Doing Etape 2009 and need to buy a bike - dilema?

howlingwind Posts: 2
edited November 2008 in Road beginners
Hello all

New to all this been roped into yet another challenge that looks a little scary!!

Do i buy a triple or a compact?

if triple why?

If compact why?

Compact I have identified this Kiron Scandium 2009 Road Bike ... 360037396/ as what seems to be a good buy anyone agree or have other options?
But Triple have no idea budget £1000 any suggestions welcome




  • John.T
    John.T Posts: 3,698
    How fit are you, how old and how much experience on a bike. If young (ish) and fairly fit a compact would be OK. It is less complicated to use than a triple, is slightly lighter and some would say looks better. I would recomend a cassette change to 12/27.

    A triple would give a wider range of gears but using the same 12/27 cassette would just offer one lower gear and one higher. You would probably never use the higher one. Probably spend nearly all your time on the middle ring.

    The Kiron looks good but have a look in shops to get some idea of size and fit. You may also find some bargains. Buying at a local bike shop (LBS) gives you some fall back if things go wrong.

    The 2009 Etape is one of the easiest for some years with only one major climb but it is a major climb. Do not treat it lightly. The main difficulies start with about 16K to go. The next 10K hardly drops below 10% and reaches 13%. The top 6K are very exposed to wind and the weather can be anything from boiling hot to 1deg, with a howling gale and snow flurries. (I had the latter). Many hills in the UK are steeper but they do not go on as long so get plenty of miles in and ride lots of hills. UK sportives are good practice for riding this type of event as the sheer number of riders can be unnerving. Great fun though.