Campagnolo warnings

58585 Posts: 207
edited October 2008 in Workshop
OK, the old "incorrect installation can lead to death" is one thing, but I just noticed the warning on the campagnolo website for the bottlecage instruction sheets:
"Stop your bicycle in a safe place before attempting to remove your bottle from the holder or beginning to drink ".


  • We live in a pretty sad age when that warning is legally required. :(
  • I think the Campag warnings are aimed more at the North American market
    Recipe: shave legs sparingly, rub in embrocation and drizzle with freshly squeezed baby oil.
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Sadly, if those words weren't there, then some dumass who faceplants trying to retrieve his bottle will get his lawyer onto the case. The same goes for the lawyer tabs on the ends of the forks.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..