Preparing for a 150 Mile race w/ Polar Pro Training Software

Brocade Posts: 433
edited October 2008 in Road beginners
Hi folks,

I just started cycling and am preparing for a 150mile event next summer. I have never road raced before. Finishing is my main objective, not winning. I can train 4 days a week, not great, but such is the reality of my situation. I would rate myself at 30-40% fitness right now, in terms of where I am relative to my realistically achievable potential.

I would apprecite some practical advice:
- has anyone used the Polar Pro Training software to train for such an event ? It came with a CS400 I bought with my bike.
- any book recommendations ?
- website recommendations to help me train ?

I have already had v02 max/rmr/hr tests, so I have an idea of where my lactate tresholds, max hr etc. are.

BMC Pro Machine
Enigma Ego


  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    I presume that when you say "race" you mean a sportive rather than a true road race? (Sportives are not races, at least, not the ones in the UK).

    The main thing you'll need to complete the event is endurance, and plenty of it. You'll therefore need to gradually* build up your mileage so that you can comfortably complete a ride of around 80% of your target event distance over similar terrain in the month before your event.

    * - The normal recommendation is to increase your weekly mileage by no more than 10% each week to avoid pusshing yourself too far too soon.
  • Brocade
    Brocade Posts: 433
    Very useful advice, thanks.

    As I am new to cycling (coming from a rowing background where the race only lasts 5.5 minutes), I definitely need to change. I am used to short bursts and need to get used to long endurance.
    BMC Pro Machine
    Enigma Ego
  • when you are confident,

    try and join a local club and get out on some club runs, It'll teach you how to ride in a group, also you'll learn tfrom their expereiece and have some fun
  • Brocade
    Brocade Posts: 433
    Great idea ! Where do I find a list of clubs ?
    BMC Pro Machine
    Enigma Ego
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Just a word of advice. Don't underestimate how far 150 miles is and how long it takes
    to ride this kind of distance. The last time I rode more than 100 miles in any one day was
    when I was still a PUP, so to speak. I think you'll find that in talking with cyclists that most of them will tell you that at 100 miles they are ready to call it a day. I know I am.
    100 milers are a good challenge and great training, but add another 50 and it will definitely
    start to turn into a long grind. Good luck. Try to put in as much saddle time as you can and
    ride long. I wouldn't worry too much about computers and software. You need to put in mileage on a bike. What they used to call LSD training(long slow distance).

    Dennis Noward
  • Brocade
    Brocade Posts: 433
    Many thanks. Great advice.
    BMC Pro Machine
    Enigma Ego