in the way of savings.

    It's a very scary environment for everyone and puts life into perspective.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • I am in the RAF and train people prior to deployment to Afghanistan and Iraq
    sadly we are very busy!
    not safe as in Work practice :shock:
    but very safe as in security and prospects!
    De-Kerf Singlespeed
    Giant OCR (for sale!)
    Colnago master Pui- mid life crisis!
  • My job went out the window in April.
    Transport & Logistics is not the place to be currently.
    Remember that you are an Englishman and thus have won first prize in the lottery of life.
  • fnb1
    fnb1 Posts: 591
    sorry to hear that, Transport and Logsitcs is my field and we have just completed our year end on a record profit.

    Forecasting a little tighter for next year, maybe up to 8 % down on turnover, but we have a few new business wins pending implementation so they should counter the forecast downturn.

    Meantime we are just planning tight, we have cut out a few vehciles here and there but generally are keeping the workforce up (other than an occasional lost through natural wasteage) as our workforce experience and ability is key to our service and good service wins and keeps business, vital in challenging times!!

    May even be recruiting for one of the new contracts that is coming, pending on which implementatation is chosen by us (as in client and us)

    Not all bad news out here, just need to tighten up any slack and keep performance and efficiency high!

    Hopefully! :roll:
    fay ce que voudres
  • drewfromrisca
    drewfromrisca Posts: 1,165
    edited November 2008
    Content deleted.
    There is never redemption, any fool can regret yesterday...

    Be Pure! Be Vigilant! Behave!
  • With regard to the stolen bikes, the Scott CR1 was mine, just PM me for a delivery address. Cheers