Wow my first road bike ride

Horton Posts: 327
edited October 2008 in Road beginners
You will find it hard on your neck for the first few rides. I'm guessing you're wearing the same helmet you use for MTBing, if so removing the visor (if it's a clip on job) might help as you won't have anything obscuring your vision. Give it a few rides and see how you go, but if it still hurts/aches, then rather than lowering your saddle, try either raising the stem (if you have a spacer above the stem, put it below) or getting a new stem with a higher rise. It won't look quite as "pro-roady" but it could keep you out on the road rather than on the sofa.

I'm a mountain biker with a road bike so I know what you're going through - I find stretching helps as well - looking left to right then trying to push my chin into my chest.

Happy birthday by the way :D


  • JGS
    JGS Posts: 180
    Don't over do it though, spend a bit of time on th drops. It'll ease you into the lower riding position compared to a mtb without killing your neck.
  • 2 nurofen before riding usually works for me. But gently moving my head to look from one side to the other does help if my neck starts to stiffen whilst out

    Happy birthday -it's mine today too!

    Not lost, just exploring...
  • you just need to let your body get used to a different riding position i used to hate going on the drops for more than a few hundred yards at a time but this year ive spent gradually more and more time on them and now spend more time on them than on the tops and if i get a stiff neck i just sit up for a bit and move my head around to relieve it,but that doesnt happen much , if the bikes the right size for you it should be possible to adjust the seat , stem and bar position so that neck pain shouldnt be a problem