what size frame?

windypants Posts: 71
edited November 2008 in Road beginners
Im thinking of building a winter bike using a Kinesis TK frame. I am 5' 9"- 5' 10" in height and thought a 54 would be right.


  • Check the geometry on wat you are riding. Find the geometry for the kinesis on the interweb compare the two - heh presto!
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    It's really hard to judge what frame size from height alone.

    Just to make the point - I'm 5'6" (only just measured my height - didn't realise I was such a short arse), but have an inside leg of 31" and I ride 54cm bikes with 11cm stems.
    I like bikes...

  • I've just finished building up a Racelight T to replace my Anbrosio Guido.

    The mistake I made with the Guido was to order a frame that was the same size as my summer bike (54cm) and assume it would fit. I had no end of problems finding a comfortable position. I always felt that I was too stretched and ended up with a 50mm stem. Apparently winter frames are a little longer than summer frames because they have to accomodate mudguards.

    When I went for the Kinesis I measured the top tube length of my summer bike and sized my new frame accordingly. My summer bike is a 54cm and my Racelight is a 51cm. Both have top tube lengths of 54cm (give or take a couple of mm) and both feel spot on.

    If you have any queries try giving Fraser at shinybikes.com a bell. He was very helpful when I got my Racelight T and he saved me a pretty packet!! :D
    He who dies with the most toys wins!
  • hopper1
    hopper1 Posts: 4,389
    It's really hard to judge what frame size from height alone.

    Just to make the point - I'm 5'6" (only just measured my height - didn't realise I was such a short ars*), but have an inside leg of 31" and I ride 54cm bikes with 11cm stems.
    To help emphasise your point on frame sizes redddraggon, I'm 5' 8" (5' 7½" :oops: ) with 30" inside leg and ride a 51cm frame with 11cm stem!
    That's the reason I didn't just jump on the Planet X SL Pro carbon 'deal'!
    Best to get a proper fit, even if it costs more.
    Having calmed down from the rush of the Planet X, I'm not so sure it's the absolute bargain it appears to be........................... :?
    Start with a budget, finish with a mortgage!
  • Nuggs
    Nuggs Posts: 1,804
    It's so much easier when you're 6'5" - just order the largest frame available! :)
  • I ordered a Kinesis frame last year (and am very happy with it) on-line having not seen it first.

    I'm 6'1 with long legs and went for a 54cm 'compact' - (my previous 'straight top tube' frame was a 58cm)
    I'd measure based purely on the effective top tube length.

    I thought that the frame that fitted my legs on their sizing chart was going to be too long for me.
    Happy with what I got - just have more post out!

    If you email Kinesis/Upgrade bikes they've (Dom's) always been very helpful.
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    I too am 5'6" with a 31" inside leg. Got sized for a TK at Epic. The 54 felt too stretched out so I now have a 51 with a 9cm stem. Hard to say if the 54 would suit you.
  • morrisje
    morrisje Posts: 507
    I'm 5' 11' and have the 57cm TK with a 11cm stem and a laid back seat post. The virtual horizontal top tube is 57cm.

    It fits perfectly with a reasonably stretched position. I reckon that at 5'9'' the 54cm frame would be fine. You may perhaps need a 12cm stem.
  • meagain
    meagain Posts: 2,331
    "It fits perfectly with a reasonably stretched position."

    But for some (many?) folk "a ...stretched position" would mean by definition that it was completely the "wrong" fit - me included!
    "Cancel my subscription to the resurrection."
  • Just don't listen to much to those sites which you type your details in and they give you a size, was well out with me, suggested 58cm frame for the raciest position and then even bigger for other positions in reality i have a 54cm frame with 130 stem and a 57 cm frame witha 140 stem and the 57 feels far to big, it wibbles when at speed so i'm guna chhange the stem......eventually.
  • I have the very same dilemma Windypants. In december I am ordering a racelight tk throught my work BTW scheme. I am 5ft 8ins with a 32 ins inside leg and am opting for a 51cm frame after lots of email conversations with upgrade bikes

    "Cycling is like a church - many attend, but few understand."
    http://www.flickr.com/photos/trevtherev ... 338579801/
  • just a thought :roll: has anyone 5ft 8ins in height with a 32ins inside leg been measured professionally for a racelight tk frame.....what was the result?...did you find the 51cm the correct fit? I'm still tempted before I order the bike to visit Epic (bit of a trip from Bristol) pretend I will buy the bike from them....and then use their expertise to get an exact frame size. Unfortunately I can only acquire my BTW via Cycle Solutions in Swansea...otherwise I would buy from Epic

    "Cycling is like a church - many attend, but few understand."
    http://www.flickr.com/photos/trevtherev ... 338579801/
  • I am 6ft 1in (185.4 cm) and have an inside crotch to floor measurement of 34.5 in (88cm).
    When looking on the internet charts and particularly the Van Nicholas one, as I was considering an Amazon, they all suggested a 58cm frame.

    I had a fitting done with Paul Hewitt and ended up with a 60cm frame. It is not all about height and leg length. It is about getting the correct position. I apparently have particularly long arms and a short torso!!. (I know some of you will be imagining a gorilla )

    The correct position can be achieved on frames of different sizes but other components have to vary to compensate ie seat stem height, handlebar stem. If you vary too much from the correct frame size the bike starts to look out of proportion even though it may fit perfectly.
  • :o I was very tempted to just order a 54cm Tk frame from Wiggle. Im glad i went back to my LBS where he has put me on a 57cm Tk! Im sure he knows his trade and for peace of mind i dont mind paying a bit more than internet prices.