This DAMNED weather !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JimmyK Posts: 712
edited November 2008 in The bottom bracket
Over here in N.Ireland , the cycling conditions are just the worst.

45 mph winds, driving rain and the daylight running out at around 4.15pm. I went out on saturday past and a lowly 35 miler nearly wrecked me. I got soaked and a chill from the combination of low temperatures and wind chill . I just wish single figure windspeeds and dry conditions would avail .....and soon . How`s the biking conditions on your side of the fence ?



  • maddog 2
    maddog 2 Posts: 8,114
    No, it's rotten here too.

    am I getting more sensitive to it as I get older or is the weather getting a lot worse?
    Facts are meaningless, you can use facts to prove anything that's remotely true! - Homer
  • Slow Downcp
    Slow Downcp Posts: 3,041
    I don't mind the cold, or the rain - just wish the wind would stop :evil:
    Carlsberg don't make cycle clothing, but if they did it would probably still not be as good as Assos
  • meagain
    meagain Posts: 2,331
    Not nice - and seem to be few even short interludes of "not too bad".
    Judging by number of times I've taken the PTW out, last 3-4 weeks have been longest period of rain/wet roads for at least two years.
    And the Trent is close to over-flowing....
    "Cancel my subscription to the resurrection."
  • Went out on Saturday for a nice 50 miler on the east coast of Scotland....The ride out was lovely.....averaging around 23mph without too much effort...I found out why on my way back....seems I had a bit of help from a tailwind which turned into a brutal headwind on the 25 back....I only averaged about 14mph on the way was a killer but at least it was dry.
    17 Stone down to 12.5 now raring to get back on the bike!
  • Not too bad down south.
    Sunday we did 50 miles in the Chilterns, roads wet and a bit windier than I would have liked, but overall no problems at all.

    Tomorrow should be a super day... it's good I have the morning off :lol:
    left the forum March 2023
  • robbarker
    robbarker Posts: 1,367
    It's gorgeous here in Wales!
  • same as you just wetter and slightly earlier and probably slightly windier (donegal town, co. donegal) got out saturday morning and only got soaked for half the ride
    turbo trainer rest of time
  • LOL...would love to own a turbo but can't justify it to the wife at the room to put it for a start!
    I just have to go out in all weathers or sit around and get fat....not a hard choice for me.
    17 Stone down to 12.5 now raring to get back on the bike!
  • Slow Downcp
    Slow Downcp Posts: 3,041
    fuzzynavel wrote:
    LOL...would love to own a turbo but can't justify it to the wife at the room to put it for a start!
    I just have to go out in all weathers or sit around and get fat....not a hard choice for me.

    I have a turbo trainer and hate it - would rather be out in the rain.
    Carlsberg don't make cycle clothing, but if they did it would probably still not be as good as Assos
  • JimmyK
    JimmyK Posts: 712
    same as you just wetter and slightly earlier and probably slightly windier (donegal town, co. donegal) got out saturday morning and only got soaked for half the ride
    turbo trainer rest of time

    there is atrocious weather and there is atrocious donegal weather , you have my deepest sympathies mate. 45 mph wind is probably just a mild breeze to donegal folk.

  • Garry H
    Garry H Posts: 6,639
    fuzzynavel wrote:
    Went out on Saturday for a nice 50 miler on the east coast of Scotland....The ride out was lovely.....averaging around 23mph without too much effort...I found out why on my way back....seems I had a bit of help from a tailwind which turned into a brutal headwind on the 25 back....I only averaged about 14mph on the way was a killer but at least it was dry.

    Ha! Wrong choice of route. Went on the "Two Bridges" ride and there was barely any wind to contend with.
  • markos1963
    markos1963 Posts: 3,724
    Heavy winds on sundays ride and nowhere to hide here in Norfolk, although we had a tailwind on the way back and was hitting 35mph on the flat!
  • Garry H wrote:
    fuzzynavel wrote:
    Went out on Saturday for a nice 50 miler on the east coast of Scotland....The ride out was lovely.....averaging around 23mph without too much effort...I found out why on my way back....seems I had a bit of help from a tailwind which turned into a brutal headwind on the 25 back....I only averaged about 14mph on the way was a killer but at least it was dry.

    Ha! Wrong choice of route. Went on the "Two Bridges" ride and there was barely any wind to contend with.

    I meant Sunday...I was in glasgow on saturday!
    17 Stone down to 12.5 now raring to get back on the bike!
  • I live down in Dorset. Its been pretty attrocious but the winds don't sound quite as strong as some places.
    I was going down a little road in the dark on the way home yesterday, before I knew it I was up to my knees in water, and had to "scooter" my way out for about 40 metres. 2 more lesser floods before reaching the safety of home, one was flowing and shared with rats.

    I kind of remember summer being the same but lighter.....
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    robbarker wrote:
    It's gorgeous here in Wales!
    Liar! : :roll:
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • a_n_t
    a_n_t Posts: 2,011
    Manchester wheelers

    10m 20:21 2014
    25m 53:18 20:13
    50m 1:57:12 2013
    100m Yeah right.
  • I don't mind the cold, or the rain - just wish the wind would stop :evil:

    I cant agree more! I hate the wind...mainly because the number of times I almost got blown across the road in front of a lorry! I live in Brighton and the coastal wind here is 'challenging' to put it mildly. As for bad weather in general...there is no such thing...there is only bad clothing!

    Ride Hard..Fall off!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    fuzzynavel wrote:
    Went out on Saturday for a nice 50 miler on the east coast of Scotland....The ride out was lovely.....averaging around 23mph without too much effort...I found out why on my way back....seems I had a bit of help from a tailwind which turned into a brutal headwind on the 25 back....I only averaged about 14mph on the way was a killer but at least it was dry.

    That makes me feel better about headwinds as I'm not as fast as you so I see even headwinds bring the best of riders to a standstill :p

    23mph average though? was it all flat and tailwind constantly?
  • mididoctors
    mididoctors Posts: 19,073
    sunday was a tad windy
    "If I was a 38 year old man, I definitely wouldn't be riding a bright yellow bike with Hello Kitty disc wheels, put it that way. What we're witnessing here is the world's most high profile mid-life crisis" Afx237vi Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:43 pm
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    The forecast is pretty good for tomorrow.It`s a good day to be unemployed :lol:
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • Respect to those pilgrims on the A628 and A629 on Sunday morning in those elements - I was having enough trouble in the (sshhh...) CAR....
    Those 2 roads look like a good workout on a nice Sunday...

    Anyway - I give in. Dark evenings, busy weekends and shi-ty weather meant I bought a turbo. Ordered Tuesday @ ~ 11-30 am and it arrived this morning @ 10-30.
    I cannot complain. Thank you Wiggle.
    Singlespeeds in town rule.
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    You`ll hate it.
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • antfly wrote:
    You`ll hate it.

    I know - I used to have a similar thing some years back and I hated it. Its like swimming the pool - you can get out whenever you want and its so boring, but, it did the job over the winter.
    Thank you the inventor of Mp3 players.....
    Singlespeeds in town rule.
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    Cycling without moving,it`s just soul destroying.
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • antfly wrote:
    You`ll hate it.

    Although watching back my weekend rides with this little bad boy takes some of the pain away...
  • W5454
    W5454 Posts: 133
    Today's weather was more like a spring day,blue sky and no breeze.
    Rode to Skipton and back - 54 glorious miles. :)
  • willhub wrote:
    fuzzynavel wrote:
    Went out on Saturday for a nice 50 miler on the east coast of Scotland....The ride out was lovely.....averaging around 23mph without too much effort...I found out why on my way back....seems I had a bit of help from a tailwind which turned into a brutal headwind on the 25 back....I only averaged about 14mph on the way was a killer but at least it was dry.

    That makes me feel better about headwinds as I'm not as fast as you so I see even headwinds bring the best of riders to a standstill :p

    23mph average though? was it all flat and tailwind constantly?

    It was major hills. I hit 33 mph on the flat at one point....Damn I felt good that day.
    17 Stone down to 12.5 now raring to get back on the bike!