GET SOME LIGHTS - Less than one Week before Clocks Go Back



  • linsen
    linsen Posts: 1,959
    Best go the long way then

    You can then change your tagline to "skinny cyclists need your love too" :wink:
    Emerging from under a big black cloud. All help welcome
  • peejay78
    peejay78 Posts: 3,378
    i kind of get obsessed with lights. now runnign hope vision1, super bright cateye and flashing thingy.

    scares people on the country roads.
  • psutton
    psutton Posts: 206
    Nobody's mentioned Dinotte lights! I get around 21/2 hours of ultra bright LED from 4 rechargeable batteries. Pricey - yes - but undoubtedly the best piece of kit I've bought for my bike! Even the "get you home" low settting is brighter than many other things out there.
  • daniel_b
    daniel_b Posts: 12,154
    AYUP's all the way for me :D

    Plus another couple of cheapies either side of them on the handlebars, one on fixed, and one on flashing, or both on flashing.

    Tempted by the Tesco torches for a tenner, and getting some Fenix (or style) mounts - was wondering if there was a way (On bikes that have bolts on the fork legs) if you could utilise these and have a torch on each fork leg - clearly the mount would have to be fully adjustable, as otherwise they would be pointing skywards, but in addition to the bar mounted setup, it would give you a nice low light source, and could point further ahead and have less chance of dazzling.

    Currently just have a Cateye rear Tlu1100 or some such similar, not very bright though, have given the Smart to my gf as her commute is more dangerous.

    Two blackburn Mars 4's on order, hope to get them beginning of November, and if they are anything like as good as the revies and recommendations I have seen, the back should be nicely lit up as well 8)

    Felt F70 05 (Turbo)
    Marin Palisades Trail 91 and 06
    Scott CR1 SL 12
    Cannondale Synapse Adventure 15 & 16 Di2
    Scott Foil 18
  • linsen
    linsen Posts: 1,959
    Dan I have just checked and the mount for the fenix fits nice and snugly on the fork, as it's a bit rubbery, but it does point upwards somewhat. Not sure just how adjustable it would need to be to point down...
    Emerging from under a big black cloud. All help welcome
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Psutton - I have the dinotte - but my Fenix outperforms it - 1/3 of the price. Half the batteries - all in one package. The Dinotte was good - but the Fenix is much better.

    I wouldnt put lights on the forks though - I've seen mounts slip and go into the front wheel in the past.

    Bar mounts are fine and you can put them on your helmet with rubber band/hairband/ziptie etc etc
  • Surf-Matt wrote:
    I'm actually using disposable Energisers at the moment - have a HUGE number of them from a while back. They actually perform better (short term) than rechargeables for things like lights.

    Your batteries have a very low mAh rating - have you tried the new Hybrio batteries? Rated at 2100mAh and come ready charged with almost no self discharge and bang on for light use. You can get up to 2900mAh rechargeables but the higher the rating, the faster the "self discharge" (charge lost when not in use). Easy to use the wrong batteries that may have been "fried" by an overly basic charger.

    Once I run out of disposables, I'm getting those Hybrios and a Technoline BL-700 charger - seem to both work a treat.

    Thanks for the recommendation. Finally got round to getting some Hybrios and the higher rating definitely makes a difference on the Hope Vision 1. Much better. I'd still not ride without a helmet-mounted spot too, but for the money now it's a much better bit of kit. :)